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ವಿಷಯಕ್ಕೆ ಹೋಗು


ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯದಿಂದ, ಇದು ಮುಕ್ತ ಹಾಗೂ ಸ್ವತಂತ್ರ ವಿಶ್ವಕೋಶ

Development of Lua support for both Citation Style 1 and Citation Style 2 began at Module:Citation. That development was abandoned in 2013 as development of Module:Citation/CS1 began.

Though this module remained unused, it is and has been the root page of the several module subpages that implement cs1 and cs2. The content of this module was replaced with an error message return as the result of a 2018 TfD.

-- Module:Citation - Lua module for Citation auxiliary templates
-- For the {{citation}} formatting functions, see: Module:Citation/CS1
--                               (see NOTES at bottom)
--require "mw.text"

local z = {
    wikitext = require("Module:Wikitext"),
    extensiontags = {
        nowiki = true,
        ref = true,
        gallery = true,
        pre = true,
        source = true,
        categorytree = true,
        charinsert = true,
        hiero = true,
        imagemap = true,
        inputbox = true,
        math = true,
        poem = true,
        ref = true,
        references = true,
        syntaxhighlight = true,
        timeline = true,

function trim( str )
    if str == nil then
        return nil;
    return str:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$" );

function hideinprint(content)
    return content

function onlyinprint(content)
    return ""

-- This returns a string with HTML character entities for wikitext markup characters.
function wikiescape(text)
    text = text:gsub( '[&\'%[%]{|}]', {    
            ['&'] = '&',    
            ["'"] = ''',    
            ['['] = '[',    
            [']'] = ']',	
            ['{'] = '{',	
            ['|'] = '|',	
            ['}'] = '}' } );
    return text;

function createTag(t, frame)
    local name = t.name or "!-- --"
    local content = t.contents or ""
    local attrs = {}
    if ( z.extensiontags[name] ) then
        -- We have to preprocess these, so that they are properly turned into so-called "strip markers" in the generated wikitext.
        if ( not frame ) then error ("Please supply an extra frame argument to the createTag() function.") end
        local params = {}
        for n,v in pairs(t.params) do
            table.insert(params, "|" .. n .. "=" .. v)
        return frame:preprocess("{{#tag:" .. name .. "|" .. content .. table.concat(params) .. "}}")
        for n,v in pairs(t.params) do
            if (v) then
                table.insert(attrs, n .. "=\"" .. wikiescape(v) .. "\"")
                table.insert(attrs, n)
        if ("" == content) then
            return "<" .. name .. " " .. table.concat(attrs, " ") .. "/>"
            return "<" .. name .. " " .. table.concat(attrs, " ") .. ">" .. content .. "</" .. name .. ">"

This is a clone of mw.text.nowiki.  When the mw.text library is installed,
this can be replaced by a call to that library. ]]
function nowiki( s )
    -- string.gsub is safe here, because we're only caring about ASCII chars
    s = string.gsub( s, '["&\'<=>%[%]{|}]', {
        ['"'] = '&#34;',
        ['&'] = '&#38;',
        ["'"] = '&#39;',
        ['<'] = '&#60;',
        ['='] = '&#61;',
        ['>'] = '&#62;',
        ['['] = '&#91;',
        [']'] = '&#93;',
        ['{'] = '&#123;',
        ['|'] = '&#124;',
        ['}'] = '&#125;',
    } )
    s = string.sub( string.gsub( '\n' .. s, '\n[#*:;]', {
        ["\n#"] = "\n&#35;",
        ["\n*"] = "\n&#42;",
        ["\n:"] = "\n&#58;",
        ["\n;"] = "\n&#59;",
    } ), 2 )
    s = string.gsub( s, '://', '&#58;//' )
    s = string.gsub( s, 'ISBN ', 'ISBN&#32;' )
    s = string.gsub( s, 'RFC ', 'RFC&#32;' )

    return s

function externallinkid(args)
    local sep = args.separator or "&nbsp;"
    args.suffix = args.suffix or ""
    local url_string = args.id
    if args.encode == true or args.encode == nil then
        url_string = mw.uri.encode( url_string );
    local t0 = onlyinprint(args.label .. sep .. args.id)
    local t1 = hideinprint("[[" .. args.link .. "|" .. args.label .. "]]" .. sep .. "[" .. args.prefix .. url_string .. args.suffix .. " " .. nowiki(args.id) .. "]")
    return t0 .. t1

