The UNH vertical files contain newspaper and magazine articles, brochures, programs, and ephemera for colleges, organizations, buildings, events, and people.
- 75th Anniversary, events programs
- 100 Club
- 1918 Flu Epidemic on campus
- A.C.T.I.O.N. (A Committee to Implement Our Needs), TNH 3/1/68
- A.T.B. Club, news clippings
- Abbe, George, Class of 1933
- Academic Calendar, 1962, A Report by the Faculty Council on the Calendar Recommendation of the CAPTM
- Academic Freedom at UNH, 1949-79
- Academic Regalia
- Accreditation Report, 1994
- Adams, Arthur S.
- Addison, Thomas A. '51
- Addresses and lectures given at UNH (partial list)
- Administration of Students, 1946
- Admissions, 189_ - 1987
- Advertisements
- Aerial Dance, 2005
- Affirmative Action Study, 1972
- Agricultural Experiment Station, 1888-1973
- Alcohol and Drug Policies, 1990
- Alexander Hall dedication Oct. 20, 1951
- Alma Mater, by Herbert F. Moore '98
- Alpha Alpha Alpha Sorority
- Alpha Chi Omega
- Alpha Chi Sigma, Chemical Fraternity
- Alpha Gamma Rho
- Alpha Kappa Pi
- Alpha Phi, 2017
- Alpha Phi Omega, 1949-50
- Alpha Xi Delta
- Alumnae Council Reports, 1938-39
- Alumni Association, misc.
- Alumni Reunions
- American Association of University Women (AAUW), 1942-68
- American Society for Engineering Education; membership certificate, 1923
- American Veterans Committee
- Annual Report of Campus Security
- Aquarius boating tragedy, 1975
- Arsenault, Robert A. Memorial Dedication, Oct, 27, 1968
- Assembling Alternatives An International Poetry Conference, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 1996
- Athletic Advisory Committee: Recommendations on the Reduction of Teams at UNH, 1996
- Athletic Coaches, 1970
- Athletics and Recreation, Dept. of Intercollegiate Athletics, admission charges, 1946-89
- Athletics and Recreational Sports Programs, 1968-89, 2004
- Athletics and Recreational Sports Summer Programs, 1979-92
- Athletics—Intramural, 1926-27
- Azumah, Jerry
- Babcock, Donald
- Babcock House
- Ballard Hall
- Bannister, Jeff, '70
- Bardwell, John III, obituary
- Barton Hall
- Baseball Club, 2000
- Batcheller, Joseph D.
- Batchelder (Harry C.) Rink
- Beckett, John A. - An appreciation
- Beckwith, Marion
- Ben Thompson Citations
- Bernaby, Helen (Lawrence), Class of 1930
- Bigglestone Plaza Dedication Ceremony
- Bills Related to UNH
- Bjorkman, Ruben (Hockey Coach)
- Black, Caroline A.
- Black Studies Programs
- Black Student Union (BSU)
- Board of Trustees
- Bonner, Thomas N.
- Bourgoin, Louis P.
- Bowes, Bill (Football Coach)
- Boxing team, 1926-1935
- Brackett Field dedicated to William L. Brackett, '14
- Branch Libraries
- Brierley, Jean (class of 1930)
- Browne Center
- Browne, Evelyn
- Buildings
- Bulletins of the University (list of), prepared 1940
- Burley-Demeritt Farm
- By-Laws of the Trustees, 1862-1893
- Cambridge Summer Program
- Campus Planning
- Campus Street renaming, 2008
- Carillon (Henderson Memorial)
- Carter, Hodding (Distinguished Lecture Series Address: "The Why of Mississippi")
- Carter, James R. Professorship of Management and Student Scholarships
- Casque and Casket Fraternity; Constitution and rush booklet
- CEO Forum
- Centennial 1966
- Centennial 1994
- Centennial Symposia, 1965-66
- Center for the Humanities, 1987
- Cemeteries within UNH Property Lines
- Chancellor's Office, "University of New Hampshire System Summary", 1974-1980
- Chandler, Robert F.
