CS1 News article
[edit]*Article title/headline (in original language) | title | Das Bücherhaus |
Language (if not English) | language | German |
Translated title (where article title is non-English, provide English translation) | trans-title | The Bookshelf |
*Publishing date | date | 2004-02-21 |
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date is cited above) | access-date | 2006-07-23 |
*Work (newspaper name, etc.) | work | The Times |
Location (use where the publication name does not include an obvious location or may be ambiguous) | location | London |
Publisher | publisher | Times Newspapers |
URL of published article | url | 12341234.article-title-here |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
URL of archived copy of article (e.g. at the Internet Archive) | archive-url | 20080612153148/ 12341234.article-title-here |
Date article URL was archived | archive-date | 2008-06-12 |
Author's last name | last | Smith |
Author's first name | first | John |
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link | John Smith |
Second author's last name | last2 | Smith |
Second author's first name | first2 | Jane |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link2 | Jane Smith |
Third author's last name | last3 | Doe |
Third author's first name | first3 | John |
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link3 | John Doe |
Page number (where article is on a single page) | page | B14 |
OR page numbers (where article spans multiple pages) | pages | 12-16 |
Relevant excerpt | quote | Police are investigating, spokesman Lt. John Smith said. |
[edit]{{cite news <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author-link> |author-link={$author-link}</!author-link> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!author-link2> |author-link2={$author-link2}</!author-link2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!author-link3> |author-link3={$author-link3}</!author-link3> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans-title> |trans-title={$trans-title}</!trans-title> <!work> |work={$work}</!work> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!archive-url> |archive-url={$archive-url}</!archive-url> <!archive-date> |archive-date={$archive-date}</!archive-date> <!access-date> |access-date={$access-date}</!access-date> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Journal paper or periodical article
[edit]*Paper/Article title | title=bib.title | Self-replication and scrapie |
*Journal/Periodical name | journal=bib.journal | Nature |
Publication date | date | 1967-02-27 |
OR publication year | year | 1967 |
Author's last name | last | Smith |
Author's first name | first | John R. |
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link | John Smith |
Second author's last name | last2 | Smith |
Second author's first name | first2 | Jane |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link2 | Jane Smith |
Third author's last name | last3 | Doe |
Third author's first name | first3 | John |
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link3 | John Doe |
Fourth author's last name | last4 | Doe |
Fourth author's first name | first4 | Jane |
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link4 | Jane Doe |
Fifth author's last name | last5 | Smith |
Fifth author's first name | first5 | Dave |
Link to fifth author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link5 | Dave Smith |
Volume | volume=bib.volume | 215 |
Issue | issue | 105 |
Page number (where item is on a single page) | page | 778 |
OR page numbers (where item spans multiple pages) | pages=bib.pages | 1043-1046 |
ISSN | issn=bib.issn | 05251-5676 |
PMID | pmid | 4964084 |
PMC | pmc | 3440031 |
DOI | doi | 10.1038/2151043a0 |
JSTOR | jstor | 18958 |
bibcode | bibcode | 2011IJAsB..10...25W |
URL | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
Date you reviewed the source | access-date | 2006-07-23 |
Relevant excerpt | quote | There is no evidence on the health risk. |
BibTex | @bibtex | You can use BibTex to fill in some of the values |
[edit]{{cite journal <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!journal> |journal={$journal}</!journal> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author-link> |author-link={$author-link}</!author-link> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!author-link2> |author-link2={$author-link2}</!author-link2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!author-link3> |author-link3={$author-link3}</!author-link3> <!last4> |last4={$last4}</!last4> <!first4> |first4={$first4}</!first4> <!author-link4> |author-link4={$author-link4}</!author-link4> <!last5> |last5={$last5}</!last5> <!first5> |first5={$first5}</!first5> <!author-link5> |author-link5={$author-link5}</!author-link5> <!volume> |volume={$volume}</!volume> <!issue> |issue={$issue}</!issue> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!issn> |issn={$issn}</!issn> <!pmid> |pmid={$pmid}</!pmid> <!pmc> |pmc={$pmc}</!pmc> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!jstor> |jstor={$jstor}</!jstor> <!bibcode> |bibcode={$bibcode}</!bibcode> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!access-date> |access-date={$access-date}</!access-date> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Conference report or paper
