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Knock Out (Prime)

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The name or term "Knockout" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Knockout (disambiguation).
Knock Out is a Decepticon and later Autobot from the Prime portion of the Aligned continuity family.
I'm super, thanks for asking.

Sure, other Decepticons may scoff at his decision to go with a land-based alternate mode, but Knock Out couldn't care less. He knows the value of looking good and isn't afraid to let others know it. It's not simply his own lines he's interested in; he has an appreciation for well-built mechanical bodyforms of all sizes and functions... and a nasty penchant for tearing them apart after he's done admiring them. Slick, sly and snobbish, he's the Decepticons' medic, though he professes both a preference and proficiency for dis-assembly. However, his medical skill has kept him in high demand; he's even performed vital and experimental surgeries on Megatron.

While not entirely a coward, Knock Out also knows a good thing or two about self-preservation. When the going gets tough, Knock Out gets going–the opposite direction. He has no qualms with abandoning ship if only to save his hide, even if it means betraying a comatose leader or deserting altogether. He doesn't get the most respect on the Nemesis, either. Show him some kindness, and hey, maybe he'll stick by your side.

Both in the operation room and on the battlefield, Knock Out typically works with his brutish partner Breakdown. Knock Out is the speedster of the duo, swiftly striking his victim's vulnerables with his Energon prod in debilitating sneak attacks while Breakdown goes the "massive smackdown" route with his raw power.

I'm not only an automobile; I'm an automobile enthusiast.Knock Out explains to Starscream why he took his alternate mode, "Speed Metal"



Cartoon continuity

Prime cartoon

Voice actor: Daran Norris (English), Ernie Hudson (BotCon 2011), Yasunori Masutani (Japanese), Hu Qian (Chinese), Alexander Kovriznyh (Russian), Diego Sabre (Italian), Stephan Rabow (German), Olivier Cuvellier (French), Milton Wolch (Latin American Spanish), César Díaz Capilla (Castilian Spanish), Juan Navarro Torelló (Castilian Spanish, "Predacons Rising"), Do-hyeong Nam (Korean), Marco Aurélio Campos (Portuguese), Kimmo Härmä (Finnish)
"Prepare for valmorification!"

Starscream called Knock Out and Breakdown to the Nemesis to help fix Megatron. As they were on an energon trail at the time, only Knock Out initially turned up at the ship, and he was shocked at Megatron's condition. When Breakdown did join them, it was with news that he'd discovered an Energon Harvester was on Earth. As the Autobots had already surrounded the museum the device was in, Knock Out and Breakdown organized a diversion at the front of the building. During the fight, Knock Out attacked Optimus Prime with his prod, but was flattened by Bulkhead after the Autobot was punched by Breakdown. The two Decepticons sped off into the city after they saw that Soundwave had captured the Harvester. Knock Out subsequently accompanied Starscream and Breakdown to an energon seam in Greece. He and Breakdown got the opportunity to fight Bulkhead again, but came off decidedly second-best, and they both fled after the Harvester was destroyed and the other Autobots turned up. Deus ex Machina

The 2011 Stryker-Z.

Knock Out took to engaging in street racing with the humans. On one occasion, a hapless human who scratched his paint job was run off the road by the Decepticon. Despite Starscream's disapproval of his participation in such events, Knock Out continued to cruise around, looking for action, and was eventually drawn to a street race near Jasper. After the race started, he realized that one of the other cars taking part was Bumblebee and attacked the Autobot. He ended up grabbing what he assumed was Bumblebee's human pal, but was actually an unrelated human named Vince. Making off, he contacted Breakdown and they attempted to spring an ambush on the three Autobots who came to rescue the boy, but after Arcee jumped on him, he decided to withdraw to avoid any more damage to his finish. Unfortunately he was caught by Optimus Prime, who ripped his door off while rescuing Vince. Faced with four Autobots, Knock Out fled back to the Nemesis only to face a very angry Starscream, who put a few more scratches in his finish. Speed Metal

Starscream offered him a position as second-in-command if he helped convince Soundwave that they needed to humanely terminate Megatron. Knock Out tried his best, pointing out that the brain activity Megatron was displaying just meant their leader was in a dream state from which he might never wake up. Soundwave remained unconvinced, and after an Autobot incursion severed Megatron's life support, Knock Out was forced to reconnect it. The medic later reported to Starscream that, though Megatron's body lived on, his brain activity had ceased. Sick Mind

"But he came aboard the bow, my Lord!"

