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Dead End (G1)

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The name or term "Dead End" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dead End (disambiguation).
Dead End is a Decepticon Stunticon from the Generation 1 continuity family.
Life! Don't talk to me about life.

Dead End (aka Deadend[1]) knows that his having an entry in some database somewhere hardly matters. It's in his name, the Dead End. The page will be vandalized. The computers will eventually fail. The data will be lost. The species that made it will go extinct. Their planet will become barren. The sun will die out. All suns will die out. The universe will implode again, or expand into nothingness, or be eaten by a giant evil space-god. So what's the point?

Despite this deep knowledge of the dark, inevitable pointlessness of existence, he spends an inordinate amount of time polishing and primping himself. This is something the other Decepticons are sure to tease him about whenever they get the chance, which only depresses him more. If you can actually motivate him to fight, he's a fearless warrior and actually cheers up a little, since trying to save his own life can momentarily distract him from how ultimately brief and pointless it is; the hard trick is getting him motivated in the first place, since in the end we're all doomed. Sigh.

Dead End combines with his fellow Stunticons to form Menasor, though he doesn't know why he bothers.

Face it: we're doomed.Dead End at any given minute, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1"



Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Phillip Clarke (English), Masashi Ebara (Japanese), Keiichi Nanba (Japanese, "Starscream's Brigade"), Tomomichi Nishimura (Japanese, 2010), Ken Shiroyama (Japanese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1"), Ulrich Bernsdorff (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 & 4"), Bernd Simon (German, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3"), Holger Schwiers (German, "The Burden Hardest to Bear"), Ulf Jürgen Söhmisch (German, Generation 2 dub), François Leccia (European French, "Trans-Europe Express" & "Cosmic Rust"), Albert Augier (European French, "Starscream's Brigade" & "Masquerade"), Éric Etcheverry (European French, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4"), Unknown actors (European French, "The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1" & "Fives Faces of Darkness", Parts 1 & 3), Enrique Hernández (Spain-Spanish), Hélio Ribeiro (Portuguese), Mário Monjardim (Portuguese, "Trans-Europe Express"), Júlio César (Portuguese, "Starscream's Brigade"), Júlio Chaves (Portuguese, "Masquerade"), Nilton Valério (Portuguese, "Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 & 4")
'Con Day Afternoon

Dead End, along with the other Stunticons, were given life by Vector Sigma in an attempt by Megatron to form a ground based unit. Seeing little choice in the matter, Dead End decided to do what Megatron said. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 The Decepticons returned to Earth with the newly awakened Stunticons who began wreaking havoc and damaging the Autobots' good name by attacking the US military base containing the experimental rocket fuel. Eventually, the Autobots returned with the newly built Aerialbots whose combined form Superion defeated the Stunticon combiner Menasor. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

"The Heat Death of the universe is coming, I tell you! COMING!"

Despite this defeat, the Stunticons were the key component in Megatron's elaborate scheme to hold a fake charity race from Paris to Istanbul so he could steal US driver Auggie Cahnay's car which would be melted down to house the powerful Pearl of Bahoudin. Megatron ordered the Stunticons to eliminate the Autobots protecting Cahnay. While his fellow Stunticons surrounded the brothers Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, Dead End leapt ahead of the racers and transformed, blasting the boxed-in Autobots off the road. They disabled several more racers, but when Dead End set a trap for Bluestreak, the wily gunner managed to escape his attackers. Together, Auggie Cahnay, Bumblebee, Tracks and Bluestreak defeated Menasor and destroyed the Pearl of Bahoudin. Trans-Europe Express

“Everybody freeze”

When Megatron was infected with Cosmic Rust after a trip to the lost Autobot colony of Antilla, the Stunticons were assigned to capture the Autobot scientist Perceptor, who had developed the powerful anti-corrosion Corrostop. After Megatron cured himself and infected the Autobots with the Cosmic Rust, Menasor attacked the Statue of Liberty in New York City with the ancient Lightning Bug heat ray, intent on stopping the Autobots from matter-duplicating more Corrostop from the layer they sprayed on the statue. Superion defeated Menasor and destroyed the Lightning Bug. Cosmic Rust

Caught up in a demolition derby, the Stunticons missed most of the "civil war" between the Decepticons and Starscream's Combaticons. They arrived at the battle site just as Starscream was declaring victory over Megatron. Dead End didn't particularly care either way, until Motormaster pointed out that Starscream was insufferable enough already without being in charge, and Dead End quickly conceded that point. The Stunticons formed Menasor and, one Batman *POW* later, Bruticus was in pieces. Starscream's Brigade

G1 Masquerade Warpath crushes DeadEnd.jpg

On another occasion, Megatron instructed the Stunticons to bring him a series of scientific components for his latest Unbeatable Super Weapon. Dead End and Drag Strip were assigned to acquire an experimental generator from the U.S. military. The retrieval was successful, but they encountered the Autobots Tracks and Warpath on the drive to their rendezvous with Megatron. Dead End was disabled by a blast of Tracks' black beam gun, followed by Warpath putting his fist through the Stunticon's roof. Disabled and collected as prisoners of war, the Stunticons were brought back to the Ark and held in captivity while Optimus Prime and a strike team of Autobots used camouflage paint to mimic the Stunticons and infiltrate Megatron's camp. Special operations agent Jazz, a cheerful and easy-going robot, assumed Dead End's appearance, which undoubtedly made Dead End feel even worse. The real Stunticons managed to break free, however, and confronted their doppelgangers as Menasor. Ultimately, the Super Weapon was destroyed, and the Decepticons were forced into a retreat. Masquerade

Only Swindle would be cagey enough to choose a nihilist as his official taste tester.