[edit]*Paper title (in original language) | title=bib.title | Face recognition using eigenfaces |
Language (if not English) | language | German |
Translated title (where page title is non-English, provide English translation) | trans-title | Face recognition using eigenfaces |
Paper URL | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
URL of archived copy of paper (e.g. at the Internet Archive) | archive-url | 20080612153148/ |
Date paper URL was archived | archive-date | 2008-06-12 |
Title of published version of conference proceedings (in original language) | book-title | |
Chapter URL | chapter-url | |
Translated chapter title (where chapter title is non-English, provide English translation) | trans-chapter | |
*Conference name | conference | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Conference URL | conferenceurl | |
Editor's last name | editor-last | Smith |
Editor's first name | editor-first | John |
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor-link | John Smith |
Second editor's last name | editor2-last | Smith |
Second editor's first name | editor2-first | Jane |
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor2-link | Jane Smith |
Third editor's last name | editor3-last | Doe |
Third editor's first name | editor3-first | John |
Link to third editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor3-link | John Doe |
Fourth editor's last name | editor4-last | Doe |
Fourth editor's first name | editor4-first | Jane |
Link to fourth editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor4-link | Jane Doe |
Publisher | publisher | IEEE |
Publication place | place | Palo Alto, California |
Publication date | date | 1999-10-24 |
OR publication year | year | 1991 |
Author's last name | last | Turk |
Author's first name | first | M. |
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link | Matthew Turk |
Second author's last name | last2 | Smith |
Second author's first name | first2 | Jane |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link2 | Jane Smith |
Third author's last name | last3 | Doe |
Third author's first name | first3 | John |
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link3 | John Doe |
Fourth author's last name | last4 | Doe |
Fourth author's first name | first4 | Jane |
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link4 | Jane Doe |
Page number (where article is on a single page) | page | 55 |
OR page numbers (where article spans multiple pages) | pages=bib.pages | 1043-4 |
PMID | pmid | 4964084 |
PMC | pmc | 3440031 |
DOI | doi | 10.1038/2151043a0 |
OCLC | oclc | |
ISBN (13-digit preferred) | isbn | 978-0743477123 |
bibcode | bibcode | 2011IJAsB..10...25W |
Relevant excerpt | quote | There is no evidence on the health risk. |
BibTex | @bibtex | You can use BibTex to fill in some of the values |
[edit]{{cite conference <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author-link> |author-link={$author-link}</!author-link> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!author-link2> |author-link2={$author-link2}</!author-link2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!author-link3> |author-link3={$author-link3}</!author-link3> <!last4> |last4={$last4}</!last4> <!first4> |first4={$first4}</!first4> <!author-link4> |author-link4={$author-link4}</!author-link4> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans-title> |trans-title={$trans-title}</!trans-title> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!book-title> |book-title={$book-title}</!book-title> <!chapter-url> |chapter-url={$chapter-url}</!chapter-url> <!trans-chapter> |trans-chapter={$trans-chapter}</!trans-chapter> <!conference> |conference={$conference}</!conference> <!conferenceurl> |conferenceurl={$conferenceurl}</!conferenceurl> <!editor-last> |editor-last={$editor-last}</!editor-last> <!editor-first> |editor-first={$editor-first}</!editor-first> <!editor-link> |editor-link={$editor-link}</!editor-link> <!editor2-last> |editor2-last={$editor2-last}</!editor2-last> <!editor2-first> |editor2-first={$editor2-first}</!editor2-first> <!editor2-link> |editor2-link={$editor2-link}</!editor2-link> <!editor3-last> |editor3-last={$editor3-last}</!editor3-last> <!editor3-first> |editor3-first={$editor3-first}</!editor3-first> <!editor3-link> |editor3-link={$editor3-link}</!editor3-link> <!editor4-last> |editor4-last={$editor4-last}</!editor4-last> <!editor4-first> |editor4-first={$editor4-first}</!editor4-first> <!editor4-link> |editor4-link={$editor4-link}</!editor4-link> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!place> |place={$place}</!place> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!pmid> |pmid={$pmid}</!pmid> <!pmc> |pmc={$pmc}</!pmc> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!oclc> |oclc={$oclc}</!oclc> <!isbn> |isbn={$isbn}</!isbn> <!bibcode> |bibcode={$bibcode}</!bibcode> <!archive-url> |archive-url={$archive-url}</!archive-url> <!archive-date> |archive-date={$archive-date}</!archive-date> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Arbitrary website
