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Bruker:Harald Hansen/Sandkasse/Moderne utstyr i British Army

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Dette er en liste over moderne utrustning i den britiske hæren. Den inkluderer skytevåpen, pansrede kjøretøyer, fly, båter, artilleri og transportkjøretøyer.

Browning pistol (L9A1)

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Utdypende artikkel: Browning L9A1

Browning L9A1 i 9 mm er en pistol for selvforsvar, i Natos vanlige 9 mm-kaliber. Den har vært i tjeneste siden andre verdenskrig, og er et pålitelig, presist og robust våpen..[1][2]

P226 SIG pistol (L105A1, L105A2 og L106A1)

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Utdypende artikkel: P226

Varianter av SIG Sauer P226 har blitt kjøpt inn i noen avdelinger som en arvtager for den aldrende Browning-pistolen. Dette er et resultat av akutt behov i krigen i Afghanistan. L105A1 er den opprinnelige P226 og L105A2 er en variant med siktemonteringsskinner, mens L106A1 har en forbedret overflatebehandling.[3]

Rifler og hagler

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Rifle 5.56 (L85A2)

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Rifle mot venstre på en presenning
SA80 i rifleutgave

Utdypende artikler: SA80 og Under-slung Grenade Launcher

Standardgeværet i britiske styrker er L85A2 i 5,56×45 mm i bullpup-konfigurasjon, kjent på folkemunne som SA80. L85A2 kan utrustet med 4× optisk sikte kalt SUSAT, og en laser- og lysmodul kalt LLM01. Den benytter 30-skudds magasiner..[4] Det eksisterer også en karabin-variant kalt L22A2 i tjeneste.[5] Et granatrør kan festes under L85. Det er et enkeltskuddsvåpen som åpnes til side og tar én 40 mm granat om gangen. Granatrøret har en maksimal rekkevidde på 350 for områdemål. Siktesystemet er en siktestige montert på våpenets venstre side.[6]

Light Support Weapon (L86A2)

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Utdypende artikkel: SA80

L86A2 Light Support Weapon (LSW) er en variant av L85 konfigurert for rollen som lett maskingevær. Den har vært i tjeneste siden 1986. Den har lengre løp, en tofot og skulderrem, og brukes på lengre hold. Mange av våpenets deler er like L85, inkludert magasinene. LSW er i stand til å fungere med presis ild i høy skuddtakt på opp til 800 meter.[4]

Skarpskytterifle (L129A1)

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Lewis Machine & Tools LM308MWS i 7,62×51 mm er under innfasing som erstatning for AI L96 på lagsnivå. Våpenet er halvautomatisk og og erstatter boltriflen L96 i hendene på skarpskyttere på lagsnivå.[7][8] The standard weapon sight is the ACOG with 400 of them on order. [9]

Heckler & Koch (HK417)

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Utdypende artikkel: Heckler & Koch HK417

Heckler & Koch HK417 i 7,62 mm har blitt tatt i bruk av enkelte avdelinger.[8]

Skarpskytterrifle (L96)

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L96 skarpskytterrifle i 7,62 mm er laget for å treffe på første skudd på 600 m og kunne brukes til nedholdende ild ut til 1100 m. Den er laget av Accuracy International og er utstyrt med et 3–12×50 kikkertsikte.[10]

To marineinfanterister i ghillie suits
Long Range rifle L115A1

Langtholdsrifle (L115A3)

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Utdypende artikkel: Accuracy International AWM

Omtrent 600 av denne riflen i kaliber .338 Lapua Magnum er under anskaffelse for å erstatte L96. L115A3 har et kikkertsikte med 25 ganger forstørrelse, en lyddemper for å begrense lyd og munningsflamme, en foldbar kolbe og fem-skudds magasin. Praktisk rekkevidde er på rundt 1600 meter, og dette geværet er en del av et generelt forbedringsprogram for skarpskyttere. Det økte kaliberet er med på å forbedre egenskapene på ekstremt hold.[10][11]

Barrett (M82)

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Utdypende artikkel: Barrett M82

Barret M82 er en rekyldrevet, halvautomatisk materiellødeleggelsesrifle i kaliber 12,7×99 mm.[12]

Hagle (L128A1)

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Utdypende artikkel: Benelli M4 Super 90

L128A1 er halvautomatisk med et rørmagasin i kaliber 12. Det har plass for syv skudd, og en rekkevidde på rundt 130 meter med slugs og 40 meter med haggel.[13]


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Minimi lett maskingevær (L108A1/L110A1)

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Utdypende artikkel: FN Minimi

Minimi lett maskingevær blir utstedt til infanteri og noen andre avdelinger for å øke ildkraften i forhold til L85 og L86. Kaliberet er i 5,56 mm og er beltematet. Det brukes vanligvis med tofoten, og kan legge dekkild i et volum som er større enn L86 med sitt 30-skudds magasin.

