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Does the price of natural resources affect firms’ total factor productivity? Evidence from a natural experiment in China. (2021). Sheng, Yan ; Yin, Chuan ; Liu, Shasha.
In: Economic Analysis and Policy.

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  2. Industrial robots and firm productivity. (2023). Feng, Zongxian ; Chen, Shaojian ; Duan, Dingyun ; Li, Jun.
    In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

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  3. Regional production restriction policy and firms’ green transition: Evidence from Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. (2023). Li, Hailing ; Hu, Xuechen ; Wang, Hong.
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  4. Green Credit Policy and Corporate Productivity: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment in China. (2022). Sensoy, Ahmet ; Nguyen, Duc Khuong ; Pan, Yuying ; Wang, Pan Pan ; Cui, Xin.
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  5. ESG disclosure and financial performance: Moderating role of ESG investors. (2022). Xie, Guanxia ; Chen, Zhongfei.
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  6. Empirical Analysis of Evidence-Based Policymaking in R&D Programmes. (2021). Shin, Kiyoon ; Shim, Hyensup.
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  7. The role of resource reallocation in promoting total factor productivity growth: Insights from China’s agricultural sector. (2021). Ma, Wanglin ; Zheng, Hongyun.
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References cited by this document

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