[edit]*URL | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
*Page title (in original language) | title | Das Bücherhaus |
Language (if not English) | language | German |
Translated title (where page title is non-English, provide English translation) | trans-title | The Bookshelf |
Publishing date (where this is stated on the page) | date | 1967-12-30 |
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date is cited above) | access-date | 2006-12-30 |
URL of archived copy of page (e.g. at the Internet Archive) | archive-url | 20080612153148/ |
Date page was archived | archive-date | 2008-06-12 |
Work (name of website or section of website, etc.) | work | Technical reports |
Publisher | publisher | Wikimedia Foundation |
Author's last name (use for a person) | last | Smith |
Author's first name (use for a person) | first | John |
OR author details (use for a committee, department or organization) | author | Wikimedia Foundation |
Link to author's Wikipedia article | author-link | John Smith |
Second author's last name | last2 | Smith |
Second author's first name | first2 | Jane |
OR second author details (use for a committee, department or organization) | author2 | W3C |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link2 | Jane Smith |
Relevant quote from page | quote | Turn off your computer and go outside. |
[edit]{{cite web <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans-title> |trans-title={$trans-title}</!trans-title> <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author> |author={$author}</!author> <!author-link> |author-link={$author-link}</!author-link> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!author2> |author2={$author2}</!author2> <!author-link2> |author-link2={$author-link2}</!author-link2> <!work> |work={$work}</!work> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!archive-url> |archive-url={$archive-url}</!archive-url> <!archive-date> |archive-date={$archive-date}</!archive-date> <!access-date> |access-date={$access-date}</!access-date> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Book
[edit]*Author's last name | last | Shakespeare |
Author's first name | first | William |
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link | William Shakespeare |
Second author's last name | last2 | Bacon |
Second author's first name | first2 | Francis |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link2 | Francis Bacon |
Third author's last name | last3 | Jonson |
Third author's first name | first3 | Ben |
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link3 | Ben Jonson |
Fourth author's last name | last4 | Marlowe |
Fourth author's first name | first4 | Christopher |
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link4 | Christopher Marlowe |
*Book title | title | Hamlet, Prince of Denmark |
Chapter/contribution | chapter | Who was Shakespeare |
Chapter/contribution URL | chapter-url | |
Volume | volume | 3 |
Edition | edition | 1 |
Editor's last name | editor-last | Smith |
Editor's first name | editor-first | John |
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor-link | John Smith |
Second editor's last name | editor2-last | Smith |
Second editor's first name | editor2-first | Jane |
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor2-link | Jane Smith |
Third editor's last name | editor3-last | Doe |
Third editor's first name | editor3-first | John |
Link to third editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor3-link | John Doe |
Work | work | The Scholar's Compendium to Shakespeare |
Publisher | publisher | Washington Square Press |
Publication location | location | New York, New York |
Publication date | date | 23 Mar 2003 |
OR publication year | year | 2003 |
Page number (where referenced fact is on a single page) | page | 14 |
OR page numbers (where referenced facts span multiple pages) | pages | 12-16 |
URL | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date and edition are cited above) | access-date | 2006-07-23 |
URL of archived copy (e.g. at the Internet Archive) | archive-url | 20080612153148/ the-title-here |
Date URL was archived | archive-date | 2008-06-12 |