L110A1 er en kortere utgave med foldbar kolbe, beregnet på fallskjermsoldater men deles nå ut til alle.[14]

General Purpose Machine Gun (L7A2)

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Utdypende artikkel: FN MAG

L7 er den britiske utgaven av belgiske FN MAG, ofte kalt gimpy av britiske soldater. Den kan monteres på tofot eller trefot. Bruksområdet er nedholdende ild med større volum og presisjon, og har en praktisk rekkevidde på 800 meter med tofot og opp til 1800 meter med trefot. Kaliberet er 7,62 mm. Varianter av dette våpenet monteres også på forskjellige kjøretøyer og farkoster.[15]

Tungt maskingevær (L2A1)

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En GMG fra Bundesheer

Utdypende artikkel: M2 Browning maskingevær

Det tyngste maskingeværet i den britiske hæren er en versjon av M2 Browning. Det er et 12,7 mm våpen, og kan monteres på trefot eller på kjøretøyer.[16]

Heckler & Koch 40mm granatkaster

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Utdypende artikkel: Heckler & Koch GMG

Heckler & Koch GMG (for Grenade Machine Gun) er en 40 mm beltematet granatkaster. Det monteres vanligvis på Jackal (MWMIK) kjøretøyer men kan også brukes fra trefor.[17]


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51 mm lett bombekaster (L9A1)

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Utdypende artikkel: Royal Ordnance 51 mm bombekaster

Denne 51 mm bombekaster er et lett våpen som kan betjenes og bæres av én mann. Ammunisjonstypene inkluderer røyk, lys og høyeksplosiv. 51 mm bombekaster erstattet den eldre 2 tommer bombekaster som var på vei ut på grunn av de nyere 40 mm granatrør som var tatt i bruk på SA80-riflene. Nyere erfaringer ledet dog til at hæren har valgt å ta i bruk en 60 mm bombekaster i stedet for.[18]

60 mm bombekaster(M6-895)

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Utdypende artikkel: M6-640

Hirtenberger M6-895 60 mm ble gjenstand for et hastekjøp. Våpenet kan bruks både til direkte og indirekte ild med opp til 12 skudd i minuttet, og kan betjenes for hånds. Den skal erstatte den nåværende 51 mm bombekateren.[19]

81 mm bombekaster (L16)

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Utdypende artikkel: L16 81 mm bombekaster

The L16A2 81-mm mortar er en middelstung bombekagter. Den er ofte montert på kjøretøyer, og i mekaniserte infanteriavdelinger er den monter på FV432.[20]


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Utdypende artikkel: MBT LAW

Bokstavene står for Main Battle Tank and Light Armour Weapon (MBT LAW) og er et engangs missilsystem.[21]

FGM-148 Javelin Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher

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Utdypende artikkel: FGM-148 Javelin

FGM-148 Javelin er et styrt panservernmissil som skal erstatte MILAN i tjeneste. Det har en rekkevidde på rundt 2500 meter og kan slå gjennom reaktivt panser med et stridshode med dobbelt hulladning. Det antas at Javelin kan bekjempe de fleste av dagens pansrede kjøretøyer.[22]

Anti structure weapons

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M72 klar for avfyring

Light Anti-Structures Missile (L72A9)

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Utdypende artikkel: M72

Dette er opprinnelig et panservernvåpen, men har blitt u

Originally designated as the "Rocket 66mm HEAT L1A1" M72 LAW, it has been replaced in the Anti-tank role but has been modified for structure demolition purposes, the main difference is the warhead, the LASM contains about 1 kg of an enhanced blast explosive, whereas the LAW contains about a third of a kilo.[23].

