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Beneke, M., N. Lustig, and J. A. Oliva. 2015. “El impacto de los impuestos y el gasto social en la desigualdad y la pobreza en El Salvador.†CEQ Working Paper No. 26, Center for InterAmerican Policy and Research and Department of Economics, Tulane University and InterAmerican Dialogue. Also, “CEQ Assessment: El Salvador.†In The Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy: Experience from Developing Countries, edited by Nora Lustig. Tulane University and the World Bank, forthcoming.
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Cabrera, M., N. Lustig, and H. Moran. 2015. “Fiscal Policy, Inequality and the Ethnic Divide in Guatemala.†World Development 76: 263–279.
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Duclos, J. and A. Araar. 2006. Poverty and Equity: Measurement, Policy and Estimation with DAD (Vol. 2). Springer. Enami, A., N. Lustig and R. Aranda. Forthcoming. “Analytical Foundations: Measuring the Redistributive Impact of Taxes and Transfers.†In Lustig, editor, Commitment to Equity Handbook. A Guide to Estimating the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty, Brookings Institution Press and CEQ Institute, Tulane University.
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Higgins, S. and C. Pereira. 2014. “The Effects of Brazil’s Taxation and Social Spending on the Distribution of Household Income.†In The Redistributive Impact of Taxes and Social Spending in Latin America edited by Nora Lustig, Carola Pessino and John Scott. Special Issue, Public Finance Review 42, no. 3.
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Lustig, N. 2015. “The Redistributive Impact of Government Spending on Education and Health: Evidence from 13 Developing Countries in the Commitment to Equity Project†Chapter 16 in Gupta, Sanjeev, Michael Keen, Benedict Clements and Ruud de Mooij, editors, Inequality and Fiscal Policy, Washington: International Monetary Fund.
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Younger, S. D., E. Osei-Assibey and F. Oppong. 2015. “Fiscal Incidence in Ghana.†CEQ Working Paper No. 35, Center for Inter-American Policy and Research, Tulane University, Ithaca College, University of Ghana and the World Bank.
Younger, S. D., F. Myamba, and K. Mdadila. 2016. “Fiscal Incidence in Tanzania.†CEQ Working Paper No. 36, Center for Inter-American Policy and Research, Tulane University Ithaca College and REPOA.