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Redirect to Special:GoToComment when a comment hashlink is not found
Closed, DeclinedPublic


This task involves the work of defining and implementing the user experience for cases when a comment or topic has been moved from the page on which the permanent link to said "entities" was generated on.

We currently show a warning if the comment is not found on the page, which likely means it was archived.


  1. Comment/topic is present on same page permanent link was generated from
  2. Comment/topic is found on one other page
  3. Comment is found on multiple pages
  4. Comment is NOT found on any page [i]

UX Requirements

Case #1
Outside this task's scope; you'll always land on the page from which the comment / topic link was generated and see it present

Case #2

  • Invisibly and automatically redirect people to the page on which the comment they're attempting to navigate to now exists
    • Open: how – if at all – does the interface communicate to people that a "silent" redirect happened?

Case #3

  • Automatically redirect people to Special:FindComment so that they can see the pages the comment they're attempting to navigate was found on and decide for themselves which – if any – of these pages they'd like to visit

Case #4

  1. Do a server side redirect back to the original page, with a ?noredirect param, and show the warning we used to show.
  2. Alternatively we could do a API equivalent of Special:FindComment, and only leave the page if we know the comment has been moved somewhere. This has the downside of making the "slow" client-side redirect a bit slower.
  3. We could also consider showing a confirm dialog before redirecting: "The comment you have been linked to has be moved to My Page/Archive 1. [ View ] [ Cancel ]", but that be more annoying.


  • UX Requirements are defined and implemented for each of the cases listed above

i. Reasons why a comment might not have been found:

  • The link was corrupted at some point (only partially copied, or the encoding broken by sending through some third party)
  • The comment was withdrawn/deleted
  • The comment was resigned with a different timestamp
  • Other page corruption that breaks signature detection?

Event Timeline

Esanders renamed this task from Redirect to Special:FindComment when a comment hashlink is not found to Redirect to Special:GoToComment when a comment hashlink is not found.Mar 28 2023, 3:31 PM

As a senior contributor, I’d be annoyed by being brought to a different page (e.g. it resets my watchlist timestamp even if I don’t want it to, it causes an extra page load even if I just wanted to acknowledge an Echo notification). I know I may well be an exception, and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Just_make_it_a_user_preference applies, but maybe we could work out a solution to opt out from these redirects?

As a senior contributor, I’d be annoyed by being brought to a different page (e.g. it resets my watchlist timestamp even if I don’t want it to, it causes an extra page load even if I just wanted to acknowledge an Echo notification). I know I may well be an exception, and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Just_make_it_a_user_preference applies, but maybe we could work out a solution to opt out from these redirects?

Understood – thank you for sharing this, @Tacsipacsi. We're going to move forward with an initial approach that will NOT automatically/invisibly redirect people from the page they expected to arrive at to the page where the comment they were being linked to has been moved.

The thinking that informed this decision can be found in T302012#9212789 and the work to implement it will happen in T304579.