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Livestock production, greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and grassland conservation: Quasi-natural experimental evidence. (2022). Yu, Xiaohua ; Han, Guodong ; Bie, Qiang ; Chen, Huang ; Zhang, Hangyu ; Xu, Wenli ; Liu, Min.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  38. The effect of doubling the minimum wage on employment and earnings in Mexico. (2021). Esquivel, Gerardo ; Campos-Vazquez, Raymundo M.
    In: Economics Letters.

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  39. The Implications of Monetary Union for Income Inequality: An Empirical Assessment. (2021). Maschke, Andreas ; Kerschbaumer, Florentin.
    In: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - WuG.

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  40. The Effect of Islamic Revolution and War on Income Inequality in Iran. (2021). Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza ; Kadivar, Mohammad Ali.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  41. Breaking up is hard to do: Lessons from the strange case of New Zealand. (2021). Munger, Michael C ; Grier, Kevin B.
    In: Social Science Quarterly.

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  42. Do price reductions attract customers in urban public transport? A synthetic control approach. (2021). von Arx, Widar ; Blattler, Kevin ; Wallimann, Hannes.
    In: Papers.

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  43. Synthetic Controls for Experimental Design. (2021). Zhao, Jinglong ; Abadie, Alberto.
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  44. ¿Discontinuidades o Continuidades Políticas? Explorando sus Efectos sobre el Desempeño Económico: El Caso de la Intervención Federal en Santiago del Estero. (2021). Fernandez, Juan Cruz ; Santos, Maria Emma ; Ignacio, Fernando Antonio.
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  45. A Hard Look at “Soft” Cost?control Measures in Healthcare Organizations: Evidence from Preferred Drug Policies in Germany. (2021). Blankart, Katharina ; Avdic, Daniel.
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  46. The Macroeconomic Impact of Recent Political Conflicts in Africa: Generalized Synthetic Counterfactual Evidence. (2021). Asongu, Simplice ; Tchamyou, Vanessa S ; Diop, Samba.
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