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Can't edit the whole page on Wikipedia App
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It is not possible to edit the whole page at once, only one section at a time.

Samsung Galaxy S4, 5, 2GB RAM, Android 5.0.1

Reported by B.mertlik on cswiki (item 4). He said he doesn't speak English so asked others to report his issues with Wikipedia Mobile.

This will be a new option in the overflow menu when viewing an article:

  • The menu item will have a caption of "Edit article", with the same "pencil" icon that we see for editing sections.

Event Timeline

Utar raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Utar updated the task description. (Show Details)
Utar added a project: Mobile.
Utar subscribed.

He uses version of WM 2.0.102 from 14th May2015 (and Beta WM 2.0.103 from 11th June 2015) but says these issues have already been around for some time.

Same issue on IPad with iOS 8.4.1

Dvorapa subscribed.

Oh, sorry, this one is about the app, not the mobile web

Ammarpad renamed this task from Can't edit the whole page in mobile view to Can't edit the whole page on Wikipedia App.Feb 11 2020, 11:27 PM

I think this is a long-awaited feature parity thing with the desktop browser interface, so it’s worth being mentioned in Tech News. (I don’t know when will this be released, so it may not be for the next issue, but I want to make sure it’s on the radar.)

I think this is a long-awaited feature parity thing with the desktop browser interface, so it’s worth being mentioned in Tech News. (I don’t know when will this be released, so it may not be for the next issue, but I want to make sure it’s on the radar.)

Good idea, and will do.

This should go into "later this week" in the issue after the one currently preparing.

Re: Tech News, 2 questions:

  1. What wording would you suggest as the content? I would imagine something like this (but better suggestions, or confirmation, appreciated!)

The Wikipedia App for Android will now have an option for editing the whole page at once.

  1. Timing – I hesitantly suggest putting it in next week's edition within the "Recent changes" section (instead of in the "Changes later this week" section, for this week), so that people can immediately check their installation to see it in action (instead of having to wait an unknown number of days).

Re: Tech News, 2 questions:

  1. What wording would you suggest as the content? I would imagine something like this (but better suggestions, or confirmation, appreciated!)

The Wikipedia App for Android will now have an option for editing the whole page at once.

It may be useful to mention that the link is in the overflow menu (three-dot menu), it may not be obvious for everyone.

  1. Timing – I hesitantly suggest putting it in next week's edition within the "Recent changes" section (instead of in the "Changes later this week" section, for this week), so that people can immediately check their installation to see it in action (instead of having to wait an unknown number of days).

It’s actually live on my phone, so I think you can put it in the “Recent changes” section this week (if it’s not too late).

Added with this description & link. Please let me know, or edit it within 24 hours, if changes are needed.

The Wikipedia App for Android now has an option for editing the whole page at once, located in the overflow menu (three-dot menu).

@Quiddity I know it’s unusual in Tech News, but what about including the three dots in the message instead of the parenthesized description?

[…] located in the [[File:Ic more vert 36px.svg|16px|alt=Three dots]] overflow menu.