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Challenging the popular wisdom. New estimates of the unobserved economy.. (2010). Tirelli, Patrizio ; Onnis, Luisanna.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. On Estimating the Size of the Shadow Economy. (2017). Kirchgassner, Gebhard.
    In: German Economic Review.

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  2. On Estimating the Size of the Shadow Economy. (2016). Kirchgässner, Gebhard ; Kirchgassner, Gebhard.
    In: Economics Working Paper Series.

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  3. Shadow economies at times of banking crises: Empirics and theory. (2016). Tirelli, Patrizio ; Onnis, Luisanna ; Colombo, Emilio.
    In: Journal of Banking & Finance.

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  4. On Estimating the Size of the Shadow Economy. (2016). Kirchgässner, Gebhard ; Kirchgassner, Gebhard.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  5. Shadow economy: Does it matter for money velocity?. (2015). Tirelli, Patrizio ; Onnis, Luisanna.
    In: Empirical Economics.

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  6. Can we rely upon fiscal policy estimates in countries with unreported production of 15 per cent (or more) of GDP?. (2012). Marzano, Elisabetta ; Chiarini, Bruno ; Basile, Raffaella .
    In: Working Papers.

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  7. The Shadow Economy and Systemic Transformation: The Case of Poland. (2012). Bogdan Mróz, .
    In: Chapters.

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  8. Can we Rely upon Fiscal Policy Estimates in Countries with Unreported Production of 15 Per Cent (or more) of GDP?. (2011). Marzano, Elisabetta ; Chiarini, Bruno ; Basile, Raffaella .
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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    In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  30. Democracy, Property Rights, Redistribution and Economic Growth. (2005). Gradstein, Mark.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  31. Political Predation and Economic Development. (2005). Biais, Bruno ; Bates, Robert ; Azam, Jean-Paul.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  32. Evaluating Explanations for Stagnation. (2004). Kumar, Krishna ; Caucutt, Elizabeth.
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  33. The Curse of Natural Resources in Fractionalized Countries. (2004). Hodler, Roland.
    In: Diskussionsschriften.

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  34. Diamonds Are a Rebel’s Best Friend. (2004). Olsson, Ola.
    In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  35. Institutions and the Resource Curse. (2004). Torvik, Ragnar ; Moene, Karl Ove ; Mehlum, Halvor.
    In: DEGIT Conference Papers.

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  36. Conocimiento, geografía e instituciones: Una aproximación a la problemática del crecimiento en el archipiélago canario. (2004). Gonzalez, Jacinto Brito.
    In: Documentos de trabajo conjunto ULL-ULPGC.

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  37. Education Policies to Revive a Stagnant Economy: The Case of Sub- Saharan Africa. (2003). Kumar, Krishna ; Caucutt, Elizabeth.
    In: Development and Comp Systems.

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  38. Low Investment Is Not the Constraint on African Development. (2003). Easterly, William ; Pack, Howard ; Devarajan, Shantayanan.
    In: Economic Development and Cultural Change.

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  39. Growth and Poverty Reduction Does Political Regime Matter?. (2003). Quibria, M.G..
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  40. Fractionalization. (2003). Wacziarg, Romain ; Easterly, William ; Alesina, Alberto ; Devleeschauwer, Arnaud ; Kurlat, Sergio .
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  41. Trade Liberalization and Growth: New Evidence. (2003). Wacziarg, Romain ; Welch, Karen Horn.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  42. Kleptocracy and Divide-and-Rule: A Model of Personal Rule. (2003). Verdier, Thierry ; Robinson, James ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  43. Institutions and the resource curse. (2003). Torvik, Ragnar ; Moene, Karl Ove ; Mehlum, Halvor.
    In: Memorandum.

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  44. Geography and Institutions: A Review of Plausible and Implausible Linkages. (2003). Olsson, Ola.
    In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  45. Conflict Diamonds. (2003). Olsson, Ola.
    In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  46. Trade Liberalization and Growth: New Evidence. (2003). Wacziarg, Romain ; Welch, Karen Horn.
    In: Research Papers.

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  47. Kleptocracy and Divide-and-Rule: A Model of Personal Rule. (2003). Verdier, Thierry ; Robinson, James ; Acemoglu, Daron.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  48. The World Bank and the persistence of poverty in poor countries. (2002). Hillman, Arye.
    In: European Journal of Political Economy.

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  49. How Reform Worked in China. (2002). Qian, Yingyi .
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  50. Political Foundations of the Resource Curse. (2002). Verdier, Thierry ; Torvik, Ragnar ; Robinson, James.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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