There is a small cluster template created for 1.21, as well as 1.22 (T325538) though magnum requires the node flavor be set on the template level. As a result we will likely want a separate template for PAWS than for generic clusters, as PAWS will use a somewhat larger node. This ticket is for tracking of the creation of a k8s 1.21 template with larger worker nodes with PAWS as the subject.
openstack coe cluster template create paws-k8s21 \ --image magnum-fedora-coreos-34 \ --external-network wan-transport-eqiad \ --fixed-network lan-flat-cloudinstances2b \ --fixed-subnet cloud-instances2-b-eqiad \ --dns-nameserver \ --network-driver flannel \ --docker-storage-driver overlay2 \ --docker-volume-size 100 \ --master-flavor g3.cores2.ram4.disk20 \ --flavor g3.cores8.ram32.disk20 \ --coe kubernetes \ --labels kube_tag=v1.21.8-rancher1-linux-amd64,,cloud_provider_enabled=true \ --floating-ip-disabled