After the Decepticons were driven off Cybertron in the aftermath of Unicron's attack, they fled to Chaar. Suffering constant energon shortages, they were reduced to fighting among themselves. The Stunticons stuck together, but things were dire. So dire, in fact, that the Decepticons offered up their energon when it was learned that Galvatron was alive. Dead End warned that they were doomed if they gave up their energon, but Wildrider countered that if they didn't, they were doomed anyway. Either way, they were doomed. Oh, for God's sake... Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1 Dead End joined in on the attack when the Decepticons noticed Rodimus Prime and Grimlock spying on them. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 2 When the Quintessons arrived on Chaar, the other Decepticons cowered in fear. Dead End, however, had had enough. If he was going to die, he would just get it over with. He asked the Quintessons to just make it quick, but they offered energon instead. He deferred to Swindle's negotiating skills, and when Swindle said to test some of the energon, he agreed. What the heck, poison would probably be quicker than fuel exhaustion. Fortunately, the energon was untainted, and Dead End agreed to help the Quintessons destroy the Autobots on Goo 8739-B. Might as well take a few Autobots with them before they go offline. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 3 When they arrived, Galvatron showed up and fired upon the "traitors". Dead End couldn't care less: whether from in front or behind, death was death. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 After Galvatron seized control of the Decepticons and struck up an alliance with the Quintessons, the Stunticons were part of the Decepticon team attacking the Autobots on Earth. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

The Matrix is of no use to someone with 24 darkest hours a day.

Dead End and the Stunticons fought alongside Galvatron during a scheme to steal Metroplex's transforming cog, leaving him vulnerable to Trypticon. When Rodimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Spike and Daniel infiltrated Trypticon to steal his transforming cog, the Stunticons were soundly defeated by the two Autobots. The Ultimate Weapon Later, after a series of assaults on Japan, Dead End and Wildrider were left behind on Earth to watch for Autobot activity while the others returned to Chaar. Seeing Rodimus Prime driving on a secluded stretch of highway, the two Stunticons went after him, and eventually knocked the Autobot leader off the side of a cliff. This jarred loose the Matrix of Leadership from Rodimus' chest cavity, and so Dead End and Wildrider took their prize back to Galvatron. The Burden Hardest to Bear

A short while later, the Stunticons were part of a task force led by Galvatron to stop Rodimus Prime from recovering the body of Optimus Prime from two humans. Upon arrival, however, they were met with several Hate Plague-infected Autobots, and before Dead End could react to the situation, he was tackled and infected by Ultra Magnus. The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

Japanese cartoon continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers story pages

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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Scramble City

Dead End and the Stunticons were summoned by Megatron to put an end to the Scramble City project, and succeed where Starscream had failed. Their first strike was impressive, holding back Optimus Prime and a cadre of Autobots and shooting the Aerialbots out of the skies. When the Aerialbots formed Superion, Dead End and his teammates followed suit and merged into Menasor. Scramble City: Mobilization

Story of Binaltech

In the early 21st century, the Decepticons gained a temporary advantage by unleashing the Cosmic Rust virus on the Autobots. Their hated foes turned defeat into victory, however, by creating the revolutionary Binaltech Project to transfer the sparks of the infected Autobots into powerful new forms. Binaltech Is... In order to gain Binaltech power for themselves, the Decepticons and their human allies the Concurrence used mind control technology to infiltrate the Binaltech Project, implanting Decepticons into bodies meant for Autobots. Thanks to Swindle and the Concurrence, Dead End became the first Decepticon Binaltech warrior, stealing a new frame meant for the injured Autobot Sunstreaker. Arise! Evil Binaltechs

The Headmasters cartoon
Hm9 Dead End Smoke.jpg

Dead End and the Stunticons participated in Galvatron's siege on Cybertron. They managed to gain the high ground against the Dinobots and Throttlebots, and rained laser fire down on their opponents. Four Warriors Come out of the Sky Dead End and his team formed Menasor to fight their Autobot counterparts, but were steamrolled by the might and firepower of the Battleship Maximus. Transporting back to Earth, they attempted to interfere with Hot Rod's quest for the Matrix. Dead End and the Stunticons were confronted by the Aerialbots in the desert, but the battle of their combiner forms eventually led them to the Arctic. The Mystery of Planet Master

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When Vector Sigma began perfecting the new super-metal Cybertonuron on Cybertron, Galvatron ordered another all-out attack on the planet to seize the metal for the Decepticons before the Autobots could make use of it. Dead End and the Stunticons journeyed to Cybertron with the strike force, and confronted their old enemies, the Aerialbots. The Aerialbots got the drop on Dead End's group by forming Superion and lashing out before the Stunticons could form Menasor as well. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 1 Dead End and the Stunticons were still in a firefight sometime later, as Chromedome passed by looking for Mindwipe and the Decepticon Headmasters. Cybertron Is in Grave Danger, Part 2 In San Francisco, Dead End and the Stunticons assisted Bruticus in using a carnivorous plant to distract the Autobots from Scorponok's plans on Zarak. They fought against the Technobots and Computron. Head On!! Fortress Maximus

Sometime later, Dead End and the Stunticons gathered in the desert as their Ninja Commander Sixshot began issuing orders. They assembled as Menasor, and took part in the escalating Decepticon war effort as five separate Autobot outposts were attacked simultaneously at Sixshot's command. The Emperor of Destruction Vanishes on an Iceberg Dead End was also among the Decepticons who assembled to welcome Scorponok as their new Emperor of Terror following Galvatron's fall. I Risk My Life for Earth


Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Dead End was among those summoned, but only as a part of Menasor. Zone Part 1 Enter the New Supreme Commander, Dai Atlas!

e-HOBBY comics

Grand Scourge dropped in through a tear in space-time during a fight between the Autobots and Decepticons, and used his Matrix Breaker sword to disassemble Menasor with a single blow. After grappling Dead End, the dimensional intruder realized he could forcefully combine with the Stunticons. Dead End became the right arm for Grand Scourge's gestalt mode. Decepticon Dark Commander Grand Scourge

Unite Warriors
UniteWarriorsOffshot Motormaster Dead End.jpg

Sometime beyond the year 2025, the Stunticons got together for their annual demolition race, an event where they raced each other atop stolen human cars. Dead End won with a Symultech Industries racecar he'd stolen from Auggie Cahnay Jr.. Today Is Us Stunticons' Annual Holiday Demolition Race!

Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

Dead End was one of many spectators for the Speedia 500 race on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 2 He remained for the second week of the race. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

Generations Selects Special Comic

In 2050, Menasor and the Decepticons joined the revolution of the Selectors against their human masters. The Quintessons and the Terrorcons sided with the humans, and Abominus attacked all while craving Angolmois Energy. In battle with a scrambled version of Computron, Abominus crashed into Bruticus and Menasor and stole some of their limb components to make an even stronger version of himself, including Dead End. Abominus comic 2

The makeshift combiner separated, but Dead End and other Decepticons later followed the Terrorcons through a portal to the Precursor World. Finale Prelude He helped Turtler form the Scramble 7 combination. Finale

TV Magazine comic continuity

Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers comic

Dead End and the Stunticons decided to have a little fun and tear up a baseball stadium in Japan. Luckily, the Autobots' plucky young ally Kenji was present to radio for assistance. All the combiner teams assembled, and it was Menasor and Bruticus against Superion and Defensor! Defensor was forced to break apart by the combined Decepticon attack, but Superion and Kenji got the idea to shoot out the Decepticons' legs. Groove and Blades took advantage of the empty combiner ports and took over as Menasor's legs, launching him into the ocean. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #5

While posing as Autobots, Dead End, Onslaught and the Stunticons rampaged through the city streets, smearing the good name of their adversaries. Later, Frenzy and Rumble posed as humans to rally people against the Autobots, and Motormaster's brigade staged an attack on the rally to drive the point home. The Autobot fire engines Hot Spot and Inferno arrived, however, and used their water hoses to wash off the Decepticons' fake insignia. Enraged, Motormaster planned to combine into Menasor...only to see Dead End and the others were already retreating into the distance. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #7

Dead End was one of the Decepticons that oversaw the conversion of a dog into a Decepticon weapon. The awesome energy within the animal allowed it to escape, and Megatron was forced to send out the Combaticons in order to retrieve it. Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers #8

The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers

In the year 2010, Dead End participated in a Decepticon attack on the planet Feminia. He and his team merged into Menasor in order to battle alongside Bruticus and Devastator against their Autobot counterparts Superion, Defensor and Omega Supreme. The fight was fairly evenly matched until Galvatron called up his ace-in-the-hole, Predaking, whose power was unmatched by any of the Autobots... except for the Omnibots, who essentially tied Predaking's shoelaces together until he fell over, straight into Menasor and his chums, sending them all toppling to the ground and knocking them to bits. The Story of Super Robot Lifeforms: The Transformers #5

Dead End only appears as a component of Menasor
The Great Transformer War

Galvatron kidnapped Doctor Dalton of Eran to upgrade the might of his combiner warriors. When the Autobot combiners arrived to save Dalton, Dead End and his teammates were deployed at high speeds from Motormaster's launcher mode. They met Superion in mid-air, and the force of their deployment enabled the combiner teams to tear him apart. The Stunticons then merged into Menasor to move in for the kill. They were ultimately outwitted by the Autobots, however, who rescued Dalton and safely returned to Metroplex. The Great Transformer War #1

Super-God Masterforce comic

Dead End was among those Decepticons chosen to combine into Scramble 7, but the new gestalt was ultimately defeated by the Autobots' Jinchōkon Power. The Battle Begins! The Earth-Space Alliance Army

Zone comic

Seeking to create a Decepticon Zone to counter the Autobot Zone, Decepticon Emperor Violengiguar gathered together the Nine Great Demon Generals, upgrading them with powerful new armor and weaponry, then sent them forth to conquer planets. Dead End was among those summoned, but only as a part of Menasor. Zone

Full Throttle Scramble Power!

The Decepticons constructed a new weapon to pursue their energy-plundering campaign on Earth, the Omega Wave Cannon. With the device at the ready, the Stunticons headed out to retrieve some energy from a power plant. They were met with the Aerialbots, and both teams combined into the gestalt forms. As they battled, Menasor made great use of his modular nature, having his Stunticon components swap between being arms and legs. Atop of this, Superion was crippled by the Omega Wave Cannon, giving the Decepticons the advantage. But the Autobots turned the tide of the battle by sending out massive amounts of reinforcements into the field, and the Decepticons were sent packing. Full Throttle Scramble Power!

Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

When Buster Witwicky began experiencing strange dreams about new Transformers, Optimus Prime joined him in his dreamscape, and together the two observed a vision brought on by Buster's brief connection to the Creation Matrix. Second Generation! Dead End and his fellow Stunticons were seen transforming into Menasor, and battling the Autobots alongside Bruticus at the Pullen Power Plant. The Special Teams Have Arrived Unfortunately, Soundwave intercepted the signals for Prime and Buster's shared dream, giving the Decepticons just as much knowledge about these future Special Teams as the Autobots. Second Generation!

Confetti for a party? How droll! But of course I wasn't invited.

The Insecticon known as Bombshell managed to infiltrate the Ark and plant one of his cerebro-shells inside Optimus Prime. Thanks to this espionage, Megatron and Soundwave were able to harness the digital energy of the Creation Matrix when Prime unleashed it. Thus, as the Autobots were bringing life to the new Aerialbots Special Team, so too were the Decepticons bringing their new Stunticons on-line. Megatron wasted no time in sending his newly minted minions out to ruin the Autobots' good name. Dead End and his teammates started an ad hoc demolition derby on a highway, cornering the Autobot Skids while pretending to defend him against the human robot-hunters, Circuit Breaker and RAAT. Dead End didn't see much point in even acknowledging the fleshlings, but he was pushed into combat by his leader, Motormaster. After a combination battle with the Aerialbots, the Stunticons returned to Megatron, their mission to smear the Autobots' reputation with the humans complete. Heavy Traffic!

Dead End was on hand to witness Motormaster being beaten and threatened by Megatron for daring to suggest he could best Optimus Prime. Only Megatron could defeat Prime! Prey!

Dead end megatron gone but not forgotten.jpg

Megatron became more and more unstable over time, especially after Optimus Prime died, but not by his own hands. While the Decepticons traveled convoy to a space bridge nexus in the Florida Keys, Megatron rode in gun mode inside of Dead End. He stopped long enough to totally demolish a passing truck that resembled Optimus Prime. Dead End pointed out Megatron's mistake, but his great leader seemed satisfied by the thought that if the truck HAD been Prime, then Prime would certainly be dead now. Even though he already was. Even Dead End's obsession with death wasn't enough to understand Megatron in this state. Once they reached the rendezvous point, Dead End rather eagerly left with Vortex while Megatron waited behind for an ambush by Optimus Prime that he was sure was coming. Megatron ended up blowing himself up shortly thereafter, and certainly Dead End and the other Decepticons were none too broken up by that turn of events. Gone but Not Forgotten!

