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Wybory Komitetu koordynującego/Powszechne Zasady Postępowania 2024

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Universal Code of Conduct/Coordinating Committee and the translation is 3% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C)

The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) is an enforcement structure dedicated to providing an equitable and consistent implementation of the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC).

Functions and responsibilities

Policies, procedures and processes that guide the U4C’s work are defined in the Charter which was developed by a Building Committee and was ratified through a movement-wide vote in January-February 2024.

More in detail, functions and responsibilities of the Committee are described in Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of the Charter.

According to the charter, the U4C:

  • Handles complaints and appeals in the circumstances outlined in the Enforcement Guidelines, including but not limited to:
    • Lack of local self-governance capacity to enforce the UCoC;
    • Consistent local decisions that conflict with the UCoC;
    • Refusal of local self-governance structures and teams to enforce the UCoC;
    • Lack of resources or lack of will to address issues that prevent the adequate enforcement of the UCoC through local self-governance processes;
  • Performs any investigations necessary to resolve said complaints and appeals;
  • Provides resources for communities on UCoC best practices, such as material for mandatory trainings, quality assurances for training resources created by movement members and organizations that go beyond the basic UCoC training material the U4C itself oversees, and other resources as needed;
  • Provides a final interpretation of the UCoC Enforcement Guidelines and the UCoC if the need arises, in collaboration with community members enforcement structures;
  • Assesses the effectiveness of UCoC enforcement and provides recommendations for improvement.

Note Note:

The U4C will not take cases that do not primarily involve violations of the UCoC, or its enforcement.

U4C jest odpowiedzialny za organizację corocznego przeglądu Powszechnego Kodeksu postępowania i jego wytycznych w zakresie egzekwowania.

How to contact U4C

Users who would like to contact the committee may do so by emailing u4c(_AT_)lists.wikimedia.org.


Member Homewiki Seat
(Regional or Community at large)
Term Status on
28 październik 2024
Start[1] End
0xDeadbeef English Wikipedia East, South East Asia and Pacific (ESEAP) 15 June 2024 14 June 2026 Active
Ajraddatz Wikidata North America (USA and Canada) 1 September 2024 14 June 2026 Active
Barkeep49 English Wikipedia Community at large 15 June 2024 14 June 2025 Active
Civvì Italian Wikipedia Community at large 15 June 2024 14 June 2025 Active
Ghilt German Wikipedia Northern and Western Europe 15 June 2024 14 June 2026 Active
Ibrahim.ID Arabic Wikipedia Middle East and North Africa 15 June 2024 14 June 2026 Active
Luke081515 German Wikipedia Community at large 15 June 2024 14 June 2025 Active
Superpes15 Italian Wikipedia Community at large 15 June 2024 14 June 2025 Inactive

Vacant seats

Regional seats:

  • Latin America and Caribbean
  • Central and East Europe (CEE)
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • South Asia

Community at large seats:

  • 4 vacant seats

Global group

Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee members are added to a custom u4c-member global group, which grants them the ability to view abuse filters, deleted content, and IP address information on all Wikimedia Foundation wikis. Specifically, the group provides the following permissions:

  • Podgląd rejestru nadużyć (abusefilter-log)
  • Podgląd szczegółów wpisów w rejestrze nadużyć (abusefilter-log-detail)
  • Wyświetlanie wpisów do logów filtrów nadużyć oznaczonych jako prywatne (abusefilter-log-private)
  • Podgląd filtrów nadużyć (abusefilter-view)
  • Przeglądanie filtrów nadużyć oznaczonych jako prywatne (abusefilter-view-private)
  • Przeszukiwanie usuniętych stron (browsearchive)
  • Podgląd usuniętych wersji bez przypisanego im tekstu (deletedhistory)
  • Podgląd usuniętego tekstu i zmian pomiędzy usuniętymi wersjami (deletedtext)
  • Włączanie uwierzytelniania dwuskładnikowego (oathauth-enable)
  • Podgląd ukrytych wpisów w rejestrze nadużyć (abusefilter-hidden-log)
  • Pobieranie informacji o adresach IP dołączonych do wersji i wpisów rejestru (ipinfo)
  • Przeglądanie adresów IP używanych przez konta tymczasowe (checkuser-temporary-account)
