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E Victionario

Vide etiam


Exemplum substantivi

{{caput|la|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}} <!-- exemplum -->
=={{-lingua-|la|{{subst:PAGENAME}}}}== <!-- Latine -->

==={{appellatio}}=== <!-- Appellatio et syllabificatio -->
:{{Audio|La-cls-exemplum.ogg|/ekˈsemplum/|{{la-cls-appellatio}}|la}} <!-- Exemplum Latinum apellationis -->
:{{syllabae|ex|em|plum|morph=exempl-um}} <!-- Exemplum syllabificationis -->

==={{formae}}=== <!-- Formae aliae -->

==={{notatio}}=== <!-- Notatio / etymologia -->

==={{substantivum|la}}=== <!-- Nomen substantivum -->
'''exempl'''|'''um, -ī''' ''{{n}}''
# Definitio ...


===={{usus|la}}==== <!-- Usus verbi, exempla brevia -->

==={{collatae}}=== <!-- Dictiones collatae -->

==={{derivatae}}=== <!-- Dictiones derivatae -->

==={{trans}}=== <!-- Translationes -->
*{{en}}: {{t+|en|example}}
*{{de}}: {{t+|de|Beispiel|n}}

=={{loci|la}}== <!-- Verba allata scriptorum / auctorum -->

=={{vide}}== <!-- Vide etiam - nexūs interni -->

=={{affines}}== <!-- Formae affines -->


Appellatio pronuntiatusque

API: /ekˈsemplum/(classice)

Formae aliae




Nomen substantivum


exempl|um, -ī neut.

  1. Definitio ...


n. sing. plur.
nom. exemplum exempla I
gen. exemplī exemplōrum II
dat. exemplō exemplīs III
acc. exemplum exempla IV
abl. exemplō exemplīs VI
voc. exemplum exempla V



Dictiones collatae


Dictiones derivatae



Definitiodilatare ▼
Definitiocollabi ▲



Vide etiam

Exemplum dictio est in variis linguis:

Formae affines




Hic titulus aliis titulis lemmatis praecedit. Repleas istum formulam {{-xx-}} ponens, ubi xx linguam secundum schema ISO 639 breuiter reddit (vide s.v. nomina et notae linguarum). Tales formulae linguam verbi referent paginam autem in linguae categoria ponent.

Si pluria verba eiusdem linguae eandem formam scriptam haberent, titulis numeros affigas: {{-xx-}} I, {{-xx-}} II, etc.

This heading superordinates the other headings of the entry. To fill it one would generally use the templates of the form {{-xx-}} where xx is an ISO 639 code (for a list of languages and language codes, see the list of languages and language codes). These templates give the name of the language, a link to the language's project page, and place the page in the language's category.

If there is more than one word in the language spelled the same way, use multiple numbered headings: {{-xx-}} I{{-xx-}} II, etc.




carbonAPI: /ˈkɑrbən/(Americane)

Appellatio dictionis.  Schemate API utaris.  Transcriptio simplex phonemica praefertur, in signis // ponenda.  Clavi appellationum (ut huic Anglo-Americanae generali) nectas.  Transcriptionem phoneticam, in signis [], etiam apponere libet.  Si appellationes variae (sicut dialectorum aliarum, vel formarum inflexarum vel anomalium) inveniantur, singulas a capite ponas, et quamcumque annotes.

Exemplum recitationis Audio est, qua ita utaris: {{Audio|nomen documenti.ogg|transscriptio IPA|aliae notae|signum linguae|nomen paginae}}.

Recitationes colligendae apud situm Commons:Pronunciation files requests (Anglice) commendantur.

The word's pronunciation. Use IPA. A simple phonemic transcription is preferred, and is used between slashes //. Link to a pronunciation key page (an example for GenAm). A phonetic transcription can also be added, between brackets []. Multiple pronunciations (for example, differing dialects, irregular/inflected forms) go on different lines with a note saying which is what.

The template for a sound is Audio, used thus: {{Audio|filename.ogg|IPA transcription|other notes|language code|displayed txt (page name)}}

Pronunciation file gathering is coordinated at Commons:Pronunciation files requests.

Formae aliae

  • sulphur adhibetur in Regno Unito, India, et Nova Zelandia; et sulphur et sulfur in Australia Canadaque; etiam sulphur in Civitatibus Foederatis frequens est.

Aliae formae eiusdem dictionis.  Haec pars potest complecti indicem simplicem vel annotatum (indicans menda frequentia, formas contractas, declinationes alias, etc.), vel descriptionem plenissimam (tamquam in ab).