ISBN (13-digit preferred) | isbn | 978-0743477123 |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | doi | 10.1007/b62130 |
Generic ID | id | freeform field |
Relevant excerpt | quote | The primroses were over. |
[edit]{{cite book <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first1={$first}</!first> <!author-link> |author-link={$author-link}</!author-link> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!author-link2> |author-link2={$author-link2}</!author-link2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!author-link3> |author-link3={$author-link3}</!author-link3> <!last4> |last4={$last4}</!last4> <!first4> |first4={$first4}</!first4> <!author-link4> |author-link4={$author-link4}</!author-link4> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!chapter> |chapter={$chapter}</!chapter> <!chapter-url> |chapter-url={$chapter-url}</!chapter-url> <!volume> |volume={$volume}</!volume> <!edition> |edition={$edition} </!edition> <!editor-last> |editor-last={$editor-last}</!editor-last> <!editor-first> |editor-first={$editor-first}</!editor-first> <!editor-link> |editor-link={$editor-link}</!editor-link> <!editor2-last> |editor2-last={$editor2-last}</!editor2-last> <!editor2-first> |editor2-first={$editor2-first}</!editor2-first> <!editor2-link> |editor2-link={$editor2-link}</!editor2-link> <!editor3-last> |editor3-last={$editor3-last}</!editor3-last> <!editor3-first> |editor3-first={$editor3-first}</!editor3-first> <!editor3-link> |editor3-link={$editor3-link}</!editor3-link> <!work> |work={$work}</!work> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!isbn> |isbn={$isbn}</!isbn> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!id> |id={$id}</!id> <!archive-url> |archive-url={$archive-url}</!archive-url> <!archive-date> |archive-date={$archive-date}</!archive-date> <!access-date> |access-date={$access-date}</!access-date> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Encyclopedia entry
[edit]*Encyclopedia | encyclopedia | Jewish Encyclopedia |
Volume | volume | 10 |
Page number (where referenced fact is on a single page) | page | 55 |
OR page numbers (where referenced facts span multiple pages) | pages | 27-28 |
*Article title | title | Jacob ben Asher |
Article author's last name | last | Schechter |
Article author's first name | first | Solomon |
Link to article author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link | Solomon Schechter |
Second author's last name | last2 | Seligsohn |
Second author's first name | first2 | M. |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link2 | M. Seligsohn |
Third author's last name | last3 | Smith |
Third author's first name | first3 | John |
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link3 | John Smith |
Publication date | date | 1906-12-30 |
OR publication year | year | 1906 |
Edition | edition | 1st |
Editor's last name | editor-last | Singer |
Editor's first name | editor-first | Isidore |
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor-link | Isidore Singer |
Second editor's last name | editor2-last | Smith |
Second editor's first name | editor2-first | Jane |
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor2-link | Jane Smith |
URL | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the source includes a clear revision or publishing date and it has been cited above) | access-date | 2007-12-30 |
Publisher | publisher | Funk & Wagnalls |
Publication location | location | New York, New York |
DOI | doi | 10.1038/2151043a0 |
ID | id | |
Relevant excerpt | quote | Jacob was the third son of Asher. |
[edit]{{cite encyclopedia <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author-link> |author-link={$author-link}</!author-link> <!last2> |last2={$last2}</!last2> <!first2> |first2={$first2}</!first2> <!author-link2> |author-link2={$author-link2}</!author-link2> <!last3> |last3={$last3}</!last3> <!first3> |first3={$first3}</!first3> <!author-link3> |author-link3={$author-link3}</!author-link3> <!editor-last> |editor-last={$editor-last}</!editor-last> <!editor-first> |editor-first={$editor-first}</!editor-first> <!editor-link> |editor-link={$editor-link}</!editor-link> <!editor2-last> |editor2-last={$editor2-last}</!editor2-last> <!editor2-first> |editor2-first={$editor2-first}</!editor2-first> <!editor2-link> |editor2-link={$editor2-link}</!editor2-link> <!encyclopedia> |encyclopedia={$encyclopedia}</!encyclopedia> <!volume> |volume={$volume}</!volume> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!edition> |edition={$edition}</!edition> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!doi> |doi={$doi}</!doi> <!id> |id={$id}</!id> <!access-date> |access-date={$access-date}</!access-date> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Court opinion
[edit]Parties' names | litigants | Parker v. D.C. |