He found Starscream in the middle of making a speech to Megatron's body and reminded Starscream of his rank. During the enacting of Starscream's new plan, Knock Out stood atop the ship's back, watching as a Vehicon activated a heat ray to melt a glacier. He ordered Breakdown to take care of Bulkhead and Arcee when the two Autobots turned up, but failed to notice Optimus approaching the ship from behind. The Autobot subsequently caused the heat ray to explode. Out of His Head

With his tenure as second-in-command over, Knock Out went back to his original post as medic. Following Starscream's... "treatment" at the hands of Megatron, Knock Out administered whatever passed for Decepticon medical care. He was surprised to see the patient up and about, thought Starscream claimed to be fine. Some time later, Starscream was back in the infirmary minus an arm, which he claimed had just fallen off. Knock Out tried to interest him in a new, upgraded limb, even going so far as to fetch one from storage, but Starscream announced he was going to get his old one back. He subsequently turned up back at the infirmary with even worse damage, but despite Knock Out's inquiries into what had happened, Starscream refused to talk about it. Shadowzone

You ruined my paint job, DINKLEBERG!!

Knock Out and Breakdown led a squadron of Vehicons to recover a Cybertronian data cylinder that had been uncovered on Earth, ending up in a pitched battle against the Autobots. The cylinder somehow incapacitated Bulkhead, the closest defender, allowing Knock Out to scoop up the prize then GroundBridge back to the Nemesis. Unfortunately for the pair, the "incapacitation" was the data within the cylinder being expelled, leaving them with an empty prize and an unhappy Megatron. They quickly deduced that the information was within the Autobot's brain. Knock Out and Breakdown tracked Bulkhead to a monster truck arena, where Miko had taken him in the hopes of triggering increasingly lost memories from the Autobot. Bulkhead and the human fled, but Knock Out easily found them with an energy reader to pinpoint the Autobot. Amusement turned to horror when Bulkhead painted a Cybertronian mathematical symbol on Knockout, ruining his paint job. Bulkhead was quickly downed, and Knock Out prepared his buzzsaw to remove his head. Miko tried to take a swing at Knock Out and missed... instead slamming into Bulkhead bodily, which triggered the data's self-defense routines again, and the data beamed from Bulkhead's eyes, rocketing into space. The two Decepticons fled empty-handed once the other Autobots arrived. T.M.I.

During their missions carrying energon around, Knock Out and Breakdown were under orders to lead the Autobots on a chase to burn through the Autobots' energon supplies. On one such mission, their Vehicon escort was attacked and wiped out by Ratchet, whom Knock Out assumed was a ringer. Knock Out's inability to locate new energon deposits at a fast enough rate annoyed Megatron, who berated him. They were interrupted by Ratchet, who seemed to be amped up on something. After Megatron defeated Ratchet, he was left to Knock Out to extract a sample. The Decepticon medic did so, and prepared to finish off the Autobot, but was distracted at a vital moment, and during the ensuing fight, the sample was destroyed. Knock Out was able to later find a single drop of the substance that had given Ratchet a power boost. Stronger, Faster

Knock Out continued humoring his leader's whims. He reported that the new space bridge was almost ready, they just needed an ample power source. Once the power source was secured, they headed for the construction site, but Megatron abruptly left after ordering them to complete the space bridge, leading Knock Out to wonder if their leader was losing it. One Shall Fall He was nonetheless surprised when Airachnid decided Megatron wasn't coming back. He and Breakdown watched as Soundwave raised an objection and relieved Airachnid of command, and thus were there to welcome Megatron back when their leader indeed returned, though they were all surprised to see he'd brought Optimus Prime back with him. One Shall Rise, Part 3

I don't know what's worse, you punching me or your paint job! AUGH!!

Knock Out affixed a new Decepticon insignia to the amnesiac Optimus, who believed himself to be Orion Pax. Knock Out and Breakdown went to a military base and managed to steal a power source for the space bridge, despite the Autobots turning up, though they did inadvertently let Arcee onto the Nemesis. Orion Pax, Part 1

Sent with Breakdown to investigate a hidden Cybertronian treasure, Knock Out emerged from a cave with the new device only to find Bumblebee and Bulkhead waiting. He sped away, amused by Bumblebee's attempts to follow him without transforming, and managed to elude his pursuer. Operation Bumblebee, Part 1 After his success in retrieving the relic, Knock Out inquired to what it did, and Megatron demonstrated the shield generator's abilities, causing Knock Out to leak a little. He was sent with Breakdown to secure the next artifact, and used the generator to hold Optimus and Arcee at bay. This worked until Breakdown landed on him. After Megatron secured the Forge of Solus Prime, Knock Out retreated through the GroundBridge and later watched Megatron unsuccessfully test it. Operation Bumblebee, Part 2

Following the crash of the Nemesis, Knock Out reported on the ship's status, and protested against Megatron's plan to bring it back online with Dark Energon. His fears quickly came true as the Nemesis gained a will of its own. Knock Out discovered it was decoding the data from the Iacon database, and suggested allowing it to continue before the ship put him in stasis lock. When Fowler and the kids arrived on board to download the Iacon database, they used his body as a ladder to reach the console. After the ship's Dark Energon was purged, he came back online, discovering Jack on the console. Ratchet thumped him from behind before he could act, escaping with Jack and the Iacon relic locations. Megatron was furious at Knock Out's failure. Flying Mind

