Checklist for the Instrumentation Data QA task
Instrumentation that is being QA checked : event.mediawiki_edit_attempt table (EditAttemptStep Migration to MP)
Instrumentation task : T309013
Instrumentation specification document : name and link
Instrumentation QA and data checks :
Pre-Deployment Instrumentation testing on Test wiki :
- Measure the # of events for each step of an edit attempt action
- Create new test data and track events created by my user id
- Compare with editattemptstep
- Check a few sample individual sessions, ordered by timestamp
- Check overall data
- meta data
- performer data
- user agent (map) data
- custom (bespoke) data - here you will find the properties of an event like timing, actions involved in an attempt to edit a page etc. which are specific to the instrumentation
- check VE events
- check discussion tools events
- check wikitext events