Other spellings of the word.  This section can be a simple list, annotated (mentioning common misspellings, contracted forms, other declensions, etc.), or a full-out description as in ab.



Ab eximo, ab ex + emo.

Notatio dictionis.  Dictiones quae notationi sunt, litteris gravibus et cum nexu scribas.  (Formula v  iuvat, quae etiam linguam annotat, ut {{v|cu|пьсъ}}, quod aliquando litteris slavicis legi spera.)  Dictiones priscas in litteris cursivis  et sine nexu scribas (quia formis variis scriptae lemmata non merentur).  Nexum ad indicem dictionum radicis eius (vide Category:Radices) etiam addere libet.  Cura ut loca addas, si potes.

The word's etymology.  Words involved in the etymology appear in bold and are linked. (You can use the v  template, which also marks for language, for example {{v|cu|пьсъ}}, which proper browsers will someday be smart enough to render in a style appropriate for Church Slavonic.) Protolanguage words are in italic and not linked (they are generally too unstable in form or spelling; they do not get entries). A link to the index of words from this root (see Category:Radices) can also be put here explicitly. Be sure to list sources, if you can.

Nomen (Verbum, Interiectio, etc.)


exempl|um, -ī neut.

  1. Res imitanda.
    Da exemplum hic.

Pars orationis  in titulo; partes principales, genus, definitioque dictionis. Exemplum editoriale etiam hic potest poneri.

  • Virgula "|" indicat ubi radix finit et inflexio incipit. Si inflexio additur fini lemmatis sine alia mutatione, virgula omitte, et praepone interductum oscillatum? (vel "titulus"?) "~" inflexionibus: fulgŭr, ~ŭris.
  • Hic uti apicibus et brevibus: multa dictionaria non brevibus utuntur, sed necesse est scire si vocales vero breves sunt, aut si usuarius solum non apices annotavit — aut si non vocalium quantitatem scivit (ut in dictionibus recentibus).
  • Signum "√" indicat significationem radicalem sive "ad litteram" dictionis, secundum eius notationem. Si haec significatio non adhibetur, eam scribe sub titulo Notationis.
  • Si verbum est rarum, regionale, poëticum, obsoletum, abnorme, vel sim., necta verbo usitato cum "→", sagitta dextrata: exempli causa, verbum Anglicum diphthong adhibet "→ digraph" ubi indicat sensum non technicum esse vocalis unius iuxta alium scriptae, et "→ diphthongize" ubi indicat sensum verbale esse rarum (et fortasse obsoletam).
  • Signum "†" anteponitur sensu obsoleto vel archaico.

Part of speech  in the header; principal parts, gender, and definition. An editorial example can go here as well.

  • The bar is used to show where the stem ends and the endings begin. If the ending is added on to the end of the headword without any other modification, the bar is omitted, and the swung dash (or tilde) is prepended to the endings: fulgŭr, ~is.
  • Use macrons and breves here: many dictionaries don't use breves, but we need to know whether vowels are actually short, or whether the contributor failed to mark them or just didn't know what the lengths were (this is especially a problem in neologisms).
  • The sign "√" is used to show the root or literal definition of a word, as given by its etymology, as opposed to whatever figurative uses may be built on it, however more common they be. If the literal meaning of the word is not used, it should be listed in the etymology section.
  • For words that are rare, regional, poetic, obsolete, nonstandard, etc., use a right arrow → to link to the "ordinary" word: for example, diphthong uses "→ digraph" for the nontechnical sense of two vowels together in writing, and "→ diphthongize" for the rare (and possibly obsolete) verbal sense.
  • The sign "†" is placed before an archaic or obsolete definition.


n. sing. plur.
nom. exemplum exempla I
gen. exemplī exemplōrum II
dat. exemplō exemplīs III
acc. exemplum exempla IV
abl. exemplō exemplīs VI
voc. exemplum exempla V