Anti-Structures Munition

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Utdypende artikkel: Anti-Structures Munition

The Anti-Structures Munition is a man-portable infantry weapon specifically designed to defeat hardened structures. The contract for development of the system was awarded to Dynamit Nobel Defence in 2006. Expected in-service date sometime in 2010.[24].

Protective equipment

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Mk.6 and MK.7 Helmet

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Utdypende artikkel: Mk. 6 Helmet

The standard helmet is the Mk.6; it is in the process of being replaced by the Mk.7. The Mk.7 helmet is equipped with a new harness that keeps the helmet more stable on the head when night vision equipment is fitted. It is also better integrated with new weapon sights, making it an easier to use weapon in a variety of fighting positions.[25]

Osprey body armour and Osprey Assault body armour

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Utdypende artikkel: Osprey body armour

Since 2006 troops in Afghanistan (and until 2009 Iraq) have been issued with Osprey body armour. This has provided a much better protection than previous body armour systems.[25] The new Osprey Assault body armour, which is currently replacing Osprey, will provide the same ballistic protection, while improving the comfort of personnel on operations in Afghanistan. It has all the stopping power of the current body armour but is closer fitting, less bulky and is easier to move in. It is specifically developed to meet the British Army's requirements using cutting edge materials and manufacturing technology.[26]

Pansrede kampkjøretøyer

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Navn Opprinnelse Type Antall


Bilde Merknader
Pansrede kampkjøretøyer
Challenger 2 Storbritannias flagg Stridsvogn 386
The superb Challenger 2 (CR2) is the British Army's Main Battle Tank. CR2 is based on the Challenger 1 that served with distinction on operations in the Gulf War and the Balkans.
FV107 Scimitar Storbritannias flagg Lett stridsvogn 325
Scimitar is a fast and agile light tank with a primary role to gather information. To be replaced by 600 new light tanks.
FV 510 Warrior Storbritannias flagg Stormpanservogn 789
The Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle has the speed and performance to keep up with Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks over the most difficult terrain, and the firepower and armour to support infantry in the assault.
FV430 series and Bulldog Storbritannias flagg PPK/Stormpanservogn 1,487
The FV 430 family of armoured vehicles entered service with the British Army in the 1960s, but regular maintenance and improvements including a new power train have enabled this old workhorse to remain in service into the 21st Century.

Being upgraded to mk3 standard.

CVR(T)s Storbritannias flagg PPK og oppklaring 1,200
An Armoured Personnel Carrier, it can carry four men in addition to the crew of three. It is used to carry small specialised groups such as reconnaissance teams, air defence sections adn mortar fire controllers.
Mastif Tempest MPV USAs flagg
Storbritannias flagg
PPK 256
Mastiff 2 is a heavily armoured, 6 x 6 wheel-drive patrol vehicle which carries eight people, plus two crew. It began operational duties in June 2009.
Ridgback Tempest MPV USAs flagg
Storbritannias flagg
PPK 139
More agile than the Mastiff Armoured Fighting Vehicle, the Ridgback, though very similar, is nearly two metres shorter but, crucially, a metre slimmer than its big brother, allowing troops greater access and mobility within built-up environments
Wolfhound Tempest MPV USAs flagg
Storbritannias flagg
The Wolfhound is a six-wheeled variant of the acclaimed Mastiff, which will give troops increased protection as they support missions in high-threat areas.
TPz Fuchs Mal:Landdata Germany PPK og ABC-vern 11
The Fuchs vehicles were initially gifted to the UK for the first Gulf War, since when they have been upgraded to be one of the most technologically advanced vehicles of their type in the world. They are manned by a crew of four, Commander, Driver and two Operators. The Fuchs were the first British vehicles into Iraq of the main ground force during the first Gulf War. The vehicle is fully amphibious with a speed through water of 10 kts. The Fuchs forms part of the armoured arm of the CBRN Regiment which facilitates freedom of movement while the Land Forces advance.
Viking BVS10 Storbritannias flagg PPK 126
The VIKING BVS10 All Terrain Vehicle (Protected) ATV(P) is the third generation of articulated vehicles produced by BAE Systems Hagglunds of Sweden.
Land Rover Wolf
Land Rover Snatch
Storbritannias flagg Patrulje 12,000[28]
Land Rover Wolf is the British Army's light armoured and patrol combat vehicle. Some 12,000 are in service in the British Army.[29]
The 577 Land Rover Snatch 2s in the British Army is a Protected Patrol Vehicle, based on the Land Rover Heavy Duty Chassis. This upgraded vehicle includes superior armour for troops on the frontline facing IEDs and Mines.
Vector Pinzgauer Storbritannias flagg Lett PPK og patrulje 184
Vector provides good protection and, importantly, increased mobility and capacity compared to Snatch Landrovers which makes it very suitable for the rugged terrain and long patrol distances in Afghanistan.
Supacat "Jackal" MWMIK Storbritannias flagg Støttekjøretøy 200 (70 Jackal 2 on order)
Used for reconnaissance, rapid assault, fire support and convoy protection the Jackal has the capacity to support itself and its crew over 800 km. It has a maximum speed of 80 mph (129 km/h) on roads and weighs seven tonnes. [30]
Saxon APC Storbritannias flagg PPK 147
Saxon is a wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) capable of travelling across rough terrain and fording water obstacles up to 90 cm depth. The vehicle has excellent battlefield mobility and is extremely versatile
Iveco "Panther" CLV. Italias flagg Kommandovogn 355
The Army will receive the Panther Command and Liaison Vehicle by summer 09, replacing some of the in-service CVR(T)s, TUMs, Saxon and FV432 vehicles.
Husky International MXT-MV USAs flagg
Storbritannias flagg
Støttekjøretøy 86
Husky is a protected support vehicle providing commanders with a highly mobile and flexible load carrying vehicle. It is also equipped with a machine gun.
Total Combat Vehicles 6,029 Also 12,000 Land Rover Wolf

