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The benefits and costs of adjusting bank capitalisation: evidence from euro area countries. (2019). Gonzalez, Clara ; Dewachter, Hans ; Budnik, Katarzyna ; Affinito, Massimiliano ; Mousarri, Elena ; Pereira, Ana Regina ; ben Hadj, Saiffedine ; Martinho, Ricardo ; Venditti, Fabrizio ; Jimborean, Ramona ; Manninen, Otso ; Nicoletti, Giulio ; Jantunen, Lauri ; Barbic, Gaia ; Ozsahin, Selcuk ; Rivera-Rozo, Jairo ; Velasco, Sofia ; Hu, Jenny ; Ogrady, Michael ; Mencia, Javier ; Naruevicius, Laurynas ; Trikoupis, Constantinos ; Chretien, Edouard.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. Measuring the impact of a bank failure on the real economy: an EU-wide analytical framework. (2021). Vacca, Valerio ; Schellerer, Stefan ; Bichlmeier, Fabian ; Santioni, Raffaele ; Ricci, Giacomo ; Miani, Claudia ; Ballesteros, Elisa Llorente ; Hoeretzeder, Silvia ; Ebner, Andre ; di Primio, Luciano ; Bravo, Antonio J ; Boschi, Natalie ; Westman, Hanna ; Biraschi, Paolo.
    In: ESRB Working Paper Series.

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  2. Measuring the impact of a bank failure on the real economy. An EU-wide analytical framework. (2021). Vacca, Valerio ; Ricci, Giacomo ; Miani, Claudia ; Ballesteros, Elisa Llorente ; Hoeretzeder, Silvia ; Ebner, Andr ; di Primio, Luciano ; Bravo, Antonio J ; Boschi, Natalie ; Westman, Hanna ; Biraschi, Paolo ; Schellerer, Stefan ; Bichlmeier, Fabian ; Santioni, Raffaele.
    In: Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers).

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References cited by this document

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