- Channel 11, WENH-TV
- Charles, T. Burr
- Charter of the University of New Hampshire
- Chase, Jere A.
- Cheers and Cheerleaders (sports)
- Chemistry Dept.
- Chi Omega
- Chicago Three speak at UNH, May 5, 1970
- Child Study and Development Center
- Christensen Hall
- Civil Defense Training Program, 1965-66
- Civil Engineering
- Clark, Charles [lecture poster]
- Clark, David Gordon (Physics Library)
- Climber's Guide to UNH, by UAWMF Mountaineering
- Coaches
- Collective Bargaining; AAUP
- College Farm
- College of Agriculture
- College of Liberal Arts
- College Presidency
- College Road Apartments/Forest Park
- College Woods
- Colovos, Nicholas F.
- Commencement Speaker(list of
- Commission on University Governance
- Committee on Academic Programs and Teaching Methods
- Commons Building
- Commons Club
- Communication Disorders
- Communist Activities at UNH
- Commuter Center
- Computer Aided Design, Analysis and Graphics Center -- Proposed
- Computer Services
- Conant Hall
- Conant, John
- Concert Series, 1940-41
- Conferences and Institutes hosted at UNH, 1915-74
- Congreve Hall
- Convocations
- Cooperative Extension Service
- Cooperative Extension Service: Lists of Publications
- Cooperative Extension Service: Outreach programs, 1992
- Cooperative Extension Service: Resource Economics Extension mimeos
- Cooperative Extension Service: Rural Briefs -- War Adjustments
- Cooperative Extension Service: Workshops and seminars
- Cooperative Extension: Victory Garden
- Coulter, Charles W.
- Counseling and Health Services
- Cowell, William "Butch"
- CREAM Dairy Herd Program, 1999
- Cultural Events, schedules 1961-70
- Curriculum, 1942-44
- Dad's Day
- Daggett, G. Harris
- Dairy Bar
- Dairy Barn (new 1932)
- Dairy Building (Taylor Hall)
- Dale, Charles M. (Dedication of the Studios for Educational Television), 1960
- Daniel Webster Plow
- Davenport, Gilbert
- Decentralized Budgeting at the University of New Hampshire [RCM], 2001
- Delta Zeta
- DeMeritt, Elizabeth P.
- DeMeritt Hall
- DeMeritt House (aka Practice House)
- Devine Hall
- Dictionary of Standard Terminology (USNH), 1983, rev. 1986
- Dimond, Ezekiel W.
- Dimond Library, 1957-1998
- Dimond Library, 1998-
- Dimond, Sidney A.
- Dining Services
- Distinctive Lives (Distinguished Alumni Awards, 1999)
- Diversity
- Division of Student Affairs
- Doctoral Programs, Year of Approval, 1973
- Domestic Partner Benefits
- Draft Laws 1948
- Durham Post Office Mural
- Durham Reelers
- East and West Halls
- East Foss Farm
- East-West Park
- Eaton House (named in honor of Forrest M. Eaton '26)
- EcoLine
- Eddy, Edward D.
- Education Dept. (misc. items, 1938-73)
- Educational Talent Search Office
- Ekdahl, Adolph and Naomi
- Elderhostel
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton House, 1981
- Elliott Alumni Center
- Employee Fitness Programs, 1985-
- Engelhardt, Fred (Inauguration)
- Engelhardt, Fred (memorial)
- Engelhardt, Fred (misc.)
- Engelhardt Hall
- Engineering Building, 1949 (also known as Kingsbury Hall)
- Engineering Experiment Station
- English Dept.