Artillery and Air defence

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Name Origin Type Number [31][32] Photo Notes
AS90 Storbritannias flagg Self propelled 155mm howitzer 116-134
AS90 is a 155mm self-propelled gun that equips six Field Regiments of the Royal Horse Artillery and Royal Artillery.
L118 Light Gun Storbritannias flagg Towed 105mm howitzer 138
The versatile 105 mm Light Gun is used by the Parachute and Commando Field Artillery Regiments of the British Army.
MLRS USAs flagg Rocket artillery 42
The state of the art Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS), nicknamed the '70 km Sniper', provides pinpoint accuracy delivering a 200 lb high explosive warhead to its target, with twice the range of other artillery systems used by the British Army.
Rapier FSC Missile System Storbritannias flagg Surface-to-air missile 24
Rapier Field Standard C is a technologically advanced Short Range Air Defence System (SHORAD) and is in service with the Royal Artillery
Starstreak HVM Storbritannias flagg High Velocity Missile 229
The Starstreak HVM (High Velocity Missile) is designed to counter threats from very high performance, low-flying aircraft and fast 'pop up' strikes by helicopter attacks.
L16 81mm Mortar
L9A1 51 mm Light Mortar
Storbritannias flagg Mortar 470
Mortar is a Battlegroup level indirect fire weapon which is capable of providing accurate High Explosive, smoke and illuminating rounds out to a maximum range of 5,650m. The Hirtenberger M6-895 60 mm Mortar was procured as an Urgent Operational Requirement (UOR). It can be fired in both the direct and indirect fire role at a rate of 1–12 rounds a minute and can be operated in the hand held mode. The 640 60 mm Mortar has been procured as a UOR to replace the current 51 mm Mortar on current


Total Artillery pieces and Mortar 3,112

CRBN equipment

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Fuchs NBC reconnaissance vehicle

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The Fuchs Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle is one of the most technologically advanced vehicles of their type in the world.[34]

Integrated Biological Detection System

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The Integrated Biological Detection System or (IBDS) provides an enhanced and automated NBC detection system. IBDS is installed in a container which can be mounted on a vehicle or transported by either fixed wing aircraft or helicopters. IBDS provides the commander in the field with early warning of a chemical or biological warfare attack.[34]