As part of the plan to send several teams to retrieve the artifacts simultaneously, Knock Out was assigned to find the Manhattan relic with some miners and an Insecticon to back him up. After digging it up in the subway system, Knock Out's team was attacked by Arcee and Bumblebee, and with the Insecticon managed to bring them down. He intended to try out their new find on them, but was interrupted by a sweeper train hitting him. He attempted to escape with the relic, being chased down by Bumblebee and forced to fight. However Bumblebee unintentionally used the Phase shifter to avoid the incoming sweeper train, while Knock Out was scraped along the tunnel wall. Horrified that his paint was heavily ruined, and with the relic in Autobot hands, Knock Out retreated. Tunnel Vision After returning empty-handed, Knock Out was tasked with examining Laserbeak and found the grenade the Autobots had implanted in the drone. After diving for cover, Knock Out was forced to dispose of the grenade and Megatron ordered him to fix Soundwave's visor. Triage

When Hardshell claimed that he'd offlined Bulkhead, Knock Out argued with him about the effectiveness of Insecticons. Knock Out had finally gotten a chance to buff his paintwork, lamenting on the difficulty of the task without Breakdown's help, when a fight broke out between the Insecticons and Vehicons, and he was damaged in the crossfire. He took his concerns to Megatron, demanding that the Insecticons be restrained in some way, though Hardshell objected to that idea. Hurt

Knock Out was surprised when Breakdown's signal abruptly reappeared, and even moreso when it turned out to be Breakdown with some additions. Cylas insisted on meeting with Megatron, though Knock Out was more keen to take him apart in retaliation for Breakdown's demise. He later got the chance when Cylas made the mistake of failing Megatron, The Human Factor and made him into a guinea pig for his experiments. Thirst Knock Out was on the Nemesis bridge when Optimus attacked the warship with the Star Saber. Legacy After Megatron retrieved the arm of a Prime from Cybertron, Knock Out grafted it onto his leader and later watched as Megatron forged the Dark Star Saber from a chunk of Dark Energon. Alpha/Omega

I dare you.

Knock Out insisted on proving his worth and took the Resonance Blaster with him to retrieve one of the Omega Keys. Despite facing Arcee and Bumblebee, he succeeded and returned to the Nemesis with his prize. He was disappointed when he was stuck analyzing the relic rather than going after the next key. Hard Knocks

Part of the crew, part of the ship, part of the crew, part of the ship!

Once they had Smokescreen captured, Knock Out claimed the phase shifter and used it to extract the final relic from inside the Autobot. After helping Megatron use a cortical psychic patch to learn the purpose of the Omega Keys, his leader ordered Knock Out to use the patch on Smokescreen himself to learn the location of the Autobot base. Unfortunately Smokescreen grabbed the shifter while it was still attached to his wrist and trapped him halfway through a bulkhead—a predicament that Megatron later didn't care to extract Knock Out from. Inside Job Megatron changed his mind when he needed Knock Out to perform a cortical psychic patch. As Megatron rummaged through Starscream's memories, Knock Out realized they were incriminating him as well as Starscream. He almost terminated the link, trapping Megatron in Starscream's head, but was stopped by Dreadwing. Megatron later reminded him that the Decepticons must act as one unit. Patch

After restoring Starscream's T-Cog, Knock Out had to leave the room in a hurry to avoid Dreadwing's rage. He returned to trying to discover how the Omega Keys worked, and succeeded with Starscream's help. He later helped Starscream kidnap the Autobots' human friends and transport them to Cybertron for use as hostages. Regeneration Knock Out handed over Miko in exchange for an Omega Key and took part in the activation of the Omega Lock. After the Lock's destruction at Optimus's hand, Knock Out tried to lift the mood with a quip, only to be knocked about by Starscream and told to tend to Megatron. Darkest Hour

Megatron sent Knock Out back to Cybertron with a team to search for relics near the Omega Lock. They turned up the Apex Armor and also Shockwave, who had tracked the recent energy surge. Knock Out took him back to Earth. Darkmount, NV Knock Out seemed greatly amused by the picture of a dancing monkey Starscream found, and was present when Shockwave brought a cloned Predacon through the space bridge. Scattered Starscream later explained to Knock Out why he thought the medic had the safer of their jobs. Prey

Yes, like pepper spray is in any way going to harm my mechanical--Argh! My optics!

