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Empirical Models of Firms and Industries. (2017). Slade, Margaret ; Aguirregabiria, Victor.
In: Microeconomics.ca working papers.

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    In: International Economic Review.

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  2. Empirical methodology for the evaluation of collusive behaviour in vertically-related markets: An application to the “yogurt cartel” in France. (2020). Mechemache, Zohra ; Bonnet, Celine ; Bouamra-Mechemache, Zohra.
    In: International Review of Law and Economics.

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  3. The Potential Compensation Principle and Constant Marginal Utility of Income. (2019). Martin, Stephen.
    In: The Japanese Economic Review.

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  4. The Kaldor–Hicks Potential Compensation Principle and the Constant Marginal Utility of Income. (2019). Martin, Stephen.
    In: Review of Industrial Organization.

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  5. Market Power in Retail Gasoline Markets. (2019). Steen, Frode ; Nguyen-Ones, Mai.
    In: Discussion Paper Series in Economics.

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  6. Measuring Market Power in Gasoline Retailing: A Market- or Station Phenomenon?. (2018). Steen, Frode ; Nguyen-Ones, Mai.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  7. Measuring Market Power in Gasoline Retailing: A Market- or Station Phenomenon?. (2018). Steen, Frode ; Nguyen-Ones, Mai.
    In: Discussion Paper Series in Economics.

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  8. Cooperative pricing in spatially differentiated markets. (2018). Firgo, Matthias ; Kugler, Agnes.
    In: Regional Science and Urban Economics.

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  9. Measuring Market Power in Gasoline Retailing: A Market- or Station Phenomenon?. (2018). Steen, Frode ; Nguyen-Ones, Mai.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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