침식 방지
침식 방지(浸蝕防止), 침식 제어(erosion control), 사방(砂防)은 농업, 토지 개발, 연안 지역, 강둑 및 건설 분야에서 바람이나 물 침식을 방지하거나 제어하는 관행이다. 효과적인 침식 방지는 지표면 유출을 처리하며 수질 오염, 토양 손실, 야생 동물 서식지 파괴 및 인간 재산 손실을 방지하는 중요한 기술이다.
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[편집]참고 자료
[편집]- Albert Einstein. 1926. Die Ursache der Mäanderbildung der Flußläufe und des sogenannten Baerschen Gesetzes, Die Naturwissenschaften, 11, S. 223–224
- C. Michael Hogan, Leda Patmore, Gary Latshaw, Harry Seidman et al. 1973. Computer modeling of pesticide transport in the soil for five instrumented watersheds, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Southeast Water laboratory, Athens, Ga. by ESL Inc., Sunnyvale, California
- Robert E. Horton. 1933. The Horton Papers
- U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Washington, DC. "National Conservation Practice Standards." 보관됨 2011-06-11 - 웨이백 머신 National Handbook of Conservation Practices. Accessed 2009-03-28.
외부 링크
[편집]- "Saving Runaway Farm Land", November 1930, Popular Mechanics One of the first articles on the problem of soil erosion control
- Erosion Control Technology Council - a trade organization for the erosion control industry
- International Erosion Control Association - Professional Association, Publications, Training
- Soil Bioengineering and Biotechnical Slope Stabilization - Erosion Control subsection of a website on Riparian Habitat Restoration