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Digitalization, copyright and innovation in the creative industries: an agent-based model. (2022). Martinelli, Arianna ; Russo, Emanuele ; Palagi, Elisa ; Nuvolari, Alessandro.
In: LEM Papers Series.

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  1. Aguiar, L. (2017). Let the music play? Free streaming and its effects on digital music consumption. Information Economics and Policy 41, 1–14.

  2. Bounie, D., M. Bourreau, and P. Waelbroeck (2006). Piracy and demands for films: Analysis of piracy behavior in French universities. Working paper no. 06/12, Telecom Paris.
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  3. Budish, E., B. N. Roin, and H. Williams (2016, May). Patents and research investments: Assessing the empirical evidence. American Economic Review 106(5), 183–87.

  4. Darling, K. (2014). IP without IP? A study of the online adult entertainment industry. STAN. TECH. L. REV. 17, 655–717.
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  5. Darling, K. and A. Perzanowski (Eds.) (2011). Creativity without Law Challenging the Assumptions of Intellectual Property. New York: NYU Press.
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  6. Dosi, G., E. Palagi, A. Roventini, and E. Russo (2021). Do patents really foster innovation in the pharmaceutical sector? Results from an evolutionary, agent-based model. Technical report, LEM Working Paper Series.

  7. Fagiolo, G., M. Guerini, F. Lamperti, A. Moneta, and A. Roventini (2019). Validation of agentbased models in economics and finance. In Computer Simulation Validation: Fundamental Concepts, Methodological Frameworks, and Philosophical Perspectives. Springer.
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  25. Waldfogel, J. (2017). How digitization has created a golden age of music, movies, books, and television. Journal of economic perspectives 31(3), 195–214.


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