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OctoPrint is a registered trademark owned by Gina Häußge.

1. Use of the brand

Gina Häußge owns all the rights pertaining to the OctoPrint brand (“brand” shall be taken to mean both the brand name and/or logo, together or separately) and is the only entity that is legally entitled to use it.

1.1 Use in commercial products

Third parties (whether individuals or companies) are hereby voluntarily allowed to include the brand name on their packaging, websites and the accompanying material for their products and services in order to indicate that these are compatible with OctoPrint.

In this respect, and in order to make it clear that, although the product or service in question is compatible with OctoPrint, it is not supported by or officially associated with OctoPrint or Gina Häußge, the aforementioned third parties must meet the following conditions:

a) The words “compatible with” or “can be used with” must be placed alongside the OctoPrint brand.

b) The text “OctoPrint is a registered trademark” must be placed alongside the OctoPrint brand. A placement in the page footer is compliant as well.

c) If the OctoPrint brand is used in an application or on a website, it must be hyperlinked at least in the aforementioned “OctoPrint is a registered trademark” text to the URL https://octoprint.org.

d) The OctoPrint brand cannot be larger, positioned more prominently or stand out more than the name of the product itself, the brand to which said product belongs or the name of the company that owns it.

1.2 Use in educational or journalistic content

Usage of the brand is also allowed to report on or provide how-tos/tutorials or other educational content pertaining to OctoPrint. In such a case third parties should if possible hyperlink the brand to the URL octoprint.org.

1.3 Limitation of free of charge use

The OctoPrint brand may only be used free of charge for products and services that are also free of charge for their users. Individuals or companies that wish to use the brand for products or services of a for-profit nature must request express permission from Gina Häußge, which shall have the right to stipulate the terms and conditions for said use or to refuse the request.

2. Limitations to the use of the brand

The OctoPrint brand may not be used:

a) To give the false impression that a product or service is supported by or in any way associated with OctoPrint or Gina Häußge.

b) To indicate compatibility with OctoPrint when this is not entirely the case. The product or service must be fully compatible with OctoPrint, not partially.

c) To link a product or service to OctoPrint in order to benefit from OctoPrint’s reputation.

d) In relation to products or services that are illegal or contain violent or explicit content.

3. Use of the logo

The OctoPrint logo must be reproduced without altering any of its characteristics (colour, size relationship or perspective) and must appear sharp, not pixelated or deformed.

You can find PNGs of various sizes for use on screens here. Please get in touch via contact -at- octoprint.org if you need other formats or exceptions from this rule due to your own design requirements.

4. Use of the name

The OctoPrint name must be reproduced either as “OctoPrint” - upper case O, upper case P, rest lower case, or in all upper case: “OCTOPRINT”.

5. Unfair use

“Unfair use” of the brand is defined as use which seeks to imply that the product or service in question has some kind of relationship to OctoPrint or Gina Häußge. Such uses include, but are not limited to, the following:

a) Using the brand name as part of a trading name, logo or domain name.

b) Using trading names that include the prefix “Octo” for the sole purpose of giving the impression that the product or service in question is related to OctoPrint.

c) Using the colours or typeface of OctoPrint.

d) Using logos that are similar to, or variations of, the official logo of OctoPrint.

6. Use of the brand in promotional material

The commercial manufacture, sale or distribution of promotional products that bear the OctoPrint brand is prohibited. Such products include, but are not limited to, clothing, accessories, decorative items, printed materials and products of a technical nature. Only Gina Häußge and any third parties to which she has granted express authorisation may use the OctoPrint brand for the aforementioned purposes.

Personal non-commercial use in this manner is allowed, as is the free sharing of CAD designs which incorporate the brand for enthusiastic purposes.

7. Legal action

Gina Häußge reserves the right to take legal action in order to prevent an individual or company from continuing to use the OctoPrint brand if they are using it in a way that violates any of these General Conditions or if, in general, she considers said use to impact negatively upon the brand.

This document was last updated on September 10th, 2020.