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3D photo and video support for Mediawiki
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This request can be seen in two phases:
1: Support for dual stream photo and video formats
2: Use of these formats to support various methods of 3D vision.

Given a 3d camera is as low as $61 these days[1], I feel we need an extension to support 3d files is needed. Nvidias user created 3D gallery can be seen as an example.[2]

Youtube has some documentation on how it's 3d content is created.[3] Youtube currently supports the following formats:[4]
1 Red/Cyan
2 Green/Magenta
3 Blye/Yellow
4 Interleaved
5 Side by side
6 HTML5 stereo view (Active shutter 3D system)

The last three requires two streams as input (one for each eye) but the first three can be generated from them as I'd imagine the first three would be the cheapest way to acquire 3D compatibility.

Nvidia also has silverlight and HTML5 plugins for the task which may be of interest.[5]

[1]: https://www.google.com/search?q=3d+camera&num=20&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=imvnsra&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=4VMDUMqIINSIhQf2zbSTCA&ved=0CMABEK0E&biw=1920&bih=955

[2]: http://photos.3dvisionlive.com/

[3]: http://support.google.com/youtube/bin/static.py?hl=en&page=guide.cs&guide=1680728&topic=1683823

[4]: http://3dvision-blog.com/784-how-to-upload-stereoscopic-3d-videos-to-youtube/

[5]: http://www.3dvisionlive.com/3dapps

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
See Also:



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 1:12 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz38416.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

So this is only about photo and video, not e.g. Blender?

It could very well be extended to Blender and other 3D applications. We currently do not have a way to handle any 3D content.

Starting with 3D images IMHO would be a good start as this should be the easiest (comparatively) 3D effect to code involving just a single perspective. Video would be the natural continuation with free 3D models such as blender being the higher goal.

Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from Low to Lowest.Mar 5 2015, 4:38 PM
Aklapper subscribed.

So this is only about photo and video, not e.g. Blender?

Let's leave real 3D models to T3790.

SamanthaNguyen claimed this task.
SamanthaNguyen added a project: 3D.
SamanthaNguyen subscribed.

Currently existing as 3D (source available at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/ETHR/ ), marking this as resolved.