Search results for "DBI"
GraphViz::DBI - graph database tables and relations
This module constructs a graph for a database showing tables and connecting them if they are related. While or after constructing the object, pass an open database handle, then call "graph_tables" to determine database metadata and construct a GraphV...
TEEJAY/GraphViz-DBI-0.02 - 29 Mar 2003 17:43:26 UTC - Search in distribution
HashData::DBI - Get hash data from DBI
This is an "HashData::" module to get array elements from a DBI query....
PERLANCAR/HashDataRoles-Standard-0.005 - 04 Nov 2024 08:09:27 UTC - Search in distribution- HashDataRole::Source::DBI - Role to access elements from DBI
- HashData::Test::Source::DBI - Alias package for HashData::DBI
Iterator::DBI - An iterator for returning DBI query results.
This module contains a function to return an iterator (see the Iterator module) that returns the rows of a database query, one at a time. This is marginally more useful than simply calling prepare and execute, and then repeatedly calling fetchrow_has...
ROODE/Iterator-DBI-0.02 - 23 Aug 2005 21:44:55 UTC - Search in distribution
WordList::DBI - Wordlist that get its list from a DBI query
This is a dynamic, parameterized wordlist to get list of words from a DBI query....
PERLANCAR/WordList-DBI-0.002 - 01 Jun 2020 10:45:39 UTC - Search in distribution
ArrayData::DBI - Get array data from DBI
This is an "ArrayData::" module to get array elements from a DBI query....
PERLANCAR/ArrayDataRoles-Standard-0.010 - 16 May 2024 00:06:13 UTC - Search in distribution- ArrayDataRole::Source::DBI - Role to access elements from DBI
- ArrayData::Test::Source::DBI - Alias package for ArrayData::DBI
DBstorage::DBI - dbedit driver using DBI interfaces
24 May 2003 10:24:28 UTC
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GraphViz2::DBI - Visualize a database schema as a graph
Takes a database handle, and graphs the schema. You can write the result in any format supported by Graphviz <>. Here is the list of output formats <>....
ETJ/GraphViz2-DBI-2.52 - 05 Nov 2020 11:31:17 UTC - Search in distribution
Konstrukt::DBI - Database handle pool
This module provides a database handle pool for the current process. If your plugin or website needs database connection it usually has to create one via DBI. This can lead into several DBI connections per process, if there is more than one plugin us...
TWITTEK/Konstrukt-0.5-beta13 - 13 Dec 2007 19:46:13 UTC - Search in distribution- Konstrukt::Plugin::log::DBI - Konstrukt logging. DBI backend
- Konstrukt::Plugin::blog::DBI - Konstrukt blogging DBI backend
- Konstrukt::Plugin::tags::DBI - Tagging DBI backend
- 44 more results from Konstrukt »
LEOCHARRE::DBI - extra dbi methods
adds LEOCHARRE::Database::Base to DBI...
LEOCHARRE/LEOCHARRE-Database-1.16 - 26 Jun 2008 20:13:58 UTC - Search in distribution- LEOCHARRE::Database - common database methods for oo
- LEOCHARRE::Database::Base - added methods to DBI:db
Maptastic::DBI - a trivial little wrapper for a row iterator
This module contains a very simple wrapper for DBI calls, designed for fans of *iterators*. It just wraps the usual: my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<SQL); select foo from bar where baz = ? SQL $sth->execute($baz); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {...
SAMV/Maptastic-1.01 - 13 Dec 2007 00:07:45 UTC - Search in distribution
TableData::DBI - Get table data from DBI
This is a TableData:: module to table data from a DBI query/table....
PERLANCAR/TableDataRole-Source-DBI-0.026 - 28 May 2024 00:05:38 UTC - Search in distribution- TableDataRole::Source::DBI - Role to access table data from DBI
- TableData::Test::Source::DBI - Alias package for TableData::DBI
TableData::DBI - Get table data from DBI
This is a TableData:: module to table data from a DBI query/table....