Reporter volume | vol | 478 |
Reporter | reporter | F.3d |
Opinion number (often 1st pg. of case) | opinion | 370 |
Pinpoint | pinpoint | p. 58 |
Court | court | D.C. Cir. |
Date (decided on) | date | 2007-03-09 |
URL | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
quote | quote | As such, we hold it unconstitutional. |
[edit]{{cite court <!litigants> |litigants={$litigants}</!litigants> <!vol> |vol={$vol}</!vol> <!reporter> |reporter={$reporter}</!reporter> <!opinion> |opinion={$opinion}</!opinion> <!pinpoint> |pinpoint={$pinpoint}</!pinpoint> <!court> |court={$court}</!court> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Press Release
[edit]*Title (in original language) | title | Nature compares Wikipedia and Britannica |
Language (if not English) | language | German |
Translated title (where title of press release is non-English, provide English translation) | trans-title | The Last Page of the Internet |
URL | url | Wikipedia:Press_releases Nature_compares_ Wikipedia_and_Britannica |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
Publishing date | date | 2005-12-15 |
Date you reviewed the source (blank this if the publishing date is cited above) | access-date | 2006-07-23 |
URL of archived copy of page (e.g. at the Internet Archive) | archive-url | 20080612153148/ |
Date page was archived | archive-date | 2008-06-12 |
Author's last name (use for a person) | last | Smith |
Author's first name (use for a person) | first | John |
OR author details (use for a committee or department or to signify "Staff writer(s)"; no by-line) | author | |
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link | John Smith |
Publication location | location | New York, New York |
Publisher | publisher | Wikimedia Foundation |
The news agency (wire service) that provided the content | agency | Associated Press |
Subscription required (leave blank for no) | subscription | yes |
Registration required (superseded by subscription if both are set - leave blank for no) | registration | yes |
Relevant quote from page | quote | Turn off your computer and go outside. |
[edit]{{cite press release <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans-title> |trans-title={$trans-title}</!trans-title> <!last> |last={$last}</!last> <!first> |first={$first}</!first> <!author> |author={$author}</!author> <!author-link> |author={$author-link}</!author-link> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!agency> |agency={$agency}</!agency> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!subscription> |subscription={$subscription}</!subscription> <!registration> |registration={$registration}</!registration> <!archive-url> |archive-url={$archive-url}</!archive-url> <!archive-date> |archive-date={$archive-date}</!archive-date> <!access-date> |access-date={$access-date}</!access-date> <!quote> |quote={$quote}</!quote> }}
CS1 Map
[edit]*Publication Title (in original language) | title | Das Bücherhaus |
Language (if not English) | language | German |
Translated publication title (where title is non-English, provide English translation) | trans-title | The Bookshelf |
URL (Cannot be used if title is wikilinked) | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
The title of the individual map, if published in an atlas, book, or journal | map | New Map Showing the 8,880 Miles Which Comprise Colorado's Primary Highway System |
Map URL (in case title is wikilinked) | mapurl | |
URL of archived copy of page (i.e. at the Internet Archive) | archive-url | 20080612153148/ |
Date page was archived | archive-date | 2008-06-12 |
*Publisher | publisher | Kansas Department of Transportation |
Publication location | location | New York, New York |
Publishing date | date | 2005-12-15 |
OR publication year | year | 2003 |
Title of map series | series | Discovery Series |
Version of map | version | 1 |
*Edition | edition | 1 |
Date you reviewed the source (can be blanked if the publishing date, version or edition is cited above) | access-date | 2006-07-23 |
Person or entity that did the cartography | cartography | Diversified Map Co |
Page number (where item is on a single page) | page | B14 |
OR page numbers (where item spans multiple pages) | pages | 12-13 |
Scale of map | scale | 1 : 30,000 (or Scale not given) |
The map section of the feature referenced | section | 6A, 9B, 11L, etc. |
The name of the focused inset referenced | inset | Downtown Fooburg |
ISBN (13-digit preferred) | isbn | 978-0743477123 |
ID | id |