With Megatron gone, Dead End and the Stunticons began working for Shockwave and Ratbat, at a tropical island base which was actually a disguised space cruiser. The Desert Island of Space! They staged a daring attack against the Autobots on the moon, but were ultimately driven off by Grimlock and Blaster. Totaled!

These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details.
Battlechargers stunticons life in the slow lane.jpg

Back in action on Earth, Dead End and his Stunticon partner Drag Strip began working for a faction of Decepticons led by Megatron. Megatron had created an ozone-warping rocket, designed to trap heat in the atmosphere which could be tapped for a new source of energy, even though it would virtually destroy all life on Earth. Their plan was interrupted by two Autobots, Wheeljack and Prowl. Starting Over! While Wheeljack kept the Stunticons busy, Prowl leapt onto the rocket itself, his weight knocking it off course and causing it to crash before it reached the apex point in the atmosphere it was meant to travel to. Dead End and Drag Strip raced to the crash site, hoping to retrieve the atmospheric poisons Megatron had loaded it with. At the fallen rocket, however, they ran into Runabout and Runamuck, who were interested in securing the equipment for their commander, Shockwave. The four Decepticons began to tussle, little realizing Prowl had already snuck away and neutralized the canisters. How droll. Life in the Slow Lane

At the Enclave, Dead End was seen talking to Octane early on. Later, after the party descended into violence, he was seen punching out Astrotrain while fighting back-to-back with Tantrum, both of them little realizing they were supposed to be on opposite sides. Probably. The Bad Guy's Ball! During the attack on Autobot Earthbase, Dead End and Breakdown joined the Battlechargers in racing in through the wall of laser fire, trying to reach the base and the Autobot soldiers inside defending it. None of them made it, though, so it was all rather pointless in the end. Divide and Conquer! When the Decepticons needed to kidnap the Autobots' human ally, Irwin Spoon, Dead End and the Stunticons ran interference for Motormaster so that he could get away with the human stored inside his cab. Front Line! After Breakdown took himself out of action, though, only Dead End and Drag Strip were left to stop Bumblebee and Tracks from catching up with their leader. The two Stunticons raced up onto the rear bumpers of their foes, only to be caught off guard when the Autobots suddenly broke away, sending the Decepticon cars hurtling into the back wheels of their own boss, Motormaster, knocking all of them off the road. End of the Road!

Drag Strip and Dead End are mistakenly named as Shockwave's troops in "Life in the Slow Lane", just as the Battlechargers are mistakenly identified as working for Megatron.
Marvel UK future timelines
Ravage stunticons ark duty.jpg

Dead End and the Stunticons attacked Kup on the road in 2003, making an attempt to steal the plans for the upcoming Autobot City. They were successful, but the plans were a set of fakes, so they ultimately didn't gain anything. An exhausting exercise in futility—bet Dead End droned on about that for days. Ark Duty

In 2008, Scourge, Cyclonus, and Death's Head were compelled by Unicron to make an assassination attempt on the Decepticon leader, Shockwave. They sealed the door to the audience chamber during the attack, and so Soundwave summoned the Stunticons as Menasor to break through the door. They eventually did so, and Breakdown and Dead End were about to execute the Decepticon traitors when Death's Head returned with news of Shockwave's demise. Using a series of explosives built into his hover platform as an incentive, the bounty hunter forced Soundwave and the other Decepticons to submit to their leadership. The Legacy of Unicron!

Transformers Comic-Magazin

Dead End and the Stunticons battled the Autobots over possession of an oil refinery and its resources. He Who Laughs Last...

Marvel Generation 2 comic

After Skullgrin was killed on a survey mission by the Cybertronians, Dead End was seen among the Decepticons Megatron was pumping up into a killing fury. (There was, however, a speech bubble near Dead End's head calling for "Death to the pretenders!" Maybe he meant the Cybertronian-Decepticons, or maybe he just didn't like Skullgrin). Despite his fervor, the Decepticons wound up on the losing side of the skirmish, with many of their numbers killed as a result. New Dawn

The Special Teams

Dead End and the rest of the Stunticons were being kept a secret from the Autobots until Megatron was ready to dispatch them on a raid on the Pullen Power Plant. Once in position, the Stunticons raced forward, ready to take whatever Autobots might be guarding the location by surprise. Encountering the Protectobots en route, Motormaster ordered Dead End and the other Stunticons to combine into Menasor to do battle. Dead End and Breakdown received the most damage during the fight, prompting them to send signals to their gestalt form to flee the battle. The fight soon began to weigh in the Autobots’ favour, prompting Menasor to split up into individual robots once more, who dispersed away from the battlefield. The Special Teams

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

There's a thin line between fatalism and realism.

At one point during the Great War, Dead End was linked with the Stunticons to become a super-combiner known as Menasor. After the Crisis Intervention Accords, though, the Stunticons were forced to disband as a unit to prevent major devastation. To that end, Dead End and Motormaster joined Starscream's Predacons separate from their teammates. When Starscream announced that they were crashing the peace ceremony between the other factions, Dead End brought up the fact that they were ridiculously outnumbered, but Motormaster told him to either say something positive or shut up. As Dead End predicted, their attack was met with overwhelming resistance from a combined Autobot/Decepticon/Ultracon front. The Age of Wrath

At some point in Cybertron's recent history, the Stunticons were deemed psychotic and too dangerous to function in society, and as a result were placed into perpetual stasis lock inside of a prison facility. Later, in an attempt to create a diversion while he set his final plans in motion, Shockwave arranged for the release of the Stunticons. Cold War They formed into Menasor and ran amok for a while, until Ultra Magnus arrived and began insulting them. Unable to reconcile with this, the five Stunticons began to bicker with each other over whose fault it was that they were failing, temporarily stopping Menasor and allowing Ultra Magnus to ram the combiner in the chest, forcing him to separate into his component parts and disabling the Stunticons. Passive Aggression

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

We're doomed, see? Myeah.

