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Changes for version 1.11 - 2010-11-12

  • Fixed up the File::ShareDir errors, needs to use dist_file apparently..
  • Remove use of the Shell module, perl critic doesnt like this


Manage database changesets


Discrete management for database changes.
Main App File to the command line app
Base module for the command line app commands
show the changeset history record db
set up the changeset history record db
display a list of outstanding changesets
command module used to create a new blank changeset
display a list of outstanding changesets
display version information
Factory Interface to a collection of changeset files
Read changeset files from the disk
the Exceptions base
Object to query the changeset record log
Object to query a changeset record log entry
Factory Interface to objects to load changesets into the database
Mysql factory object for loading changesets into a mysql database
factory object for loading changesets into a PostgreSQL database
Factory Interface to changeset files
Read changeset files from the disk