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Economic Polarisation in Europe: Causes and Policy Options. (2019). Kapeller, Jakob ; Heimberger, Philipp ; Gräbner, Claudius.
In: ICAE Working Papers.

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  1. The press and government, influencers of citizens’ political opinions: A quasi-experiment on Brexit. (2024). Paun, Mihaela ; Fiscutean, Andrada ; Rou, Maria-Magdalena.
    In: Journal of Policy Modeling.

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  2. Exploring polarisation in economic hardship among Italian macro-regions. (2023). Ruiu, Gabriele.
    In: Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology.

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  3. (Mis)measuring competitiveness: the quantification of a malleable concept in the European Semester. (2021). Hager, Theresa ; Grabner-Radkowitsch, Claudius.
    In: ZOE Discussion Papers.

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  4. ECB quantitative easing, euro depreciation and supply chains: Industry-level estimates for Germany, Italy and Greece. New prospects for a Minskyan big bank?. (2021). Lucarelli, Stefano ; Gobbi, Lucio.
    In: PSL Quarterly Review.

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  5. (Mis)Measuring Competitiveness: The Quantification of a Malleable Concept in the European Semester. (2021). Gräbner, Claudius ; Graebner-Radkowitsch, Claudius ; Hager, Theresa.
    In: ICAE Working Papers.

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  6. Pandemic pushes polarisation: the Corona crisis and macroeconomic divergence in the Eurozone. (2020). Kapeller, Jakob ; Heimberger, Philipp ; Grabner, Claudius.
    In: Economia e Politica Industriale: Journal of Industrial and Business Economics.

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  7. Theorizing competition: an interdisciplinary framework. (2020). Pühringer, Stephan ; Gräbner, Claudius ; Wolfmayr, Georg ; Rogojanu, Ana ; Altreiter, Carina.
    In: ICAE Working Papers.

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  8. The emergence of core-periphery structures in the European Union: a complexity perspective. (2020). Gräbner, Claudius ; Hafele, Jakob.
    In: ICAE Working Papers.

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  9. Monthly Report No. 12/2019. (2019). Ghodsi, Mohammad Mahdi ; Jestl, Stefan ; Heimberger, Philipp ; Bykova, Alexandra.
    In: wiiw Monthly Reports.

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References cited by this document

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