Along with his Stunticon comrades, Dead End was sent into 1930's Chicago when Teletran 3 went haywire. After being reformatted and locked into the shapes of old human cars, they were found and used by a gang of organized criminals for three days. The Stunticons, aside from Motormaster, were then found by a group of members from G.I. Joe and Cobra, sent from the future to retrieve the Cybertronians and avoid a temporal holocaust. Dead End was awoken when Breakdown snagged the humans' disruption units and shared them with the others, and the Stunticons promptly attacked their saviors and their Autobot ally, Optimus Prime. After following them in a car chase that led halfway across Chicago, the Stunticons stumbled into Motormaster, at which point everyone was sent back to present-day Cybertron. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2

Some time later, Dead End and the other Stunticons joined Serpent O.R.'s new Decepticon army, and helped capture a team of Autobots and G.I. Joes that followed him to Cybertron. The Art of War #3 They later combined into Menasor for an attack on an Autobot peace ceremony. The Art of War #4

The Beast Within

During an all-out Decepticon offensive, Dead End joined the Predacons in battling the Dinobots. When the Dinobots merged to form The Beast, Dead End merged with the other Stunticons in order to do battle with him. The Beast Within

Mystery of Convoy strategy guide manga

For further information, see: #Games

The five Stunticons confronted Ultra Magnus as he reached the end of the Floating City, combining into Menasor and opening fire on the Autobot. Menasor's Weak Point is His Forehead!

2005 IDW continuity

Strangely optimistic for a pessimist.

Dead End was one of dozens of Cybertronians who answered the call to join Megatron in Kaon's underground pit-fighting ring, and later participated in the first street battle against Autobot forces. He was also...unnervingly optimistic about his chances of making the team.

Seriously, it was creepy. Megatron Origin #3

"Do you want me to sit in a corner and rust or just fall apart where I'm standing?"

Soon afterwards, Megatron launched his rebellion, and Dead End fought alongside Drag Strip in the ensuing battle. Megatron Origin #4 Dead End and his fellow Stunticons abandoned the Decepticons after Scorponok usurped Megatron, becoming highwaymen on planet Magmara Nine. They were in the middle of hijacking Strongbox's cargo when Thundercracker arrived to tell them Megatron had returned. Primacy #2 Falling back under Megatron's command, Dead End participated in the massive Decepticon attack on Iacon. The Stunticons attempted to intercept Optimus Prime on his way to face Megatron, but were blasted off the road by Omega Supreme. Primacy #4

Several million years later, Dead End was among the Decepticons left behind on Earth following a failed invasion. In search of fuel, he assaulted a human gas station and guzzled its precious liquid. Seasons in Flight Along with Motormaster and Wildrider, he was then captured and deactivated by Skywatch. The three Stunticons were eventually rescued by Hot Rod, who needed all the help he could get in getting off the planet. A Rude Awakening With Drag Strip already on board the team, the four Stunticons began helping construct a starship. However, the team still wanted their last member back, and Dead End and Motormaster claimed to know where to find him. Seasons in Flight

After Breakdown was recovered, Dead End and the others revealed that they didn't just want him back so they could be a big, happy Stunticon family—Swindle had modified the team into combiners, allowing them to merge into Menasor, kill the Autobots and take the ship for themselves! Enemies of the System However, the Autobots soon figured out Menasor's weakness: his components could barely agree on anything. They focused their attacks on Dead End, which confused and angered the other components, opening Menasor up to be defeated by Optimus Prime. The Stunticons were subsequently captured by Skywatch. Earthworks

The Demolished Man Dead End rams Pennington.jpg
Dead End tackles Bumblebee The Question.jpg

Dead End would eventually find himself rescued from Skywatch a second time when the other Decepticons returned to Earth and attacked the base where the Stunticons were held. As he drove towards freedom, he made sure to ram Skywatch agent Pennington on the way. The Demolished Man The amassed Decepticons prepared to use a space bridge to join Megatron on Cybertron, but were interrupted by Bumblebee, prompting the Stunticons to stay behind and rough him up. However, by sticking his walking stick in the space bridge's power flow, Bumblebee caused a power surge that destroyed the device and incapacitated Dead End and his team, allowing the Autobots to recapture them. The Question

Dead End was later moved to Cybertron and kept on Autobot captivity there. The Autonomy Lesson He was part of an angry Decepticon crowd who demanded answers from the Autobots for Ratbat's death. Stick Together Dead End was later among a Cybertronian crowd recruited by Starscream to pressure Prowl into revealing one of his secret discoveries below ground on Cybertron. Later underground, they witnessed a Titan declare that Starscream was the Cybertronian destined to unite their whole race. He and the other Cybertronians celebrated afterwards with Starscream. Primus: All Good Things When Megatron returned, however, the Decepticons fell back to being loyal to him and saved him from execution at the hands of the Autobots. City on Fire During their riots in celebration of Megatron's return, Dead End and several others raided the Autobot prison and freed their leader. The Verge

After the Dark Cybertron crisis, the Stunticons took up residence in the growing Decepticon ghetto outside of Metroplex. Unwitting pawns in Starscream's scheme, Swindle convinced them that a better life was right around the corner... if they attacked the planet Caminus and pillaged the place. The Enigma of Combination reunited them into a new and improved Menasor; Swindle and the Stunticons travelled through Metroplex's spacebridge and stormed Caminus. First Contact

Things quickly went downhill for the Stunticons and Menasor was summarily trounced by the similarly rebuilt Superion. The Stunticons were disassembled, sent back to Cybertron, and imprisoned. The Sum and Its Parts Along with the other Stunticons, Dead End was soon liberated by Swindle, and they formed Menasor and incited a Decepticon riot at Metroplex's spacebridge chamber. You, Me, and the Universe The Stunticons fared poorly in their second fight against the Autobot combiners, and after Menasor fell the Stunticons were put away for good. All That Remains

Ask Vector Prime

Dead End was presumably present as part of Menasor during the Battle for Sherman Dam in Primax 096.0 Beta. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/06

Commercial appearances

Dead End and the rest of the Stunticons drove over a barren, rocky terrain to meet against the Aerialbots. Both teams combined, and their gestalt forms engaged in a no-holds-barred slug-fest. Aerialbots and Stunticons commercial


Bot Shots Battle Game!

Seems a little happy for a Dead End.

Dead End participated in numerous one-on-one matches against other Autobots and Decepticons, using his fists, his sword, or his gun to defeat his opponents. Sometimes, he even faced off against himself! Bot Shots Battle Game!