Sent to find a Predacon fossil at a museum, Knock Out discovered that Fowler and June Darby had gotten there first. Though he grabbed the two humans and the fossil, he was unable to contact the ship for a bridge back, so had to resort to driving around. When the two humans escaped into a rail yard, he played hide and seek with them, only for June to hide the fossil on a departing train. Grabbing the pair, he set off in pursuit, and as Arcee and Wheeljack joined the pursuit, he finally managed to raise the Nemesis. Four Insecticons were dispatched to help, enabling Knock Out to ditch the two humans and grab the fossil. He returned triumphantly to the Nemesis to present the bone to Megatron. Plus One

Knock Out's experiments with Synthetic Energon, using Cylas as a test subject, were having limited success until Starscream suggested mixing in a few drops of Dark Energon. The new mix transformed Cylas into an energon-sucking zombie and created a plague which resulted in Knock Out and Starscream being chased through the ship. Confronted by Megatron, they were forced to admit what they had done, and were sent to locate and destroy Cylas. They eventually located him, but he had already been dispatched by the freed Airachnid. After the affair had been resolved, Megatron ordered Knock Out to turn all his experiments over to Shockwave. Thirst

Knock Out delivered the first of the Synthetic Energon to Shockwave's off-site laboratory, only to be shocked along with the other Decepticons when Predaking revealed his robot mode. The Decepticons quickly realized that the Predacons wouldn't remain loyal for long, and embarked on a plan to destroy the maturing Predacon clones while blaming it on the Autobots. Evolution

Following Ratchet's capture, Knock Out found himself reduced to running errands and fetching equipment. While doing so, he made the critical mistake of letting it slip in front of Ratchet that the Decepticons felt threatened by Predaking's evolution and deliberately let the Autobots destroy the Predacon clones for them. The Autobot managed to dupe him, escaping under his watch. Things went from bad to worse when Predaking went on a rampage after learning of the Decepticons' treachery. Knock Out made the tactical decision to go get the Dark Star Saber for Megatron, but returned to find Predaking had already been dealt with. Of course, just then the Autobots attacked the ship. Synthesis While everyone fought the Autobots, Knock Out began packing for a quick escape. Unfortunately the fighting prevented him from getting off the ship, and when the Autobots took control and used the ship to restore Cybertron, he nonchalantly attempted to join them on the bridge, claiming he was "joining the winning team." Miko punched him out for his trouble. Deadlock


Knock Out instead ended up locked up in a cell with the Vehicons. He attempted to negotiate for release by telling Bumblebee that the Autobots could find a map to Shockwave's labs in Darkmount. He was still in his cell when Starscream arrived to spring everyone and try to take back the ship. During the revolt, he reclaimed the phase shifter from Smokescreen, however once they reached the bridge, he turned on Starscream, using the phase shifter to grab the immobilizer and knock out his former comrade with it. Unfortunately this meant he was part of the last line of defense against Unicron reaching the Well of All Sparks, and he began to think Starscream's plan to flee might have been the right idea. Luckily fleeing turned out to be unnecessary, as Optimus arrived back in time to defeat Unicron, and Knock Out was present as Optimus sacrificed himself to restore the AllSpark to Cybertron. Predacons Rising

Titan Prime comic

He lets his hand do the talking.

Knock Out developed a neuron refractor and took it to Zhejiang Province, China, where he laid a trap in a scrap-metal facility. When Optimus Prime investigated energon readings there, Knock Out zapped his mind into the body of a human worker, and instructed the Vehicons he'd brought to feed Optimus's old body into a crusher. Unfortunately Optimus and Lin-Che managed to reverse the effects of the refractor, and Optimus gave Knock Out a punch on the jaw that sent him running. The Mind Trap!

Aiming to secure Optimus Prime's head, Knock Out and Breakdown attacked a TV studio and took the crew and audience of Down and Out prisoner. Once they had lured Optimus and Bulkhead there, the two Decepticons forced them to run the game show course, which had of course been modified to be deadly. When Optimus actually succeeded in rescuing the hostages, Knock Out revealed that he'd rigged the place to blow, but unfortunately for him, Arcee had secretly tagged along and blew the floor out from under him. It's a Knock-Out

Eaglemoss Prime comic

When Knock Out and Breakdown captured the Autobot Bumblebee, Knock Out stopped his partner from finishing the Autobot off so that they could finish their previous race and determine who was faster. Bumblebee went along with the race long enough to blindside Breakdown and dump yellow paint over Knock Out. The blurry and disoriented Breakdown started firing at the first big moving blotch of yellow he saw, diverting the Decepticons so Bumblebee could escape. King of the Road

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

Following the restoration of Cybertron from the Great War, Knock Out was one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the new High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. Enemy of My Enemy

Japanese continuity

Japanese continuity does not include the final season of Prime nor the final season of Robots in Disguise.
Japanese Prime bios

Knock Out planted the Dark Energon-infected Arms Micron Zori at an excavation site as a trap for any inquisitive Autobots, which resulted in Bumblebee being turned into a rampaging, rage-fueled monster! Prime Terrorcon Bumblebee packaging bio