[edit]{{cite map <!title> |title={$title}</!title> <!language> |language={$language}</!language> <!trans-title> |trans-title={$trans-title}</!trans-title> <!map> |map={$map}</!map> <!url> |url={$url}</!url> <!mapurl> |mapurl={$mapurl}</!mapurl> <!format> |format={$format}</!format> <!date> |date={$date}</!date> <!year> |year={$year}</!year> <!scale> |scale={$scale}</!scale> <!series> |series={$series}</!series> <!version> |version={$version}</!version> <!cartography> |cartography={$cartography}</!cartography> <!page> |page={$page}</!page> <!pages> |pages={$pages}</!pages> <!section> |section={$section}</!section> <!inset> |inset={$inset}</!inset> <!edition> |edition={$edition} </!edition> <!publisher> |publisher={$publisher}</!publisher> <!location> |location={$location}</!location> <!isbn> |isbn={$isbn}</!isbn> <!id> |id={$id}</!id> <!archive-url> |archive-url={$archive-url}</!archive-url> <!archive-date> |archive-date={$archive-date}</!archive-date> <!access-date> |access-date={$access-date}</!access-date> }}
CS2 Conference report or paper
[edit]*Paper title (in original language) | contribution=bib.title | Face recognition using eigenfaces |
Language (if not English) | language | German |
Translated title (where page title is non-English, provide English translation) | trans-title | Face recognition using eigenfaces |
*Conference/report title | title | Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Editor's last name | editor-last | Smith |
Editor's first name | editor-first | John |
Link to editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor-link | John Smith |
Second editor's last name | editor2-last | Smith |
Second editor's first name | editor2-first | Jane |
Link to second editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor2-link | Jane Smith |
Third editor's last name | editor3-last | Doe |
Third editor's first name | editor3-first | John |
Link to third editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor3-link | John Doe |
Fourth editor's last name | editor4-last | Doe |
Fourth editor's first name | editor4-first | Jane |
Link to fourth editor's Wikipedia article (if any) | editor4-link | Jane Doe |
Publisher | publisher | IEEE |
Publication place | place | Palo Alto, California |
Publication date | date | 1999-10-24 |
OR publication year | year | 1991 |
Author's last name | last | Turk |
Author's first name | first | M. |
Link to author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link | Matthew Turk |
Second author's last name | last2 | Smith |
Second author's first name | first2 | Jane |
Link to second author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link2 | Jane Smith |
Third author's last name | last3 | Doe |
Third author's first name | first3 | John |
Link to third author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link3 | John Doe |
Fourth author's last name | last4 | Doe |
Fourth author's first name | first4 | Jane |
Link to fourth author's Wikipedia article (if any) | author-link4 | Jane Doe |
Page number (where article is on a single page) | page | 55 |
OR page numbers (where article spans multiple pages) | pages=bib.pages | 1043-4 |
PMID | pmid | 4964084 |
PMC | pmc | 3440031 |
DOI | doi | 10.1038/2151043a0 |
bibcode | bibcode | 2011IJAsB..10...25W |
URL | url | |
Format (if not HTML) | format | |
Date you reviewed the source (can be blanked if the publishing date is cited above) | access-date | 2006-07-23 |
Relevant excerpt | quote | There is no evidence on the health risk. |
BibTex | @bibtex | You can use BibTex to fill in some of the values |
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CS2 Patent
[edit]Title | title | Fast routing lookup system using complete prefix tree, bit vector, and pointers in a routing table for determining where to route IP datagrams |
The inventor's surname or last name | inventor-last | Degermark |
The inventor's first or given name(s) | inventor-first | Mikael |
Title of an existing Wikipedia article about the first inventor (if any) | inventorlink | Mikael Degermark |
Second inventor's surname or last name | inventor2-last | Brodnik |
Second inventor's first or given name(s) | inventor2-first | Andrej |
Wikipedia article about the second inventor (if any) | inventorlink2 | Andrej Brodnik |
Third inventor's surname or last name | inventor3-last | Carlsson |
Third inventor's first or given name(s) | inventor3-first | Svante |
Wikipedia article about the third inventor (if any)) | inventorlink3 | Svante Carlsson |
Fourth inventor's surname or last name | inventor4-last | Pink |
Fourth inventor's first or given name(s) | inventor4-first | Stephen |
Wikipedia article about the fourth inventor (if any) | inventorlink4 | Stephen Pink |
Date of publication or filing | publication-date | 1996-07-22 |
Date patent was issued by patent agency | issue-date | 2001-02-08 |
Title of the patent (if it includes [square brackets], these must be encoded as "[" for "[" and "]" for "]") | title | |
Country (two-letter ISO 3166 abbreviation of the issuing country) | country-code | US |
Type of patent | description | |
The number of the patent | patent-number | 6266706 |
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