Department of Economics
439 Kenneth Taylor Hall
My main research interests are in the field of International Trade. In particular, I specialize in settings with firm heterogeneity and variable market power with applications to gains from trade, various industrial policies, regional trade agreements, and the determinants of firm productivity.
Published Papers
The Small-Open Economy in a Generalized Gravity Model (with Konstantin Kucheryavyy, Takumi Naito, and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare), Journal of International Economics, November 2024, 152. Online Appendix is available here.
Trade Policies, Firm Heterogeneity, and Variable Markups, Journal of International Economics, September 2017, 108, pp. 260-273. Online Appendix is available here.
Firm Heterogeneity and Costly Trade: A New Estimation Strategy and Policy Experiments (with Ivan Cherkashin, Hiau Looi Kee and Kala Krishna), Journal of International Economics, May 2015, 96 (1), pp.18-36. Online Appendices: EU's EBA user guide, US Rules of Origin on Textiles and Apparel Products, EU's Annex I on GSP, EU's Annex II on GSP
The Simple Analytics of the Melitz Model in a Small Economy (with Andrés Rodríguez-Clare), Journal of International Economics, July 2013, 90(2), pp. 266 - 272. Online Appendix is available here
Do Trade Policy Differences Induce Sorting? Theory and Evidence From Bangladeshi Apparel Exporters (with Hiau Looi Kee and Kala Krishna), Journal of International Economics, July 2012, 87(2), pp. 247 - 261.
Trade Policy under Firm-Level Heterogeneity in a Small Economy, (with Andrés Rodríguez-Clare), Journal of International Economics, June 2009, 78(1), pp.100-112
The Inside Scoop: Acceptance and Rejection at the JIE, (with Ivan Cherkashin, Susumu Imai and Kala Krishna), Journal of International Economics, February 2009, 77(1), pp.120-132.
Productivity Improvements and Falling Trade Costs: Boon or Bane?, International Economic Review, November 2008, 49(4), pp. 1437-1462.
Endogenous Variety and the Gains from Trade (with Costas Arkolakis, Pete Klenow and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare), American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2008, 98(2), pp. 444-450.
Firm Heterogeneity and Firm Behavior with Conditional Policies, (with Kala Krishna), Economic Letters, February 2008, 98(2), pp. 122 - 128.
Trade and Trade Policy with Differentiated Products: A Chamberlinian-Ricardian Model: A Comment, (with Kala Krishna), Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, September 2007, 16(3), pp. 435-441.
Working Papers