- Extension Service. Lecture-Forum Series
- Extracts relating to the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts taken from "A History of Dartmouth College, 1815-1909"
- Factato Club (Faculty Potato Club) 1918
- Faculty
- Faculty Center
- Faculty Retirement Plan, 1956
- Faculty Women
- Fairchild, Edward Thomson
- Fairchild Hall
- Fairchild, Thomas
- Farmer's and Homemaker's Week Program, 1920-
- Farmer's Week Program, 1910-1918
- Festival of Arts Programs, 1961
- Field House
- Film Society
- Fireside Experience
- Fish Banks, Ltd.
- Five Finger Point Natural Area
- Flag Pole and Flag
- Flying Club, 1940-46
- Football
- Forest Hills Hotel
- Forge Shop
- Founder's Day
- Freedom of Speech
- French Dept. (misc. items, 1948-71)
- Freshman English, 1944-
- Friends of the Library
- Frost Memorial Room (History Dept.)
- Gamma Theta Yearbooks, 1914 and 1916
- Gardeners Club Rules, 1943
- Gay Students Organizations
- General Education Requirements
- Geological Relief Map (James Hall)
- Gibbs Hall
- Gibbs, William David
- Gilman, Paul
- GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Day, 2004
- Glee Clubs, 1916-35
- Goldsmith, Kennard E. (Class of 1936)
- Grading System, 1939
- Graduate Studies
- Gratke, Charles, lecture 1948
- Grant House
- Great Depression and UNH
- Greek Life
- Greenhouse
- Greenways Project
- Gregg Hall Dedication program
- Grinnell, Harold C.
- Groves, Ernest Rutherford
- Guidelines for Accessing Student Records, 1975
- Guidelines for Use of Nonsexist Language, 1985
- Gymnasium
- Hall, Daniel
- Hall House (named in honor of Fred W. Hall, Jr. '41)
- Haaland, Gordon A.
- Haendler, Helmut M.
- Hamilton Smith Library, 1907-1958
- Handicapped Student Services
- Handler, Evelyn
- Hart, Ann Weaver
- Hart, Reina Paananen
- Hatch, John
- Hayes, James H. '32
- Heald, Frank
- Health Services
- Henderson, Oren V. "Dad"
- Hetzel Hall
- Hetzel, Ralph D.
- Hennessy, William G.
- Hesburgh Award, 2002
- Hewitt, Charles E. (Class of 1893)
- Hewitt Hall
- Hewitt, Marvin
- High School-University Day, 1952-57
- Highland House, 1985
- Hirokawa, Tomakichi
- History department, restructuring
- Hitchcock Hall (Leon W.)
- Hockey
- Hodgdon, Albion R.
- Holden, John T.
- Holiday Parties
- Holloway, Paul J.
- Holloway Prize
- Holt, Charles
- Home Economics
- Homosexuality and Bisexuality
- Honorary Fraternities
- Honors Program
- Hood, Charles Harvey
- Hood House
- Hopkins, Walter Scott, Jr.
- Horse Shows, 1933-34
- Horton Social Science Center
- Hotel Administration
- House Bill 385
- Houston, Robert
- Housing - Residential Life
- Hubbard Brothers
- Hubbard Hall
- Huddleston Dining Hall
- Huddleston, Eric T. (campus architect)
- Huddleston, Mark W. (president)
- Humanities, misc. 1973-79
- Hunter, Roy D.
- Iddles Auditorium
- Iddles, Harold A.
- Incinerator
- Insect Collection - Entomology
- Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
- Institute on Disability
- INTERACT TV Constitution/By-laws, (1979)
- International Seminar Series
- International Students
- International Women's Club
- Irving, John (unpublished stories, 1964-65)
- Jackson, C. Floyd
- Jackson Estuarine Laboratory
- James, Charles
- James Hall
- James Hall Time Capsule
- Jessie Doe Hall
- John C. Rouman Classical Lecture Series. Bibliographic citations.
- Johnson, Arthur W.
- Johnson, Eldon L.