Unite Warriors/Legends

During a battle with Grand Galvatron, Hound projected a hologram of Knock Out to distract Breakdown, having scanned Breakdown's memories and learned of his desire to be reunited with his partner. Sky Reign Chapter After the battle was over, Breakdown returned to his home dimension where he was greeted by Knock Out. Ruination Chapter, Part Two Knock Out later showed Breakdown the schematics to the Apex Hunter Armor. Epiloge


Imprisoned after the Decepticons' defeat, Knock Out stripped his fellow inmates of their parts and used them to modify and enhance his own body, becoming "Bloody Knock Out". After escaping, he developed an interest in capturing Slug for use as a guinea pig for his experiments. Adventure Bloody Knock Out packaging bio He also resurrected Dreadwing. Adventure Dreadwing packaging bio

Bloody Knock Out later began building Nemesis Prime, an evil duplicate of Optimus Prime, and hired Runabout and Runamuck to acquire a part from Ultra Magnus to finish his project. Return! The Most Evil Duo

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Knock Out was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2 He remained for the second week of the race, this time with Skyquake. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

Kre-O online comic

Knock Out was one of the Decepticons who joined Megatron in the Nemesis to chase the Autobots in the Ark. After they boarded the Ark, it crashed to Earth and the Transformers fell to a four million year-long sleep. After waking up, Knock Out wondered if the world had any blocks. Kreon Story

After Megatron was beaten by Optimus's new "See-Through Power", the Decepticon leader threw a tantrum and demanded Knock Out come up with his own version. So he did the best he could: putting Megatron in see-through clothing. A pink see-through women's negligee. Thoroughly humiliated by Autobot laughter, Megatron came back to base and knocked out Knock Out with a single punch. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! Optimus Power Up!?

Knock Out was one of many Decepticon warriors (accidentally) clobbered then (purposefully) bound and carried to an Autobot picnic by Optimus. Emergency! Hurry to the Base, Optimus! Together with Thrustinator he subjected the Constructicons to merciless tickling after they lost a battle with the Autobots. A New Menace! The Giant Soldier Devastator Appears! He was then present when Megatron conquered Metroplex. Two Giant Bases! Everybody Getting Along, Come On, Fight!

When Megatron wanted a giant golden Megatron head placed on top of his newly constructed solar tower, Knock Out pointed out that the tower had ended up too tall for them to climb. He was then buried in blocks when the Decepticon combiners accidentally wrecked the tower. Megatron's Ambition!? The Solar Tower Is Built! Knock Out invented a helmet intended to power up Megatron, but it had the side effect of transforming him into the crazy Galvatron. The Decepticons were able to return their leader to normal thanks to the Autobots, but Knock Out learned nothing from the experience and was soon offering Megatron new helmets again. Enter the New Emperor of Destruction!? Stop Galvatron's Rampage!

Knock Out was among the Decepticons caught in a space bridge accident and sent to a distant world where the Kreons were the size of toys to the human inhabitants. Robots in Disguise! The Transformers Are by Your Side!?

Hasbro Prime toy bios

Knock Out was the Decepticons' weapon designer, who spent so long in the murky, underground weapons-dealing world that he prefers to literally be underground. Energon Driller with Knock Out You'll note we didn't say "top weapon designer", as everyone knew that his weapons were dangerous, often malfunctioned, and his installation methods would mess you up; however, Knock Out was such an awesome salesman that the Decepticons used them anyway! Deluxe Knock Out If a weapon did work properly, Knock Out kept it for himself. Cyberverse Knock Out

The exception was Dark Energon: it may have been dangerous and untested, but the power was too great for Knock Out to pass up! This left him supercharged and out to tear into the Autobots! Dark Energon Knock Out

Tales of the Beast Hunters

With the Decepticons in chaos following the disappearance of Megatron and the rebellion of the Predacons, Knock Out decided to flee Earth. He soon discovered Shockwave had the same idea, and helped his fellow Decepticon pack up the laboratory, though he wasn't happy about sharing their ride to Cybertron with two dormant Predacons in Hyperevolution Chambers. Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 20

Commercial appearances

Knock Out reacted with confusion to several of Megatron's answers as he took questions from his adoring public. Ask Megatron


Transformers: Prime - The Game

"Why doesn't anyone ever want to play frisbee?"
Voice actor: Daran Norris (English), Bernard Bollet (French), Iñaki Alonso (Castilian Spanish)

As Bumblebee and Raf attempted to escape an energon mine, Knock Out arrived to stop them. The Decepticon medic failed to defeat Bumblebee, but he did keep him distracted long enough for the Autobot's human friend to be kidnapped.

Back at the Nemesis, Megatron had Knock Out evaluate the status of a recovered Cybertronian colossus named Thunderwing. Knock Out employed his medical training to determine the problem: Thunderwing was suffering from a condition known as "missing pieces".