Transformers Legends

Dead End and the rest of the Stunticons were created in response to the failure of a Decepticon campaign to acquire Autobot superfuel. Realizing they needed a strong ground force, Dead End and his kin were created by modifying Earth vehicles with Cybertronian technology, and then bringing them before Vector Sigma to be imbued with the spark of life. The Autobots brought the Aerialbots to life at the same time, and the Decepticons found themselves on the losing side until the Stunticons merged into Menasor. The Decepticons lost nonetheless, though they acquired the key to Vector Sigma as a consolation prize. The Key to Vector Sigma, Part 1 Later, Dead End participated in a fight on Earth as the Decepticons attempted to use the power of the key to transform Earth into a new Cybertron. Even though he and his fellow Stunticons merged into Menasor, the battle was still lost to the Autobots, and the Decepticons fled. Key to Vector Sigma, Part 2

In the early days of the war, Megatron tasked Onslaught and Dead End with breaching Iacon's defences. The two Decepticons were opposed by Bumblebee and Warpath, and were ultimately unsuccessful in taking the city due to Metroplex's involvement. Assault on Iacon

Even Megatron had trouble controlling the Stunticons. The team went on a crime spree in the back alleys of human cities until they were tracked down and stopped by Prowl and his team. The Thin Blue Line

Angry Birds Transformers

Dead End appears as a character unlockable in Challenge Events. He is portrayed by Moustache Pig. Yep. Moustache Pig. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers: Battle Tactics

"It doesn't matter how high my stats are. I'm going to lose anyway."

Dead End participated in battles against a variety of opponents, both Autobots and Decepticons. Sometimes there were many of him! He was an Uncommon character available as a reward in the "Menasor's Might" event. Transformers: Battle Tactics

Transformers: Devastation

As Wheeljack was about to repair the Proudstar's damaged Plasma Core, Dead End and the other Stunticons arrived and formed Menasor in an attempt to stop the Autobots. Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Frontiers

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Frontiers

Transformers Online (2017 video game)

"Break out the butter, I'm gonna make toast!"
Everyone is nothing but rotten fodder.

Dead End viewed the Autobot-Decepticon war from a pessimistic perspective. He believed no matter how long the war lasted, all Transformers were doomed to die. In comparison to the other Decepticons, Dead End spent more time preserving and maintaining his comrades' image and performance. On the other hand, once Dead End is engaged in combat, he becomes a fierce and deadly adversary. Dead End would satiate his anarchic and somber soul by stopping at nothing to destroy the Autobots.

In battle, Dead End wielded a pair of "Prism Blades" and the "Charged Particle Rifle". His active skill was "Architect":

  • Architect— Dead End can either construct a turret or a restorative emitter. The turret is set to shoot at any incoming target, while the restorative emitter will heal Dead End and/or allies within proximity of its energy projection. Transformers Online [2]

Transformers: Earth Wars

Why am I here? This game will be discontinued eventually like the last mobile game I was in.

Dead End was present on the Decepticon Moonbase. He looked down on Earth, remarking on how it was inevitable for beautiful things to turn to dust. Moonbase

When Offroad, Bludgeon, and Lockdown arrive at the Moonbase, Dead End demands that they explain their presence. They reply that they're under orders from Straxus and that they need to see what he is protecting. He leads them to a chamber holding the only known sample of the deadly Cosmic Rust.

Bludgeon declares this kind of weapon could bring victory to the Earth Wars, but Dead End doubts that any Cybertronian on Earth would survive. Offroad tries to convince Dead End to hand over the sample, when Kup barged in and tells Dead End to step away from the kill-switch, or it will be the death of them all. Dead End replies that he does NOT care, but it bothered Offroad that his life was on the line, so he knocked out Dead End. Handle with Care

Dead End was brought to Earth, and Drag Strip complains that the intra-team rivalry is getting overwhelming, while Brake-Neck remarks he looks fresh for a corpse. Megatron asks if Dead End has anything to report. Dead End was prepared to hand over his head for sticking to the mission, but Megatron told him to save the dramatics because a 'con who can follow simple orders is more useful to him. He then said they'll have their little talk later...

  • Class: Special
  • Lowest Star Rating: 2 star
  • Weaponry: He uses a rapid-fire laser gun of the same make as Powerglide's and Viper's, and every 10 seconds, he will use a long range cluster grenade that can be thrown over walls and deals higher DPS across a respectable area of effect.
  • Ability: Orbital Bounce: Teleports to a target location and gains 70% damage reduction and immunity to slows and stuns for 5 (lvl 1) - 8.4 (lvl 10) seconds
    This ability was fan-voted on the Transformers: Earth Wars BAND page.
    • Cost: 4 ability points +2 for reuses.

Dead End at Transformers: Earth Wars Wiki

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Dead End was among the Decepticons defending their multiple bases against Autobot invasors. Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers Roleplaying Game

Dead End was a dour, nihilistic warrior. Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and a member of the Stunticons. Decepticon Directive


The Transformers

I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed.
The original Dead End toy transformed into a maroon Porsche 928. He comes with a black double-barreled plasma-energy blaster that attaches to the back of his vehicle mode.
In robot mode, Dead End's legs transform similarly to Breakdown's, flipping and inverting. He is armed with a small black laser pistol. As he was designed with the Scramble City-style combination, he can form the arm or leg to any similarly-constructed robot combination. Although the 1986 G1 Menasor toy giftset shows Dead End as Menasor's right leg, Dead End's nominal placement is as Menasor's left arm.

  • Menasor (Giftset, 1986)
    • Japanese ID number: D-55
Dead End was also available as part of the Menasor giftset.

  • Dead End (1990)
    • Accessories: compressor-air gun, plasma-energy blaster, connector
Dead End and the other Stunticons were rereleased without changes as part of the European/Australian Classics reissue line in 1990.

