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Good Firms, Worker Flows and Productivity. (2013). Serafinelli, Michel.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. Productivity Spillovers of Superior Firms Through Worker Mobility. (2024). Abolhassani, Marzieh.
    In: De Economist.

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  2. Worker poaching in a supply chain: Enemy from within?. (2020). Barlow, Evan ; Bassamboo, Achal ; Allon, Gad.
    In: Managerial and Decision Economics.

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  3. The productivity effects of worker mobility between heterogenous firms. (2016). Stockinger, Bastian ; Wolf, Katja.
    In: Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change.

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  4. Replacing Workers: Is It a Boon or a Bane for Firm Productivity?. (2016). Grinza, Elena.
    In: Working papers.

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  5. The productivity effects of worker mobility between heterogeneous firms. (2016). Stockinger, Bastian ; Wolf, Katja.
    In: IAB Discussion Paper.

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  6. Dutch Disease or Agglomeration? The Local Economic Effects of Natural Resource Booms in Modern America. (2014). Allcott, Hunt ; Keniston, Daniel .
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  7. Selective Firing and Lemons. (2014). Weynandt, Michele A..
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  8. Does High Home-Ownership Impair the Labor Market?. (2013). Oswald, Andrew ; Blanchflower, David ; DavidG. Blanchflower, .
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  9. Does High Home-Ownership Impair the Labor Market?. (2013). Oswald, Andrew ; Blanchflower, David ; AndrewJ. Oswald, ; DavidG. Blanchflower, .
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  10. Peer Effects in the Workplace. (2013). Schoenberg, Uta ; dustmann, christian ; Cornelissen, Thomas ; Schonberg, Uta.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  11. Does High Home-Ownership Impair the Labor Market?. (2013). Oswald, Andrew ; Blanchflower, David.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  12. Peer Effects in the Workplace. (2013). Schoenberg, Uta ; dustmann, christian ; Cornelissen, Thomas ; Schonberg, Uta.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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