When the Autobots attempted to infiltrate the Nemesis and recover their kidnapped friends, Knock Out and Bumblebee raced into combat with each other again. Though he used Synthetic Energon to enhance his attacks drastically over their prior fight, Bumblebee was still able to hold his own. The fight continued until Knock Out's paint job was severely compromised. Enraged, he rushed at Bumblebee only for the Autobot hero to sidestep, sending Knock Out off the edge of the ship and out of the fight. Transformers: Prime - The Game

Knock Out is a playable character in the game's multiplayer battle modes, but only after he has been defeated on the Nemesis bridge in Story Mode.

Transformers Universe

And this is where I'd put a trophy... IF I HAD ONE!
Concept art of Knock Out was produced, but he did not appear in the game prior to its cancellation.

Transformers Universe (Jagex)

Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Knock Out and the other Decepticons attempted to prevent the Autobots from constructing a Pulsar Dish, which would destroy the Energon Drain that the Decepticons had built in an asteroid field. Transformers Prime: Pulsar Defense

Transformers Prime: Decepticon Strike

Knock Out swore that he would destroy Optimus Prime (and look good while doing it!) and squared off against the Autobot leader on an open highway. He lay down many mines on the ground to damage the Autobot, but was eventually defeated. He then ran off, swearing that he would defeat Optimus next time they saw one another. Decepticon Strike




Mercurymon went to some extreme lengths to get himself into a show better than Digimon Frontier.
  • Energon Driller with Knock Out (Cyberverse Vehicle, 2012)
  • Series / Number: 2 / 002
  • TakaraTomy name: Energon Driller & Medic Knock Out
  • TakaraTomy ID number: EZ-15
  • TakaraTomy release date: July 28, 2012
  • Accessories: Buzzsaw, battle spear, Energon Driller vehicle
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
Part of the first wave of Hasbro's Prime Series 2 Cyberverse Vehicles, Legion Class Knock Out is a smaller-scaled version of the character, transforming simply from robot to sports car. He comes with two translucent weapons, a buzzsaw and his battle spear, which can be held by his hands via 3mm post, or peg into various ports on his body in either mode. In vehicle mode, Knock Out's front hood/chest and his front windshield/back panel can slightly pop out by accident if one rolls his vehicle mode by gripping/pressing his side doors/arms. The chest also slightly pops out if one pushes his vehicle mode down with a touch of a finger.
Knock Out is packaged with the Energon Driller, a vehicle with two modes. There are various places on it in either mode for Knock Out to man stations, plus an "Energon booster" can unwind from the center of the vehicle to plug into his weaponry and activate electronic light-piping.
In Japan, the Knock Out/Driller set was released in the fifth wave of TakaraTomy's Prime toyline, under the EZ Collection subline.
The Legion Class Knock Out mold was also used to make Age of Extinction Stinger.

Knifin' around. Cutcutcutcutcutcutcutcut
  • Knock Out (Cyberverse Legion, 2012)
  • Series / Number: 2 / 015
  • Accessories: "Shockblade"
  • Known designers: Joe Kyde (Hasbro)
Part of the fourth wave of Prime Cyberverse Legion Class toys, this redeco of Cyberverse Knock Out has a much more orangey-red coloration. Instead of his own weapons, he comes with a "Shockblade", a purple-ish/blue blade weapon based on Ratchet's arm blades.
This weapon was originally available (in its original colors) with Ratchet, Cliffjumper, and Dark of the Moon Mirage, while a recolored version was used by Quickblade Bumblebee.

Knock Out will never go to missions again after he obtains the super fabulous Lamé coating.
  • Decepticon Set (Multi-pack, 2012)
  • ID number: EZ-SP2
  • Release date: November 24, 2012
  • Accessories: Buzzsaw, battle spear
Knock Out was also released in a six-pack of figures, in the seventh wave of TakaraTomy's EZ Collection product. This version is a slight redeco of the original figure in a darker metallic red plastic, which makes his hood and shin deco a lot harder to notice. While he retains the weapons from the Energon Driller release, they're now molded out of a slightly-softer plastic.
This six-pack also included Breakdown, Megatron, Starscream, Terrorcon Cliffjumper, and a Vehicon.