- KFC Chicken Hoax
- Kappa Sigma
- Kendall Hall
- Kendall, John C.
- Kent State Memorial
- Kidder, Bill
- Kingman Farm
- Kingsbury Hall
- Korean War
- Labor Union at UNH
- Lacrosse (Men's)
- Lacrosse (Women's)
- Ladd, Dwight. ("Some Matters Relating to Teaching at UNH", 1972)
- Lambda Chi Alpha
- Laurent, John
- Leach Bill
- Leavitt, Harold I. Dedication Program, 1973
- Le Bel, Thomas J. (Memorial Classroom)
- LeBlanc, Robert (Sept. 11, 2001)
- Leitzel, James
- Leitzel, Joan R.
- Leitzel, Joan R. (Inauguration)
- Lewis Fields
- Lewis, Edward Morgan
- Loder, Ted (on UFOs)
- London Program
- Lord Hall
- "Lost Boundaries"
- Lundholm, Carl J.
- MacDowell, Marian Nevins
- Mace
- Macfarlane Greenhouse
- Mail Service
- Manton, Robert
- Maps and Visitor's Guides, 1909-
- Marine Program
- Marston House
- Marston, Philip M.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Celebrations: Speaker List
- Mayor of Durham
- McConnell, John
- McGovern, George
- McKerley, Forerest D. (Chair in Health Economics)
- McLaughlin Hall
- McLaughlin, Helen F.
- McNair Graduate Opportunity Program
- McNutt, John
- McQuade, Elizabeth
- Mechanical Engineering
- Media Services
- Meiklejohn, Alexander Academic Freedom Award
- Memorial Athletic Field
- Memorial Field Fund
- Memorial Union Building (MUB)
- Memorial Union Building (MUB) Services
- Memorial Union Building (MUB); Student activities
- Memorial Union Building (MUB) War Memorial Window
- Menns, Fred
- Merrill, Stephen E.
- Merrimack Valley College, 1979
- Microbiology (History of Microbiology at UNH), 1970
- Military Department, 1890
- Mills, Eugene S.
- Milne, Lorus J. and Margery
- Mini Dorms
- Minority Report of Asher Moore, 1974
- Mitchell, Albert L.
- Mitchell Way
- Moody, Frederick (Class of 1935)
- Moore, Berrien (Nobel Prize, 2007)
- Morrill Hall
- Morrill, Justin S.
- Morrison, Frank
- Morse, Richard (Dedication of Morse Hall)
- Mother's Day Programs, 1936-51
- Multicultural Student Affairs
- Murkland, Charles Sumner
- Murkland Hall
- Murray, Donald M. (review of his book)
- Name Change Proposal, 1910
- Nashua Graduate Center
- Nesmith, George W.
- Nesmith Hall
- New England Center
- "New Hampshire Budgetary Process", ca.1950
- New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts
- "New Hampshire Colors" (Music by L. C. Swain '18; words by E. Y. Blewett '26)
- New Hampshire Day
- New Hampshire Hall
- "New Hampshire Notebook", 1945-46
- New Hampshire Primary Debate Partnership
- "New Hampshire State Alumnus", first issue
- New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, 2015
- Newman Dance Studio
- News Bureau (UNH), 1984
- Nitzschke, Dale
- Nontraditional Students
- Notch Hall
- Nursing Dept.
- Nutshell Magazine, 1971-72
- Observatory
- Occupational Therapy
- O'Kane Memorial Homestead
- O'Kane, Walter C.
- O'Malley, Mike
- Ombudsman, 1973-79
- Ontkean, Michael
- Opdycke, Lawrence Hall
- Outdoor swimming pool
- P.W.A. Projects, 1938
- Pacifist Parade, May 1966
- Paine, Ralph D.
- Parents Association
- Parents Weekend/Family Day
- Parker, Clifford Laboratory
- Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations
- Parsons, Charles
- Parsons Hall
- Patent and Copyright Policy
- Paul Creative Arts Center
- Pearce, Roth E.
