Because permanent links can only be generated for comments that are already indexed/stored within the database T315353 creates and all talk page comments will not instantaneously be indexed/stored within said database upon it being created, there will be cases where people will attempt to generate a link to a comment that the permanent link infrastructure is not aware of.
This task involves the work of implementing a fallback experience for this set of cases.
- When someone attempts to generate a link to a comment or topic that has not yet been indexed/stored within the database T315353 creates, use the existing Topic Subscription semi-permanent link infrastructure to generate a link to said comment
- Note: the user experience for the above will mimic what we end up implementing in T275729 and T273341. Said another away: this ticket will only impact the URL that is generated and copied to a person's clipboard when they click/tap an affordance to generate a link to a specific wikitext talk page comment or topic.
Minimum test case
- Platform(s): Desktop and **Mobile*
- Visit a talk page that contains comments that have not yet ben indexed stored within the database T315353 creates
- Editing Engineering to provide a link to a page
- Tap the link/button next to a comment you'd like to generate a link to
- Verify that the link you attempted to generate in "Step 2." has been copied to your device's clipboard
- Paste the link you generated in "Step 2." into your browser's address bar and press ⏎
- ✅ Verify you are taken to the comment you generated a link to in "Step 2."
- All Requirements are met