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Can we Rely upon Fiscal Policy Estimates in Countries with Unreported Production of 15 Per Cent (or more) of GDP?. (2011). Marzano, Elisabetta ; Chiarini, Bruno ; Basile, Raffaella .
In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  1. Fiscal multipliers and unreported production: evidence for Italy. (2016). Marzano, Elisabetta ; Chiarini, Bruno ; Basile, Raffaella ; Luca, Giovanni.
    In: Empirical Economics.

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  2. Size, Trend, and Policy Implications of the Underground Economy. (2014). Turino, Francesco ; Raggi, Davide ; Orsi, Renzo.
    In: Review of Economic Dynamics.

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  3. Steady State Laffer Curve with the Underground Economy. (2013). Chiarini, Bruno.
    In: Public Finance Review.

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  4. Tax rates and tax evasion: an empirical analysis of the long-run aspects in Italy. (2013). schneider, friedrich ; Marzano, Elisabetta ; Chiarini, Bruno.
    In: European Journal of Law and Economics.

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  5. Is the Italian Public Debt Really Unsustainable? An Historical Comparison (1861-2010). (2013). Marzano, Elisabetta ; Chiarini, Bruno ; Bartoletto, Silvana.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  6. Successful Austerity in the United States, Europe and Japan. (2012). Batini, Nicoletta ; Melina, Giovanni ; Callegari, Giovanni.
    In: IMF Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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