PERLANCAR/TableDataRoles-Standard-0.025 - 14 May 2024 02:55:28 UTC - Search in distribution- TableDataRole::Source::DBI - Role to access table data from DBI
- TableData::Test::Source::DBI - Alias package for TableData::DBI
Thesaurus::DBI - Store and query synonyms (Thesaurus) in an SQL database.
This subclass of "Thesaurus" implements persistence by using an SQL database. This module requires the "DBI" module from CPAN. To use it with certain database servers, the corresponding database drivers are needed, too. (Mysql -> DBD::mysql) Please n...
JOSEIBERT/Thesaurus-DBI-0.01 - 06 Jun 2006 09:10:31 UTC - Search in distribution
Persistent::DBI - An Abstract Persistent Class implemented using a DBI Data Source
Before we get started describing the methods in detail, it should be noted that all error handling in this class is done with exceptions. So you should wrap an eval block around all of your code. Please see the Persistent documentation for more infor...
DWINTERS/Persistent-DBI-0.50 - 15 Feb 2000 02:00:23 UTC - Search in distribution
DBI::Filesystem - Store a filesystem in a relational database
This module can be used to create a fully-functioning "Fuse" userspace filesystem on top of a relational database. Unlike other filesystem-to-DBM mappings, such as Fuse::DBI, this one creates and manages a specific schema designed to support filesyst...
LDS/sqlfs-perl-1.04 - 27 Jun 2013 16:07:27 UTC - Search in distribution
DBI::BabyConnect - creates an object that holds a DBI connection to a database
This class is the base class for all DBI connection objects instantiated by the DBI::BabyConnect module. A DBI::BabyConnect instance is an object that holds the database handler attributes and an active DBI connection handle to a specific database. T...
MAXOU/DBI-BabyConnect-0.93 - 03 Jul 2007 13:44:55 UTC - Search in distribution
DBI::ResultPager - creates an HTML-based pager for DBI result sets.
This class is a quick and easy method of paging result sets returned from the DBI database interface. It takes a standard SQL query along with a database handle and performs the query, inserting the resultant rows into a pageable HTML table. Various ...
LREEVES/DBI-ResultPager-0.9.2 - 12 Jul 2009 04:45:54 UTC - Search in distribution
DBI::Transaction - advanced object-oriented support for database transactions
See DBI(3) for descriptions of database handles ($dbh). DBI::Transaction->new() $transaction = DBI::Transaction->new($dbh); This starts a transaction. commit() Commits and finishes the transaction. Returns true on success. rollback() Rolls back and f...
PORTON/DBI-Transaction-0.101 - 27 Jan 2005 19:07:50 UTC - Search in distribution- DBI::Transaction::Repeated - repeat database transaction until success.
OpenInteract::DBI - Centralized connection location to DBI databases
No, we do not subclass DBI with this. No, we do not override any of the DBI methods. Instead, we provide the means to connect to the database from one location along with the ability to manipulate the default connection information before we connect....
CWINTERS/OpenInteract-1.62 - 01 Oct 2004 03:29:29 UTC - Search in distribution- OpenInteract::SPOPS::DBI - Common SPOPS::DBI-specific methods for objects
- OpenInteract::Session::DBI - Create sessions within a DBI data source
- OpenInteract::Session::SQLite - Create sessions within a SQLite data source
- 5 more results from OpenInteract »
Bio::DB::DBI - DESCRIPTION of Interface
Describe the interface here...
CJFIELDS/BioPerl-DB-1.006900 - 15 Apr 2011 19:35:57 UTC - Search in distribution- Bio::DB::DBI::Pg - DESCRIPTION of Object
- Bio::DB::DBI::base - base class for drivers implementing Bio::DB::DBI
- Bio::DB::DBI::mysql - DESCRIPTION of Object
- 11 more results from BioPerl-DB »