Generation 2

'This paint job was doomed from the start.'
  • Dead End (Stunticon)
    • Team ID number: S2
For the Generation 2 line, Hasbro intended to release redecoes of the Stunticons in 1994, with Dead End being cast primarily in red plastic, with black and blue accents. Ultimately, however, the toys never went into mass production and remained officially unreleased. Only the four limbs are known to have made it to the sample packaging stage, having turned up in very limited numbers over the years (with the exception of G2 Breakdown, who was available at BotCon 1994 in somewhat larger quantities). All the G2 Stunticons are known to catch high prices on the secondary market.[3]
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left side.
  • Dead End (2004)
    • Alternator ID number: 6
    • Japanese ID number: BT-05
    • Accessories: Engine/gun
Alternators Dead End is a retool of Side Swipe, with his alternate mode being a licensed black 1:24 scale Dodge Viper Competition Coupe (compared to Side Swipe's SRT-10 street model) with silver stripes, red windows and headlights. Like Side Swipe, he features opening doors, a detailed interior, a hood that opens to reveal an engine bay holding a replica Viper V-10 engine, movable steering and rubber tires.
His transformation into robot mode is mostly identical to Side Swipe's, with some changes owing to the slightly different alternate mode. Specific differences include the hood, wheels, roof, the entire rear end of the car, chest and head. The head sculpt is distinctively modeled after Generation 1 Sunstreaker, as this tooling was originally designed as the latter Autobot. Like Side Swipe, he is armed with a vacuum-metalized silver gun formed out of his engine.
The main difference between Hasbro's Alternators release and the Japanese Binaltech version is that Binaltech Dead End's car shell (minus the rear end of the car, which forms the "backpack" kibble in robot mode) is constructed partially out of die-cast metal and has the entire car shell painted.
Though the Alternators version was initially not released in Europe (not counting an imported release of the US-packaged version, which was sold as a Toys"R"Us exclusive in some Scandinavian countries), it was later released as part of a Europe-only wave of Alternators toys in the same packaging style as the second North American Alternators assortment, the latter of which Dead End was not re-released in.
Dead End was later redecoed into Sunstreaker, the character he was originally designed as, with two distinctively different decos released as Alternators Sunstreaker and Binaltech Asterisk Sunstreaker.
Alternators mold: Side Swipe
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:

Bot Shots

I might have not retained the alt-mode of something cool like a Viper or a transaxle Porsche but rest assured that all my crippling depression is still here.
  • Stunticons (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Number: T007
      • Fist strength: 270
      • Blaster strength: 685
      • Sword strength: 665
A redeco of the Leadfoot Bot Shot in maroon and grey, Dead End automatically transforms between car and robot mode, when a sharp impact is applied to his front end. He was sold in a five-pack with Motorbreath, Decepticon Dragstrip, Brake-Neck, and Breakdown.


Dead End is really suffering from an identity crisis...
  • Dead End (Scout Class, 2012)
An Asian market exclusive, Dead End is a red and gray redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Brakedown, transforming into a sports car loosely based on a Lamborghini Gallardo. Notably, despite having the name Dead End and a bio fitting G1 Dead End, the figure's color scheme and Tech Specs are a reference to fellow Stunticon Wildrider.
Dead End was originally only to be released as part of a big block of toys developed exclusively for release in China and other Hasbro Asia markets. However, Toys"R"Us picked up Dead End as part of a massive group of Transformers exclusives for U.S. market release, just in time for the 2012 holiday shopping season.
This mold was also used to make the 2010 Transformers series Oil Pan.


If I'm tiny enough to be man-handled by a kid, what's the point of releasing a toy like this? It's doomed to get eaten by a kid.
  • Menasor (Micro-Changer Combiner, 2014)
    • Set number: A7308
    • Pieces:
    • Accessories: Pistol
"Dead End" is a Kreon included with the Menasor Micro-Changer combiner set, and can be rebuilt from robot to either sports car or Menasor's left leg, part of his left arm, and the head. His deco is based on the Generation 1 Dead End toy, and he wears a black Sideswipe helmet.

  • Combiner Robot Mega Pack (3-pack, 2016)
    • Set number: ???
    • Pieces: 245
3 years later, the 3 Micro-Changer combiners, Superion, Bruticus, and Menasor were reissued and released as a 3-pack. The toys were unchanged from their individual releases.

Combiner Wars

I didn't ask to be made: no one consulted me or considered my feelings in the matter.
  • Dead End (Deluxe Class, 2015)
    • 2 of 5: Menasor
    • Accessories: Muffler/beatstick, Gun/fist/foot
Part of the second wave of Combiner Wars Deluxe Class toys, Dead End transforms from a supercar resembling a Ferrari 458 Italia to robot and back! As a Combiner Wars Deluxe limb he is be able to form a limb for any Combiner Wars-style figure or form one of Legends Godbomber's legs but is, of course, intended to be combined with Motormaster, Breakdown, Dragstrip, and Offroad to create Menasor. In arm mode, the instructions depict the hood of the car folded down against the roof, while in the stock photography and in the comics, the hood points up at an angle. Dead End can be converted in vehicle mode with his front chest flap still attached onto his robot chest, as long you're careful on rolling him on certain surfaces.
Dead End comes with a copy of "Combiner Wars #8" (actually Robots in Disguise #16). Non-American releases instead come with a collector card featuring art from the episode "The Thin Blue Line" of Transformers Legends.
As a part of the first and second wave promotion in Hasbro's Asian markets, a free sticker sheet for the Aerialbots and Stunticons was given out when purchasing any four Deluxe Class toys from those waves. As such, Dead End was given Generation 1 toy-esque stickers for the owner to apply if they wanted.[4]
Dead End was retooled extensively to create Combiner Wars Protectobot Streetwise. That version of the mold was then further retooled to create Prowl and Smokescreen. The original version of Dead End received a new head sculpt to create Unite Warriors Wildrider/Combiner Wars Brake-Neck, and a separate new head and chestpiece to create Dust Up.
Combiner Wars mold: Dead End

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-EX Flowspade

"Why bother releasing a G2 homage? It's doomed to be cancelled like the last one."
  • Menasor (Collection Pack, 2016)
    • Accessories: Sword, Stunticon weapons/extremities
A redeco of the above Combiner Wars mold, this Dead End is based on his cancelled Generation 2 toy. Well, okay, technically this set is based on somebody's digibash based on somebody's hand-painted recreation of his cancelled Generation 2 toy, including an erroneous purple and silver Breakdown and some other errors. A corrected G2 deco should've been that the black on his hood wouldn't cover the whole thing with some red going down the middle to his G2 Decepticon symbol which should be lower down his hood and picked out in yellow, there should be yellow on his roof and on both his left and right sides, he shouldn't have a Decepticon symbol on his chest and he shouldn't have blue on his lower legs.
Combiner Wars mold: Dead End