Robots in Disguise

Don't tell him about his paint job.
...or lack thereof.
  • Knock Out (Deluxe, 2012)
  • Series / Number: 1 / 007
  • TakaraTomy name: Medic Knock Out
  • TakaraTomy ID number: AM-13
  • TakaraTomy release date: June 30, 2012
  • Accessories: Battle spear/twin battle spikes (Hasbro only), "Gura" Arms Micron (TakaraTomy only)
Part of the third wave of Hasbro's Prime: Robots in Disguise Deluxe Class toys, Knock Out transforms into a sports car resembling an Aston Martin One-77. He comes with a 5mm-compatible spear that can split at the center to form two wield-able "battle spikes". The spear can be stored on two 5mm ports on his his back in robot mode, or mount onto the peg-holes on his rear vehicle sides.
His stock photography depicts several paint operations that were omitted in the final product. Also, in an inverse of nearly every set of Transformers instructions out there, Knock Out's stock photo is correctly transformed, while the robot mode depicted in the instructions proper is rather hideously mis-transformed, with his shoulder fenders oddly folded down to form an extra large chest and his arms left unfolded, yielding strangely long arms with two elbows.
In wave six of the Prime toyline, Knock Out was put into new packaging, which came with a DVD featuring the Prime episode "Loose Cannons".
The TakaraTomy version of Knock Out, released in the third wave of the Japanese Prime line, loses most of the Hasbro version's paint operations in favor of customer-applied foil stickers... which make his car mode "fade" deco especially tragic. He also has several new Arms Micron 5mm ports epoxied to him; a hood/chest-mounted engine and one on each door/arm. Lacking the Hasbro version's two-part spear, he instead comes with Bura, a robotic fiddler crab who becomes his spear/prod weapon.
The TakaraTomy version of the mold was also used to make Smokescreen.

I'm gorgeous!
  • Remote Controlled Knock Out (2012)
  • Accessories: Remote control
An electronic Knock Out, operable by remote control. As well as driving around, the remote control allows you to convert Knock Out from car to robot and trigger his punching action.

Can now absorb power from glow-sticks.
  • Knock Out (Deluxe, 2012)
  • Number: 004
  • Accessories: Battle spear/twin battle spikes
  • Known designers: Andrew Franks (deco artist)
Prime: Dark Energon Knock Out is a BigBadToyStore-exclusive redeco of Deluxe Class Knockout, being cast in transparent bright green and purple plastics. His stock photography depicts the tip of his spear as painted purple, when the final product leaves it unpainted.
Though he was packaged on an individual card, he was initially sold as part of a set with the Dark Energon versions of Bumblebee, Wheeljack, and Starscream. He was eventually made available on his own, and the Dark Energon Series toys were eventually made available in Singapore as mass-retail releases.

Beast Hunters

Rock out with your Croc Out, Knock Out.
  • Knock Out (Deluxe, 2013)
  • Series / Number: 2 / 013
  • Accessories: "Crocto Claw"
  • Known designers: Andrew Scribner (deco artist)
Part of the fourth wave of Prime: Beast Hunters Deluxe Class toys, Knock Out is a redeco and extensive retool of Prime: Robots in Disguise Knock Out, transforming into a heavily-modified sports car with a reptilian theme and a toothy grille "mouth". The 5mm ports on his rear sides have been removed, while another port was added to the roof. He comes with the "Crocto Claw", a split-jawed robotic crocodile head with a spring-loaded jaw. It can mount/be held via its two 5 mm posts, be used as a flail, or it can attach to the rear of the car as a "tail".
His instructions still depict his completed robot mode with the mis-transformed arms. His instructions also include the twentieth chapter of the Tales of the Beast Hunters series.


This building set line is simply fabulous~!
  • Street Showdown (2013)
  • Set number: 38771
  • Takara release date: March 20, 2013
  • Pieces: 273
  • Kreons: Knock Out, Wheeljack, Driver x2
  • Accessories: Missile, handgun (10203), knife (10205), clawed staff, pistol (10087), traffic cone x2
The Kre-O "Street Showdown" set comes with a large Knock Out build that features a spring-loaded missile launcher in both forms. In streetcar build, he can seat a single Kreon figure, mainly the black-suited human "Driver".
The accompanying Kreon figure comes with a clear-purple staff that ends in a toothed claw. His helmet is a new mold that would go on to be used by... well, a lot of other Kreons.
This set also came with a Wheeljack build and accompanying Kreon.

KreO-toy KnockOut AutobotCommand.jpg
  • Autobot Command Center
Knock Out is the "mystery figure" in the "Autobot Command Center" set, not appearing on the box at all, with a blank silhouette with a "?" on it to indicate one more figure. This Knock Out uses different colors and far more detailed tampographs than the "Street Showdown" version, and comes with a small clear-purple pistol.


Hold on, didn't I already decide to change sides? Wait...
  • Bloody Knockout [sic] (Deluxe, 2015)
  • ID number: TAV-11
  • Release date: March 21, 2015
  • Accessories: Flail
Released in the first wave of TakaraTomy's Adventure toyline, Bloody Knockout is a redeco of Beast Hunters Knock Out in silver, black, and red.
He features a scannable badge on his robot mode chest. Scanning the sticker unlocks Bloody Knockout in the Transformers Chronicle checklist app. While it was possible to scan his badge when he was in package, this was restricted by a dummy sticker.