Engineer equipment

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Name Origin Type Number [35] Photo Notes
Engineering equipment
(CRARRV) Challenger 2 Storbritannias flagg Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle 81
The Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle (CRARRV) is a highly evolved armoured vehicle designed to recover and repair damaged tanks on the battlefield.
Titan AVLB Challenger 2 Storbritannias flagg Armoured Vehicle Launcher Bridge 33
Titan is a new armoured engineer vehicle designed to enable troops and vehicles to cross gaps of up to 60 metres by laying a selection of close support bridges. Along with Trojan it gives a common heavy armour fleet based on the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank chassis.
Trojan (vehicle) Storbritannias flagg minefield breaching vehicle 33
Trojan is an armoured engineer vehicle designed to open routes through complex battlefield obstacles and clear a path through minefields.
Shielder minelaying system Storbritannias flagg Anti tank 29
The Shielder Anti-Tank System gives commanders the facility to create anti-tank barriers quickly and effectively.
Python Minefield Breaching System Storbritannias flagg Minefield Breaching System 30? Python is a highly effective minefield breaching system which has been successfully tested with the British Army.
M3 Amphibious Bridge Ikke-eksisterende flaggmal[?] propelled amphibious bridging vehicle 50?
The M3 Amphibious Rig can be driven into a river and used as a ferry or, when a number are joined together from bank to bank, as a bridge, capable of taking vehicles as heavy as the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank.
Total Engineer equipment 256

Dragon runner

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Utdypende artikkel: Dragon Runner

Dragon Runner is a lightweight, man portable, robot capable of detecting a variety of explosive devices without putting the operator in danger, which helps bomb disposal experts find and deactivate improvised explosive devices (IEDs).[36]

Name Origin Type Number[37] Photo Notes
Westland Apache USAs flagg
Storbritannias flagg
Attack 67
Designed to hunt and destroy tanks, the Apache attack helicopter has significantly increased the operational capability of the British Army
Britten-Norman Defender and Britten-Norman Islander Storbritannias flagg Recon 15
The Defender is the latest version of the Islander twin turboprop aircraft and is used in a variety of roles.
Westland Lynx Storbritannias flagg Transport/Utility/Attack 100
Lynx is the British Army's primary battlefield utility helicopter.
Eurocopter Squirrel Frankrikes flagg Trainier 35
A variant of the AS350 Ecureuil civil helicopter. The relatively modern Squirrel is the training helicopter of choice for both the Defence Helicopter Flying School and the Operational Training Phase of flying at Middle Wallop. This single engine aircraft makes the perfect platform for instructing all the differing flying techniques required of brand new pilots
Westland Gazelle Frankrikes flagg
Storbritannias flagg
Recon 27 (up to 98 in reserve)
The primary role of Gazelle is observation and reconnaissance.
Bell 212HP USAs flagg Transport and Fire support 8 The Bell 212 is used by the Army Air Corps in the jungle areas of Belize and Brunei.
Eurocopter AS365N3 Dauphin Frankrikes flagg Special Forces 4
Agusta A109A/E Italias flagg liaison/Special Forces 6
Slingsby T-67M Firefly Storbritannias flagg Basic Trainer 5
Trainer for the Army.
Watchkeeper WK450 UAV USAs flagg
Storbritannias flagg
ISTAR UAV 54 on Order
UAV will come into operational service in 2010.
Total Aircraft 267 (54 UAV's on order)

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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Utdypende artikler: Desert Hawk og Watchkeeper WK450

The Desert Hawk is a Mini Unmanned Air Vehicle (MUAV). It Provides day and night coverage at down to company level. It has an extremely good record proven by supporting both 16 Air Assault Brigade and 3 Commando Brigade in Afghanistan. It has a flight time of approximately one hour, and can fly anywhere within a 10 kilometre radius of its ground control station[38]

B (unarmoured) vehicles

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Land Rover

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four wheeled 4x4 vehicle
Land Rover Wolf

Numerous variants of Land Rover are used the Land Rover Wolf Truck Utility Light and Medium (Higher Specification) (designated TUL-HS and TUM-HS), the Land Rover Defender Truck Utility Light and Medium (designated TUL and TUM) and a version fitted as a Battlefield Ambulance, using the Land Rover Defender 127" chassis.[39]

The Demountable Rack Offload and Pickup System (DROPS) is a standard pallet and rack system used by the British Army. Vehicles equipped for the system include the Leyland DAF Medium Mobility Load Carrier and a Foden Trucks EKF 6 x 8 Improved Medium Mobility Load Carrier.[39]