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-EX Flowspade

Unite Warriors

What's the point for giving me show-accurate paint job? We still had the same plastic quality.
  • Menasor (giftset, August 22, 2015)
    • ID number: UW-02
    • Accessories: club, hand/foot/gun
Takara's Unite Warriors version of Dead End is sold in a Menasor gift set which includes the five original "Stuntrons". He has numerous changes in deco to better match his look in the Generation 1 cartoon. Notable omissions to the deco are the gold stripe on top of his car mode (which allows the Decepticon logo to be in the center rather tilted to one side), and the silver side panels, as neither were part of Dead End's original animation model; the latter detail allows the unpaintable plastic elbow joint to be cast in maroon to match the rest of his car body.
This toy is also officially associated with Scourge Grand Prime.
Combiner Wars mold: Dead End

Version 1:

Version 2:

Version 3:

  • TakaraTomyUnite Warriors UW-EX Flowspade


Why bother combining me with my team? You'll just have to give me the Jazz treatment anyway.
  • Dead End (Deluxe Class, 2022)
Part of the third wave of Legacy Deluxe Class figures, Dead End transforms into a close approximation of his Porsche 928 sports car mode in 15 steps. Though heavily based on his appearance in the Generation 1 cartoon, his vehicle mode features a yellow stripe running through the top, a nod to his original toy. His accessories include two blasters, which can mount to the back of his car mode.
Dead End combines with his fellow Legacy Stunticon toys to form Menasor. When Dead End is attached to Menasor's half-transformed left arm, a hidden button on his underside is depressed, releasing a spring-locked latch that allows the figure to split in two at the waist, thereby allowing the arm to fully transform and giving Menasor a full range of elbow motion. As Legacy Menasor is designed with a specific limb configuration in mind, Dead End is limited to being Menasor's left arm, as he is incompatible with the tabbing system on the right arm intended for Drag Strip or the legs intended for Wildrider and Breakdown. Due to this design, Dead End is also not compatible with any prior systems of combination.
Many have reported that Dead End's alternate mode fails to tab together correctly, resulting in unsightly gaps on the car's rear end, split down the middle. While the tolerances for this are kind of ridiculous, the back end can fit together by pushing the feet (now on the back-end of the roof) down so they are not flush with the portion of roof just in front of them but just a bit below, which locks tabs into designated slots and stops the legs from pushing against outward each other somehow. Dark magic maybe.

You weren't able to find the first G2 Stunticon they released, so why bother looking for me?
  • G2 Universe Dead End (Deluxe Class, 2023)
Released in the Legacy: Evolution Toxitron Collection, "G2 Universe Dead End" is a redeco of the above Legacy figure, based on his unreleased Generation 2 deco. Unlike the Combiner Wars iteration, Dead End's colors are accurate to the original unreleased toy. Also, unlike fellow Walmart-exclusive G2 Stunticon arm component Shadowstrip, G2 Dead End is labelled as such, and not as a separate character.
The Toxitron Collection was exclusive to Walmart in the United States. Dead End and several wavemates were listed by various overseas retailers, and even released at Walmart stores in Canada[6] before any official announcement from Hasbro.

Don't bother trying to get me, this set will be too expensive for you anyway.
  • Stunticon Menasor (Giftset, 2023)
  • TakaraTomy name: Stunticon Menastor (スタンティコンメナソー)
  • TakaraTomy ID number: TL-90
  • TakaraTomy release date: 2025 March 29
  • Accessories: 2 Energon blasters
  • Known designers: Mark Maher (Hasbro)[7]
A redeco of the above standard-release Legacy figure, this version of Dead End is based on the original 1986 toy's deco and decals.
He was only available in a giftset with the other Legacy Stunticons, each done in a toy-accurate deco. This set was revealed at San Diego Comic Con 2023, and went up for preorder as a Hasbro Pulse exclusive on August 1st.


Transformers Trading Card Game

  • Dead End, Doomed Loner (2019)
    • Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners
    • Rarity: CT
    • Card Number: T15/T46
    • Stars: 5
Dead End, Doomed Loner was released as part of the Transformers Trading Card Game Wave 2: Rise of the Combiners. Like all other members of combiner teams released in the set, Dead End, Doomed Loner is a folding card, with the Bot and Alt modes being depicted when the card is folded in half, and a holofoil portion of the the combined mode depicted when unfolded. The reverse of Dead End, Doomed Loner depicts Menasor's right arm, which is formed by Dead End in the artwork.
The artwork for Bot and Alt Mode is reused from the Transformers Legends mobile game.
Dead End, Doomed Loner can be used to form Menasor, Menacing Colossus with the use of the Action card Stunticon Enigma while he and the other Wave 2 Stunticons are in Bot mode on the battlefield or KO area.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Dead End (デッドエンド Deddo Endo)
  • French: Impasse (Canada, 1986 release), Borne (Canada, 1990 "Classic" version)
  • Hungarian: Zsákutca
  • Italian: Cobra
  • Mandarin: Sǐxiàng (Taiwan, 死巷, "Dead End"), Fēngsuǒ (China, 封锁, "Blockade")
  • Russian: Tupik (Тупик, "Dead End"), Chjort (Чёрт, "Devil")
  • Polish: Ślepy Zaułek (TM Semic Comic, "Dead End")


  1. For the 1986 European release in multilingual packaging, Dead End's name was spelled in two words all over his packaging as per normal, except for the "bio"/Tech Specs on the back of the packaging (which was more of a "motto/Tech Specs" due to the need to fit everything in four languages), which spelled his name "Deadend", as one word. (The same happened to his fellow Stunticon Drag Strip.)
  2. Dead End on the Transformers Online website
  3. Mirrored photos of Generation 2 Dead End in sample packaging at Transformers @ The Moon
  4. Aerialbot and Stunticon sticker promotion on Seibertron.com
  5. https://news.tfw2005.com/2022/07/14/transformers-legacy-deluxe-pointblack-dead-end-skullgrin-amazon-listings-and-product-descriptions-460703
  6. https://news.tfw2005.com/2023/07/14/transformers-legacy-toxitron-collection-deluxes-out-in-canada-489564
  7. San Diego Comic-Con 2023 Generations panel recording at the "Memo's collection" YouTube channel
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