I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department of Business and Economics of University of Naples Parthenope (Italy). I work on economic growth and long-run development, with interests in culture and social status, firms and entrepreneurship, migration and income distribution.
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Email: vincenzo.lombardo(at)uniparthenope.it
Research Papers (recent)
The Rise and Fall of Family Firms in the Process of Development (with Maria Rosaria Carillo and Alberto Zazzaro), Journal of Economic Growth, 2019, 24: 43-78 [paper] [wp version]
Social Inclusion through Social Status and the Emergence of Development Traps, METROECONOMICA, 2021, 4: 798-825 [paper] [wp version]
Social identity and labor market outcomes of immigrants (with Maria Rosaria Carillo and Tiziana Venittelli), Journal of Population Economics, 2022, [paper] [wp version]