Verbum finitum

Thema Vox activa
exim- Tempus praesens imperfectum futurum
Persona indicativ. coniunct. imperat. indicativ. coniunct. indicativ. imperat.
I. sing. eximō eximam   eximēbam eximerem eximam  
II. sing. eximis eximās exime! eximēbās eximerēs eximēs eximitō!
III. sing. eximit eximat   eximēbat eximeret eximet eximitō!
I. plur. eximimus eximāmus   eximēbāmus eximerēmus eximēmus  
II. plur. eximitis eximātis eximite! eximēbātis eximerētis eximētis eximitōte!
III. plur. eximunt eximant   eximēbant eximerent eximent eximuntō!
Thema Vox passiva
exim- Tempus praesens imperfectum futurum
Persona indicativ. coniunct. imperat. indicativ. coniunct. indicativ. imperat.
I. sing. eximor eximar   eximēbar eximerer eximar  
II. sing. eximeris eximāris eximere! eximēbāris eximerēris eximēris eximitor!
III. sing. eximitur eximātur   eximēbātur eximerētur eximētur eximitor!
I. plur. eximimur eximāmur   eximēbāmur eximerēmur eximēmur  
II. plur. eximiminī eximāminī eximiminī! eximēbāminī eximerēminī eximēminī
III. plur. eximuntur eximantur   eximēbantur eximerentur eximentur eximuntor!
Thema Vox activa
exēm- Tempus perfectum plusquam perfectum futurum
Persona indicativ. coniunct. indicativ. coniunct.
I. sing. exēmī exēmerim exēmeram exēmissem exēmerō
II. sing. exēmistī exēmeris exēmerās exēmissēs exēmeris
III. sing. exēmit exēmerit exēmerat exēmisset exēmerit
I. plur. exēmimus exēmerimus exēmerāmus exēmissēmus exēmerimus
II. plur. exēmistis exēmeritis exēmerātis exēmissētis exēmeritis
III. plur. exēmērunt exēmerint exēmerant exēmissent exēmerint

Verbum infinitum

Modus infinitivus participium
Tempus praesens perfectum futurum praesens perfectum futurum
eximere exēmisse exēmptūrum,
-am, -um esse
eximēns   exēmptūrus,
-a, -um­
eximī exēmptum,
-am, -um esse
exēmptum īrī   exēmptus,
-a, -um

Gerundium Gerundivum Supinum
eximendī eximendus, -a, -um exēmptum exēmptū

Exemplum flexurae  hic scribitur. Tabula manu fieri potest, sed iam sunt multae formulae (quae a paginis coeptorum de linguis illiarum coniungi debent; in categoria »Categoria:Formulae inflectantes«). Bis dictionem inscribere oportet: primum sine quantitatis signis, coniunctionis causa, deinde cum signis.

The [in]flection template  goes here. You can do it by hand, but there are many templates in place already (which should be linked from the language's project page, or a subpage thereof; they may also be in Categoria:Formulae inflectantes).

Dictiones collatae




Nomina alia


Synonyma et contraria. Hyponyma, hypernyma, et verba coordinata.

Synonyms and antonyms. Be sure to qualify which sense the word(s) are synonymous/antonymous with. Hyponyms, hypernyms, and coordinate terms. Infoboxes with sets of terms (such as days of the week, planets of the solar system, chemical elements) should ideally go here, though many older templates use right-floating boxes at the top of the entry (we ought to replace these).

Dictiones derivatae


Dictiones quae ab hoc derivantur.

Compounds and words which are derived from this one; list of collocations, short set phrases, and compound words written or declined as two words (e.g. res publica).



Definitio 1dilatare ▼
Definitio 1collabi ▲
Definitio 2dilatare ▼
Definitio 2collabi ▲







example en — give an example, “da exemplum”
template en


Beispiel neut. de
Kopie fem. de


παράδειγμα (parádigma, neut.) el


ejemplo masc. es

Tabula translationum.

Translation table. For convenience you can use {{xx}} templates (xx  again being an ISO 639 code) to include a language name (and eventually also a link to its project page). The form used here may be shorter than the -xx-  form; see Project talk:Nomina linguarum  for an explanation.

Use the x  template, e.g. {{x|de|Beispiel|g={{n}} }} which gives: Beispiel neut. de  — this will make it easier to update the format if necessary (and automatically tags the text for language-specific rendering, in browsers that support it).

If you can, give an example sentence in Latin and the other language, or otherwise illustrate the sense.

Do not refer to sense numbers when a word has multiple senses; the numbers may change. If disambiguation is necessary, use a short gloss (such as the genus proximum) to indicate which sense is intended, so the translation can stay relevant if the sense is renumbered or removed.

If there are more than about a screenful of translations, use the table templates to separate it into two or three columns.




Examples of the word in use. Probably we do not want every use of the word (yet?)—the best examples to find are those that best illustrate how the word is used, or those that show the time periods in which a word has been in use.

Vide etiam


Alii nexus.

Other links, such as to a category or a relevant external website, or to Wikipedia—there is now a template for this, {{vicipaedia|$1}} ($1 being the ablative) which you can use if the target has the same page title. (The current standard placement for the vicipaedia template is to the right of the declension box. A plain-text link to Wikipedia, however, would go here.)

Translatio huius paginae infecta est. Redde vel rescribe si possis.