Tasks related to database backups, tag mostly used to facilitate search/sorting of tasks.
database-backups are one of the main components on handling WMF infrastructure backups and recoveries (Data-Persistence-Backup), the others being bacula and media-backups.
This task classifies the issue arisen from generating dumps and snapshots of production mariadb/mysql instances, recovering from them, testing them, generating incremental backups and backing up binary logs for point in time recover. It includes all the automation needed for that, mostly related to the following repositories:
- operations/puppet (dbbackups profile)
- operations/software/wmfbackups
- operations/software/transferpy
- operations/software/mediabackups
- operations/software/pampinus
- operations/software/bernard (archived)
For more info about database backups: Wikitech MariaDB/Backups