- Pease, Harl '39
- Penley Forum for Family-Owned Business
- Peterson, Nobel K.
- Pettee, Charles Holmes
- Pettee Hall
- [Louella] Pettee House (aka International House)
- Phenix, Richard '47
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Phi Delta Upsilon
- Phi Kappa Theta
- Phi Mu
- Phi Mu Delta
- Philbrook, Anna L.
- Philbrook Dining Hall
- Phillips, Thomas G.
- Philsophic Club, 1905-06
- Philosophy Department (misc. items, 1942-73)
- Physical Education
- Physical Plant
- Pi Kappa Alpha
- Pike, Sumner
- Plant Breeding and Research. NH Plant introductions, 1939-
- Policy on Discriminatory Harassment
- Policy on Harassment and Sexual Harassment
- Political Science Department, (misc. items 1948-79)
- Power House/ Heating Plant
- Practice House (also Craft Cottage)
- Preceptorial Program
- Presidential Bios
- President's Commission on the Status of Women
- President's Commission on the Status of Women, Report 1993-1994
- Presidents Reunion
- President's [Leitzel] State of the University Address, 1997
- Printing Press
- Promotion and Tenure Guidelines, 1993
- Protests and Demonstrations
- Putnam, George M.
- Putnam Hall
- Race [Issues of]
- Railroad and Train station
- Randall, Frank W.
- Randall Hall
- Rasmussen, Edwin J.
- Rasmussen, Mary H.
- Ravine
- Real Estate (Acquisition of Property, 1891-1958)
- Recycling Programs
- Reed, John F.
- Registration Statistics, 1868-1927
- Religious Organizations - General
- Religious Organizations - Student Christian Movement
- Religious Organizations - United Protestant Association
- Religious Programs - Northern New England School of Religious Education, 1919-52
- Religious Programs - Religious Emphasis Week, 1944-52
- Religious Programs - Rolling Ridge Conference, 1952-52
- Report of Faculty Committees on Objectives, Faculty Responsibilities and Teacher-Student Relationships, 1941-42
- Report of the University-Wide Committee on Educational Policy (Draft), Oct. 1966
- Report to the Trustees on Disruptive Activity
- Research at UNH
- Reserve Officer's Training Corps (ROTC)
- Residential Life
- Richards, Alfred E.
- Richardson House
- Ritzman, Ernest G.
- Robert Frost Youth Poet Program
- Rollins, Arthur W.
- Rosenberg, William (Chair in Franchising, WSBE) Rosenberg, William (Conference Center Dedication)
- Rudman Hall
- Sackett, Everett B.
- Sackett House
- Safe Zone Campaign
- Sailing Club (1966)
- Salary
- Sawyer Hall
- School of Continuing Studies, 1994
- School of Health and Human Services
- Scott, Clarence
- Scott Hall
- Scudder, Harold H.
- Sea Grant Marine Education Program
- Second Century Night
- Secretary of the University
- Seeley, Lauren E.
- Semester vs. Term Plans
- Service Dept.
- Shapiro Forum for the Entrepreneurial Family
- Shops Building
- Sigma Alpha Epsilon [Zeta Epsilon Zeta]
- Sigma Beta
- Silva, Don (case)
- Simic, Charles
- Skoglund, W. C.
- Smith, Alice (Mrs. Hamilton Smith)
- Smith Hall
- Smith, Hamilton
- Smith-Lever Act, revision 1972
- Snively, A. Barr "Whoop"
- Snively Areana
- Society for Indecency to Naked Animals (SINA), 1963
- Sociology
- Songs
- Spaak, Paul-Henri (Address at Ben Thompson Convocation, 1959)
- Space Science Center
- Spanish Civil War
- Spaulding Life Science Building
- Speakers Bureau
- Sponsored Research
- Sports History
- Spruce Hole Bog
- Staff (UNH long-term employees)
- Steck, Charles C.
