Numbers that are the sum of a proper subset of their aliquot divisors but are not the sum of any subset of their nontrivial divisors.
The perfect numbers (A000396) which are a subset of the pseudoperfect numbers (A005835) are excluded from this sequence since otherwise they would all be trivial terms: if k is a perfect number then the sum of the divisors {d|k : 1 < d < k} is k-1, so any subset of them has a sum smaller than k.
The pseudoperfect numbers are thus a disjoint union of the perfect numbers, this sequence, and A136446.
The abundant numbers (A005101) are a disjoint union of the weird numbers (A006037), this sequence, and A136446.
All the terms are primitive pseudoperfect (A006036), since if k*m is a pseudoperfect number with k > 1, and m also pseudoperfect, then it is a sum of a subset of its divisors, all of which are multiples of k and therefore larger than 1.
This sequence is infinite. If p is an odd prime that is not a Mersenne prime (A000668), and k is the least number such that 2^k * p is an abundant number (A005101; i.e., the least k such that 2^(k+1) - 1 > p), then 2^k * p is a term (these are the nonperfect terms of A308710). If 2^k * p was not a term, then since it has only 2 odd divisors (1 and p), it would be equal to a sum of its even divisors (if 1 is not in the sum then p also cannot be in it). This would make 2^(k-1) * p also a pseudoperfect number, but by definition of k, 2^(k-1) * p is a deficient number (A005100).
If k is an even abundant number with abundance (A033880) 2, i.e., sigma(k) = A000203(k) = 2*k + 2, then k is a term.
a(157) = A122036(1) = 351351 is the least (and currently the only known) odd term.
Amiram Eldar, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000
20 is a term since it is a pseudoperfect number, 20 = 1 + 4 + 5 + 10, and the set of nontrivial divisors of 20, {d|20 : 1 < d < 20} = {2, 4, 5, 10}, has no subset that sums to 20.
psQ[n_] := DivisorSigma[1, n] > 2*n && Module[{d = Most@Divisors[n], x}, SeriesCoefficient[Series[Product[1 + x^d[[i]], {i, Length[d]}], {x, 0, n}], n] > 0 && SeriesCoefficient[Series[Product[1 + x^d[[i]], {i, 2, Length[d]}], {x, 0, n}], n] == 0 ]; Select[Range[2000], psQ]
Amiram Eldar, Nov 30 2020