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The Dynamic Effects of Fiscal Consolidation Episodes on Income Inequality. (2018). Heimberger, Philipp.
In: wiiw Working Papers.

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  1. Fiscal Consolidation: Taking Stock of Success Factors, Impact, and Design. (2023). Selim, Hoda ; Balasundharam, Vybhavi ; Benicio, Dalmacio ; Basdevant, Olivier ; Kim, Yujin.
    In: IMF Working Papers.

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  2. Austerity and distributional policy. (2022). Asatryan, Zareh ; Alpino, Matteo ; Wehrhofer, Nils ; Blesse, Sebastian.
    In: Journal of Monetary Economics.

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  3. Austerity and distributional policy. (2020). Wehrhofer, Nils ; Blesse, Sebastian ; Asatryan, Zareh ; Alpino, Matteo.
    In: ZEW Discussion Papers.

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  4. Austerity and Distributional Policy. (2020). Asatryan, Zareh ; Alpino, Matteo ; Wehrhofer, Nils ; Blesse, Sebastian.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  5. A Survey of Inclusive Growth Policy. (2019). Heshmati, Almas ; Kim, Jung Suk ; Wood, Jacob.
    In: Economies.

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  6. The Impact of Fiscal Consolidation on Inequality:The Case of V4 Countries. (). Mandzak, Peter.
    In: Department of Economic Policy Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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