High-Mobility Vehicles

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Pinzgauer 716M is a four-wheel drive transporter used by the Royal Artillery to tow the L118 Light gun and the Rapier missile system. It is also used as a small logistics vehicle the armoured version is known as Vector.[39]

All Terrain Mobility Platform (ATMP) is a versatile, lightweight load-carrying six wheeled vehicle used by airborne and air-mobile battalions.[39]

four wheeled vehicle on green field, it has a canvas canopy over the rear and at the extreme rear a radio mast has been extended
Pinzgauer 716m

Springer All-Terrain Vehicle

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Designed as a light role load carriage platform, Springer is based on the US-made Tomcar. The 4 x 2 vehicle can self load a 1t pallet of supplies. Each vehicle is equipped with an 8,000 lb self recovery winch and sand ladders, which act as loading ramps for cargo pellet.[40]


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Harley Davidson MT350E Motorcycle and Honda R250 are used by Army dispatch riders and for a variety of liaison and traffic control tasks.[39]

Heavy Transport

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Oshkosh Tank Transporters or Heavy Equipment Transporters are capable of pulling an immobilised tank on board, and can carry 70-tonne Main Battle Tank. The army also uses a number of logistic vehicles with varying weight capacity's a 6 Tonne, a 9 Tonne, a 15 Tonne, a Unit Support Tanker and a Recovery Vehicle [39]

Communications equipment

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Bowman is the tactical C4I system being rolled out to British forces to replace the Clansman.

Personal Role Radio

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Personal Role Radio (PRR) is issued to every member of an eight-strong infantry section.[41]

Skynet is a family of military satellites, which provide strategic communication services to the three branches of the British Armed Forces and to NATO forces engaged on coalition tasks.[42]

Landing craft & Assault boats

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Ramped Craft Logistic L106 at Akrotiri, Cyprus

MK 6 Assault boat

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Mk 6 Assault Boat is a glass reinforced plastic boat can be carried by four men. Its designed to carry up to 10 fully equipped troops or 1,043 kg of stores, it also makes a useful ferry craft when fitted with an outboard motor.[43]

Ramped Craft Logistic

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Ramped Craft Logistic (RCL) is used for amphibious operations and is designed to deliver men and material onto beaches.[43]

Combat Support Boat

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Combat Support Boat (CSB) is a powerful, versatile craft designed to support both bridging and amphibious operations. Powered by water jet propulsion it has a shallow draught. It can also be used as a general-purpose boat in support of diving operations, ship-to-shore re-supply and inland water patrols.[43]

Infantry section equipment

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The infantry section normally has two four man infantry fire teams. On operations each fire team can be equipped with the following.[44]

  • 1 x L85A2
  • 1 x L85A2 with UGL
  • 1 x Minimi light machine gun
  • 1 x L86A2 LSW
  • 1 x 84mm Antitank Weapon
  • 1 x Light Anti Structure Munition
  • 4 x White Phosphorus smoke grenade
  • 8 x high explosive grenades
  • 4 x smoke grenades

Vision systems

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Communications Equipment

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Future equipment

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Future Lynx Wildcat

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The Lynx Wildcat will be a fleet of 62 new light helicopters for the Army and Royal Navy from 2014 and 2015 respectively. The Army variant of Lynx Wildcat will be used for reconnaissance, command and control, transportation of troops and material, and the provision of force protection. With the new Rolls-Royce CTS800-4N engines it will be significantly more powerful than the current Lynx enabling it to operate in extreme hot conditions and high altitudes.[45]

Future Integrated Soldier Technology

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The Future Integrated Soldier Technology is a suite of equipment to enhance infantrymen's effectiveness as part of the Future Soldier programme.[46]

Future Rapid Effect System

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The Future Rapid Effect System is a planned family of medium-weight armoured vehicles intended to replace Saxon, FV432 and CVR(T) series of vehicles.[47]

Support vehicle

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A new unarmoured Support vehicle, is currently being introduced into service. There will be 6,928 cargo vehicles including unit support tankers, 288 recovery vehicles and 69 recovery trailers with the deployment planned for 2014.[39]

