- Call of the Wildman was an American reality television series that aired on Animal Planet from 2011 to 2014. The show followed the exploits of Kentucky woodsman Ernie Brown, Jr., nicknamed "The Turtleman". Aided by his friend, Neal James, and his dog, Lolly, Brown operated a nuisance animal removal business, catching and releasing nuisance animals. The series was primarily filmed near Brown's Lebanon, Kentucky, home. Brown began catching snapping turtles from ponds near his home at the age of 7. He came to the attention of Animal Planet producers in part after an episode of Kentucky Educational Television's Kentucky Afield series that featured his bare-handed turtle-catching techniques was posted on YouTube and went viral. After personally visiting Brown and doing some initial filming, network executives decided to produce a 12-episode season of the series with the working title The Turtleman of Wild Kentucky. The title was soon changed to Call of the Wildman, a reference to Brown's distinctive yell that punctuates his actions throughout the series. The series was Animal Planet's most watched program in the fourth quarter of 2011 and was renewed for a second, 16-episode series that began airing in June 2012. In October 2012, Animal Planet re-released the series with bonus features and trivia information known as Call of the Wildman: More Live Action. Call of the Wildman has been compared to other reality series featuring individuals from the Southern United States such as Billy the Exterminator, Duck Dynasty, Swamp People, and Rocket City Rednecks. Because it depicts Brown's spartan existence in the backwoods of Kentucky, some poverty advocacy groups have expressed concerns that it exploits stereotypical views of Southerners as being poorly educated, poorly groomed, and impoverished. Network executives insist, however, that they have received no negative feedback about the program. Season 4 began on August 24, 2014. (en)
- Turtleman (littéralement: « Homme Tortue ») (Call of the Wildman) est une émission de téléréalité américaine diffusée depuis le 30 octobre 2011 sur la chaîne Animal Planet. En France, l'émission est diffusée depuis le 2 juillet 2015 sur 6ter. a commencé à attraper des tortues serpentines dans les étangs près de son domicile à l'âge de 7 ans. (fr)
- Turtleman (Call of the Wildman) è un programma televisivo documentaristico statunitense, in onda su DMAX, con protagonista Ernie Brown Jr. (Washington County, 1968), aiutato dal suo amico Neal James e il suo cane Lolly. Brown si occupa della cattura di animali selvatici: ha iniziato catturando tartarughe da stagni vicino a casa sua all'età di 7 anni. Attrasse l'attenzione dei produttori di dopo l'episodio della serie Kentucky Afield dell'emittente Kentucky Educational Television che ha mostrato le sue tecniche per la cattura delle tartarughe a mani nude, postato su YouTube e subito diventato virale. Dopo aver incontrato e filmato Brown, i dirigenti di rete decisero di produrre una stagione di 12 episodi della serie con il titolo provvisorio The Turtleman of Wild Kentucky. Il titolo è stato successivamente cambiato in Call of the Wildman, un riferimento al grido distintivo di Brown che scandisce le sue azioni durante la serie. La serie è stato il programma più visto di Animal Planet nel quarto trimestre del 2011 ed è stato rinnovato per una seconda serie di 16 episodi che ha cominciato a trasmettere nel giugno 2012. Nell'ottobre 2012, Animal Planet ha ripubblicato la serie con contenuti extra e curiosità con il titolo Call of the Wildman: More live Action. (it)
- Turtleman (littéralement: « Homme Tortue ») (Call of the Wildman) est une émission de téléréalité américaine diffusée depuis le 30 octobre 2011 sur la chaîne Animal Planet. En France, l'émission est diffusée depuis le 2 juillet 2015 sur 6ter. a commencé à attraper des tortues serpentines dans les étangs près de son domicile à l'âge de 7 ans. (fr)
- Call of the Wildman was an American reality television series that aired on Animal Planet from 2011 to 2014. The show followed the exploits of Kentucky woodsman Ernie Brown, Jr., nicknamed "The Turtleman". Aided by his friend, Neal James, and his dog, Lolly, Brown operated a nuisance animal removal business, catching and releasing nuisance animals. The series was primarily filmed near Brown's Lebanon, Kentucky, home. Season 4 began on August 24, 2014. (en)
- Turtleman (Call of the Wildman) è un programma televisivo documentaristico statunitense, in onda su DMAX, con protagonista Ernie Brown Jr. (Washington County, 1968), aiutato dal suo amico Neal James e il suo cane Lolly. (it)