After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
  • Prime Universe Knock-Out (Deluxe Class, 2022)
Part of the second wave of Legacy Deluxe Class toys, "Prime Universe Knock-Out" is a Generations-styled version of the character, being a heavy retool of Studio Series Jazz, with a new head, forearms, thighs, feet, weapons, and vehicle mode parts (except for his wheels). He transforms into an Aston Martin One-77-like sports car based on his original cartoon appearance in 18 steps, with the back based on a Acura NSX-R with custom LED taillights. He includes a 2-part battle spear based on the one he wielded in the cartoon, which can split apart into a rifle and an "Energon shield", both of which are decked out with 5 mm posts and ports.
...but don't go too far with it.
Early concepts for Legacy Knock Out from John Warden and Marcelo Matere differed significantly from the final product. Interestingly, this design also looks a lot like G1 Jazz... but in a way that takes more cues from G1 Jazz's toy rather than the animation model that Studio Series 86 Jazz was based off of. It is unknown if there is any meaning to these similarities, but in his design notes, Mark Maher (who took over design duties on Knock Out after Warden's departure from the Transformers team) states it was Hisashi Yuki who suggested that the final product be based off 86 Jazz. This is also echoed through the CG renders, which shows Knockout sporting an abdomen with Jazz's toy accurate sculpt that was first seen in the Studio Series block model.[2] The renders also show an alternate deco more accurate to his original appearance.

This figure was officially revealed by Hasbro on the April 12, 2022 Fan First Tuesday, however, the design of the toy was seen about 5 months prior in the comic series Tread & Circuits. The original version of this mold was retooled into Jackpot.



Where's your famous horsepower? Show me some speed!
  • Knock Out (Happy Meal, 2012)
  • McNumber: 8
Happy Meal Knock Out is a nontransformable sports car! When you press in his grill, double cannons pop out of his hood.

R.E.D. [Robot Enhanced Design]

"It doesn't trouble you that you can't transform?"
"Not really."
  • Knock Out (2022)
    • Accessories: Electroshock staff, sawblade attachment, drill attachment, auger attachment, "gripping" right & left fists, closed right fist, open left hand
  • Known designers: Yam (sculptor)
Part of the fifth wave of Transformers R.E.D. figures, Knock Out is a 6-inch tall non-transforming action figure based directly on his in-show CG model. He is highly articulated, with double-joint elbows, multidirectional wrist and toe joints, and all four wheels can even rotate (though not freely).
His "gripping" hands can be removed and replaced with hands in other poses, or with his sawblade, auger or drill attachments, all based on their in-show appearances (though the sawblade is only screen-accurate when used on his left arm, which very very rarely happens in the show). However, only the drill is capable of rotating "properly" via the wrist joint.
Like all R.E.D. figures, he is a Walmart exclusive in the US and Canada, also available on Hasbro Pulse in limited quantities.


  • Knock Out's license plate reads "JOFY 892".
  • Some fans have interpreted Starscream's "you're one of those" line (referring to his car mode preference), Knock Out's wolf-whistling appraisal of Optimus's truck mode, the vanity about his appearance, and voice actor Daran Norris' somewhat campy performance to be clues that Knock Out is gay. Moreover, the term "knockout" is commonly used to describe an attractive woman. Make of all this what you will, as very little robotic sexuality of any kind is evident in Prime, outside of a very lightly-implied connection between Cliffjumper and Arcee.
    • When asked at BotCon 2011, the Prime writers said that there is no designation for gay, or straight, for that matter, on Cybertron, where Transformers are created by the AllSpark, not through sexual reproductions. They also said that Knock Out is a knock out, and that the Nemesis is a very "don't ask, don't tell" place. And then they jokingly deflected the matter, claiming that Knock Out's mannerisms are not caused by any particular orientation, but are simply eccentricities caused by "a glitch in the AllSpark" the day he was created... which is unintentionally so insulting to gay people that it could create an awkward silence in the Void.[3]
  • For the live script reading of "Shadowzone" at BotCon 2011, Daran Norris was unavailable, so his lines went to Ernie Hudson.
  • Knock Out is, in the Japanese dub of the cartoon, the only character (so far) aware of the existence of the Arms Microns. He lets this knowledge slip in "Shadowzone", where he offers to replace Starscream's missing arm with an Arms Micron. Starscream abruptly cuts him off before he can offer a full explanation as to just what an Arms Micron is, demanding his old arm instead.
Where have you gone, Joe DiKnockoutio?

Arms Up Modes

In the Japanese Prime toyline, Knock Out has named powered-up modes when given various Arms Microns in certain configurations:

  • Medic Mode (メディックモード Medikku Mōdo)
    • Arms Microns: Gura, Guru, Jida, Zori
Knock Out's box-back "Arms Up" mode has him using the Break Scythe while wearing Jida on his back. Pretty simple.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Medic Knock Out (Prime, メディックノックアウト Medikku Nokku Auto), Bloody Knock Out (Adventure, ブラッディノックアウト Buraddi Nokku Auto), Knock Out (ノックアウト Nokku Auto)
  • Mandarin: Jī Dăo (击倒, "Knock Out")
  • Russian: Knockout (Нокаут Nokaut)


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