Domestic Dog
Canis lupus familiaris
Welcome to the Dog Portal within RGD. This portal contains links to genomic and phenotypic data associated with the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris. The portal also contains links to tools for use by the research community to locate and analyze data. Please feel free to contact us with suggestions for additional data or tools that would help advance your research.
“Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) are studied both as models for human disease and to improve their health, happiness and longevity as companion animals. Centuries of breeding, and in many cases inbreeding, have resulted in extensive variation in genetics, and behavioral and morphological phenotypes. Certain breeds of dogs are susceptible to inherited and/or environmentally-induced conditions that also affect humans including cancers, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, deafness and blindness.” Source: PMID:31713623 Suggested dog genome papers: |
Dog Data
Tools for Dog Data Analysis
Genome and Gene Resources
RGD’s Genome Information
Dog Taxonomy PageDog Species BrowserDog Genome PageCanFam3.1 Assembly Page
Ensembl’s Dog