This is part of T100528: Improve organization and control for Flow notifications (tracking + ideas). An effort to facilitate the way users deal with notifications that requires understanding how notifications are used, the issues users find, and how the possible design direction fit in those needs. User research can help to figure that out.
5-6 people. Interviews to commence in mid-August.
Target audience
*Active users.* The main audience are users who get involved in several conversations. They frequently ask questions and/or provide answers on talk pages. Needs may vary depending on the project (e.g., Wikipedia vs. and the user expertise. Ideally, some/most participants will have a passing knowledge of Flow.
Research questions
*Question 1* For people who use both Notifications and Watchlists, what do they use each for? (though we're NOT redesigning the watchlist)
• 1a. Do all experienced people think of/use N + W in the same way, or are there different approaches?
• 1b. Possible models: To-do list, Inbox (Gmail), Emergency warning system, Snapshot?
*Question 2* How can we make Notifications work better for Flow, for community processes (see T105420) and general talkpage conversation
Recruiting: active editors, project-agnostic, Diego_moya, WittyLlama, people who have some experience with Flow.
In parallel: pull some numbers on what people have changed their notifications to, if they've changed them from default