From Testflight screenshot feedback:
The “picture of the day” in the Explore tab and in the widget seems to use a low resolution version of the image. While it looks fine at the largest widget size and “ok” but not great when expanded to full screen on an iPad, it looks terrible and pixelated when zoomed in as shown in the attached screenshot. If I press the “i” button to go to the image details, there is a higher resolution version available which has a lot more detail when zoomed in to the same level, but the app doesn’t seem to use it. I’d like to be able to zoom in to the picture of the day and see the full level of detail. If bandwidth is a concern, I can’t speak for other users but I’d be willing to pay a few dollars a month for an “HD picture of the day” subscription which would enable the full res while providing a recurring donation to support wikimedia.