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Conducting Cost Benefit Analysis in Expected Utility Units Using Revealed Social Preferences. (2023). canning, david.
In: Working Papers.

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  2. Adler, M. D. (2020). "Benefit–cost analysis and distributional weights: an overview." Review of Environmental Economics and Policy.
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  3. Adler, M. D. (2020). "What should we spend to save lives in a pandemic? A critique of the value of statistical life." A Critique of the Value of Statistical Life (June 25, 2020). Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series(2020-40).
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  4. Adler, M. D., J. K. Hammitt and N. Treich (2014). "The social value of mortality risk reduction: VSL versus the social welfare function approach." Journal of Health Economics 35: 82-93.

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  6. Andersson, H. and N. Treich (2011). The value of a statistical life. A handbook of transport economics, Edward Elgar Publishing.
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