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- The annual total hours of worked is constructed as the product of the hours worked per week and the number of work weeks. The statistics in the papers are based on the threshold value of 1000 hours for someone to be de…ned as employed. The threshold value changes the average employment rate, but does not alter the cross-sectional relationship between wealth and labor supply signi…cantly.
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- The household-level transfer is obtained from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). It contains rich information on various transfers. The samples considered are from the …rst to ninth waves of the SIPP in 2001, which covers from 2001 to 2003. The same age restrictions are used as above. The number of observations used for the empirical analysis is 257; 335. The amount of transfers at the household level is computed as the sum of various transfer programs including
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- To construct earnings and wealth variables, I closely follow the de…nitions in Diaz, Glover and Rios-Rull (2011) and Kuhn and Rios-Rull (2015). Speci…cally, the variable of earnings is de…ned as wages and salaries of all kinds plus the 86 percent of the business income such as income from professional practices, businesses, and farm sources. Wealth is de…ned as the net worth of a household. In other words, it is the value of …nancial real assets of all kinds minus the value of all kinds of liabilities. See Diaz et al. (2011) and Kuhn and Rios-Rull (2015) for details about various sub-categories of assets and liabilities that are extensively covered in the SCF data set. To construct an employment variable, I use the household head’ s annual total hours of worked.
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