  1. ^ «The Wire». Royal Signals. June 2009: 10.  Sjekk datoverdier i |dato= (hjelp)
  2. ^ «Browning 9mm Pistol». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 7. februar 2009. 
  3. ^ «UK forces' light weaponry showcased at MOD HQ». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 29. januar 2010. 
  4. ^ a b «SA80 A2 L85 Individual Weapon». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  5. ^ «Armed Forces Equipment». Parliament of the United Kingdom. Besøkt 8. februar 2010. 
  6. ^ «Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL)». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 7. februar 2010. 
  7. ^ «L129A1 Sharpshooter rifle». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  8. ^ a b «UK selects 7.62 mm Sharpshooter weapon for Afghan ops». Jane's Information Group. Besøkt 29. desember 2009. 
  9. ^ «ACOG Bible references to be removed». Defence Management. 22. januar 2010. Besøkt 19. april 2010. 
  10. ^ a b «L96 Sniper Rifle and L115A3 Long Range Rifle». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  11. ^ «L115A3 Long Range Rifle». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  12. ^ Gander, Terry (2006). Jane's Infantry Weapons 2006-2007. Jane's Information Group. s. 22. ISBN 0710627556. 
  13. ^ «Combat Shotgun». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  14. ^ «Light Machine Gun (LMG)». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  15. ^ «General Purpose Machine Gun». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  16. ^ «Heavy Machine Gun (HMG)». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  17. ^ «Grenade Machine Gun». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  18. ^ «Modernizing Fire Support at AUSA 2007». «The British Army already decided to phase out its 51 mm tubes in favour of 60 mm mortars.» 
  19. ^ «British Army Vehicles and Equipment» (PDF). MoD. 
  20. ^ «81mm Mortar». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  21. ^ «MBT LAW Light Anti-Tank Weapon». Army technology. Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  22. ^ «Javelin Medium Range Anti-tank Guided Weapon». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  23. ^ «LASM». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  24. ^ «International Guns, Missiles and Rockets Team». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  25. ^ a b «New helmets and armour for troops in Afghanistan». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 5. februar 2010. 
  26. ^ «Personal Armour». British Army. Besøkt 9. mars 2010. 
  27. ^ http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmhansrd/cm100310/text/100310w0010.htm
  28. ^ http://www.armedforces.co.uk/army/listings/l0146.html
  29. ^ http://www.armedforces.co.uk/army/listings/l0146.html
  30. ^ http://www.mod.uk/DefenceInternet/DefenceNews/EquipmentAndLogistics/MinisterReaffirmsCommitmentToEquippingArmedForcesBetter.htm
  31. ^ http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmhansrd/cm100310/text/100310w0010.htm
  32. ^ http://www.armedforces.co.uk/army/listings/l0002.html
  33. ^ «British Army Vehicles and Equipment» (PDF). MoD. 
  34. ^ a b «Fuchs Reconnaissance Vehicle». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 2. februar 2010.  Siteringsfeil: Ugyldig <ref>-tagg; navnet «nbc» er definert flere steder med ulikt innhold
  35. ^ http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmhansrd/cm100310/text/100310w0010.htm
  36. ^ «DRAGON RUNNER bomb disposal robot». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 3. februar 2010. 
  37. ^ http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200910/cmhansrd/cm100302/text/100302w0020.htm
  38. ^ «Unmanned Aerial Vehicles». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 2. februar 2010. 
  39. ^ a b c d e f g «General Support Vehicles (GSV) Project Team». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 5. februar 2010.  Siteringsfeil: Ugyldig <ref>-tagg; navnet «logveh» er definert flere steder med ulikt innhold
  40. ^ «Springer All-Terrain Vehicle, United Kingdom». Army Technology. Besøkt 7. februar 2010. 
  41. ^ a b «Personal Role Radio». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  42. ^ «Skynet 5 Satellite Communications». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 28. januar 2010. 
  43. ^ a b c «Landing Craft & Assault Boats». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 2. februar 2010. 
  44. ^ Major General WH Moore CBE (Winter 2008). «The UOR Advantage». Defence Management Journal: 79.  Sjekk datoverdier i |dato= (hjelp)
  45. ^ «AW159 Lynx Wildcat». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 7. februar 2010. 
  46. ^ «New targeting technology for troops in Afghanistan». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 5. februar 2010. 
  47. ^ «Design selected for future armoured vehicle for British Army». Ministry of Defence (United Kingdom). Besøkt 5. februar 2010. 

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