[redigera wikitext]Finns där någon studie som bevisar påståendet "vilket inte minst i kombination med alkohol i olika former anses vara en vanlig orsak till den." Soft0 (diskussion) 2 juli 2009 kl. 22.54 (Signatur tillagd i efterhand.)
Image undue weight
[redigera wikitext]Hello,
I do not speak Swedish, but the image on this page includes pornography and is thus a violation in my opinion of en:WP:PARITY. Wallby (diskussion) 17 december 2023 kl. 13.51 (CET)
- Dear @Wallby, The breast-part of Tori Bell is cut out, which makes you only see the waist, the interesting part in this article. Therefor I do not see it as pornography. The picture you suggest on enwp are actually mor "porn" because you see the whole naked body (but it is informative too). Best regards Adville (diskussion) 17 december 2023 kl. 14.42 (CET)
- What you are saying is "that nakedness == pornography", which I disagree with. There is a difference between modified presentation of nudity and neutral representation of a naked body. The image I suggested has neutral lighting and a minimal palette of tints. It also does not include lingerie and "water dripping down", all of which have an i.m.o. not very subtle message saying "this is pornography".
- Furthermore you left out the part of my argument where I addressed the other image of the man that is, if the image title is to be believed, diagnosed with obesity, which is not a representation of an average body.
- I think it might be best to not include me any further in this discussion as I do not speak Swedish, hence I ask to not be mentioned. I only created this topic because I was looking on which pages the image that I think is not a good choice, is used, hence I left a note here. Wallby (diskussion) 18 december 2023 kl. 10.22 (CET)
- Ok. I leave this discussion too untill someone replies. I do not see the problems. Adville (diskussion) 18 december 2023 kl. 10.32 (CET)
- Ingen åtgärd vidtas. Inga brott mot någon riktlinje på svwp.Yger (diskussion) 18 december 2023 kl. 10.37 (CET)
- Ok. I leave this discussion too untill someone replies. I do not see the problems. Adville (diskussion) 18 december 2023 kl. 10.32 (CET)
Ang påstående om att bukfetma är svår att få bukt med
[redigera wikitext]Angående detta påstående i artikeln:
"Tyvärr är den svår att motverka och även svår att tvinga tillbaka, men med rätt kosthållning och med rätt typ av fysisk aktivitet går den att behandla. Bukfetma är dock mindre vanligt förekommande än underhudsfett runt magen, vilket är enklare att få bukt med."
Jag läste t ex här att visceralt fett är det som är lättast att bli av med då det bildas sist:
"Good news: visceral fat is easier to get rid of than subcutaneous fat. With exercise and a sensible diet, it is the first fat to come off. This is because it is the last to be created. Peter Attia, the guru of middle-age health, uses the analogy of a bath. Everyone has a different-sized bath, which fills up with a certain amount of subcutaneous fat but then reaches a limit (everyone has a different limit; some people put on a lot of subcutaneous, others only a little). When you reach your limit, the fat then overflows into your abdomen and settles around your organs. In this sense, people with lots of subcutaneous fat are lucky; they may not have reached their limit; they may have no VAT."
Källa: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/health-fitness/diet/weight-loss/hidden-visceral-skinny-fat-health-risks/#main-content Maltegustavs (diskussion) 16 juni 2024 kl. 21.26 (CEST)