- Stevens, Clark L.
- Stillings, Charles E.
- Stillings Dining Hall
- Stoke Hall
- Stoke, Harold W.
- Stolworthy, Edward Howard
- Student Activities
- Student Body (photo), 1916
- Student Government and Class Elections, 1941-42 Student Judiciary Boards
- Student Opinion Surveys, 1947, 1981
- Student Publications
- Student Strike, 1912
- Student Strike, 1970
- Student Variety shows, 1937, 1942 and undated
- Study Abroad, 1968
- Sulloway, Richard Woodbury
- Summer Session (Misc. Programs, 1937-74)
- Summer Studies in Composition and Literature
- Survey Center (New Hampshire Policy Survey, '94 and '95)
- Sustainability Programs
- Swain, Lew
- Swasey, Henry
- Sweet, Paul
- Sweet, Paul Oval DedicationÂ
- Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Taylor, Frederick W.
- Taylor Hall (Dairy Building)
- Teague, Bert (Class of 1939)
- Telephones on campus
- Tenure and Retirement, 1938
- Terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, Sept. 11
- Theater Resources for Youth (TRY): A thirty year perspective, 1997
- Theta Chi
- Theta Epsilon
- Thompson, Benjamin (1 of 2)
- Thompson, Benjamin (2 of 2)
- Thompson, Benjamin (Estate)
- Thompson Hall
- Thompson Hall Time Capsule, 2006
- Thompson, Lucien
- Thompson Monument
- Thompson School of Applied Sciences
- Time Lines
- Towle, Carroll S.
- Trustees Honorary Degrees and Awards Recipients, 1901-
- Tuition
- Tuttle, Hiram
- Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher
- Undergraduate Research Conference
- UNH, [articles about]
- UNH Disorientation Guide, 2010-11
- UNH Foundation
- UNH Film Society
- UNH logo, new 1977
- UNH Time Capsule (Centennial), 1994
- Unionization
- University Art Gallery
- University Club
- University Day
- University Extension Service, 1952
- University Folk Club (History of)
- University Governance
- University Museum
- "University of New Hampshire in the Service of the State"
- University of New Hampshire - Manchester, Mission statement, Fall 1996
- University Organization
- University Pictorial Bulletins, 1916-
- University Planning Committee
- University Police Dept.
- University Public Relations materials
- University Seal
- University Senate
- University Symphonic Band, 1950-52
- University System of New Hampshire (USNH)
- University / Town Relationships
- Valentine Smith Scholarship Winners, 1934-39
- Van Allen, A. D. '27
- Veterans
- Virgil, Elizabeth
- Vietnam
- Wason, George A.
- Water Resource Research Center, Publication Catalog
- Water Treatment Facilities
- Wellman, Justin
- Wentworth, Shirley "Cy"
- Where in the World is UNH? 2005-06
- Whitcher, George H.
- Whitmore, Brenda (first dual BA degree)
- Whittemore Center
- Whittemore, Frederick (Poem written for dedication of sport center)
- Whittemore School or Business and Economics (WSBE)
- Whoriskey, Richard
- Wildcat mascot
- Williams, Thomas '50
- Williamson, Daisy Deane
- Williamson, Dean P.
- Winter Events of State Legislators
- Winter Carnival Programs, misc. 1930-86
- Wolff, James H. (Class of 1871)
- Women - A Bibliography of Research and Scholarship, 1983
- Women - The History of Women at UNH: A Chronicle of Events from 1862-2000
- Women - World War II
- Women Scientists of UNH
- Women Students
- Women's Ice Hockey
- Women's Network
- Women's Studies, misc. 1974-84
- Woodman Farm
- Woodruff House (environmental mini-dorm)
- World Today Symposium (at the Inauguration of Arthur Adams)
- World War I
- World War II
- WUNH Radio
- Zais, Melvin