function doi(id, inactive, nocat)
    local cat = ""
    local text;
    if ( inactive ~= nil ) then 
        text = "[[Digital object identifier|doi]]:" .. id;
        cat = cat .. "[[ವರ್ಗ:Pages with DOIs inactive since " .. selectyear(inactive) .. "]]"
        inactive = " (inactive " .. inactive .. ")" 
        text = externallinkid({link="Digital object identifier",label="doi",prefix="http://dx.doi.org/",id=id,separator=":"})
        inactive = "" 
    if ( string.sub(id,1,3) ~= "10." ) then
        cat = cat .. "[[ವರ್ಗ:Pages with DOI errors]]" .. '<span class="error"> Bad DOI (expected "10." prefix) in code number</span>'
    if ( nocat and nocat ~= "" ) then cat = "" end
    return text .. inactive .. cat    

function selectyear( str )
    local lang = mw.getContentLanguage();
    local good, result;
    good, result = pcall( lang.formatDate, lang, 'Y', str )
    if good then 
        return result;
        return '';

function anchorid(label, args)
    local P1 = trim(args[1]) or ""
    local P2 = trim(args[2]) or ""
    local P3 = trim(args[3]) or ""
    local P4 = trim(args[4]) or ""
    local P5 = trim(args[5]) or ""
    local anchor = P1 .. P2 .. P3 .. P4 .. P5;
    if anchor ~= '' then  -- See bug description in Citation/CS1
        anchor = mw.uri.anchorEncode( anchor );
    return label .. anchor

function refid(label, args)
    local p = args.p or ""
    local pp = args.pp or ""
    local loc = args.loc or ""
    return anchorid(label, args) .. p .. pp .. loc    

function name(args)
    local P1 = trim(args[1]) or ""
    if ( args[5] ~= nil) then
        return P1 .. " et al."
        local P2 = trim(args[2]) or ""
        local P3 = trim(args[3]) or "" 
        local P4 = trim(args[4]) or ""
        if ( args[4] ~= nil ) then
            P4 = " " .. P4
            P3 = " &amp; " .. P3
            P2 = ", " .. P2
        elseif ( args[3] ~= nil ) then
            P3 = " " .. P3
            P2 = " &amp; " .. P2
        elseif ( args[2] ~= nil ) then
            P2 = " " .. P2            
        return P1 .. P2 .. P3 .. P4

function crossref(frame, label, args)
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local LB = config.BracketLeft or ""
    local RB = config.BracketRight or ""
    local anchor = args.ref or args.Ref or anchorid( label, args)
    local text = name(args)
    local loc = args.loc
    local page
    local pages = args.pp or args.pages
    if pages == nil or pages == '' then
        page = args.p or args.page;
    if nil == loc then loc = "" else loc = " " .. loc end
    if ( page ~= nil ) then
        local pagesep = config.PageSep or ", p.&nbsp;"
        loc = loc .. pagesep .. page
    if ( pages ~= nil ) then
        local pagessep = config.PagesSep or ", pp.&nbsp;"
        loc = loc .. pagessep .. pages
    local pagename = args.pagename or ""
    local ps = args.Postscript or ""
    return LB .. "[[" .. pagename .. "#" .. anchor .. "|" .. text .. "]]" .. loc .. RB .. ps

function r0(frame, name, group, page)
    if ( name == nil ) then return "" end
    if ( group == nil ) then group = "" end
    local p = ""
    if ( page ~= nil ) then 
        local contents = ":" .. page
        p = createTag({name="sup",contents=contents,params={class="reference",style="white-space:nowrap;"}}) 
    return createTag({name="ref",contents="",params={name=name,group=group}}, frame) .. p

function reflist0(frame, config, args)
    local contents = args.refs or ""
    local liststyle = args.liststyle
    local count = args[1]
    local width = args.colwidth
    local group = args.group or config.default_group
    if ( nil == tonumber(count) and nil == width ) then 
        width = count
        count = nil
    if ( nil == liststyle ) then
        if ( "upper-alpha" == group or "lower-alpha" == group or "upper-roman" == group or "lower-roman" == group or "upper-greek" == group or "lower-greek" == group ) then
            liststyle = group
            liststyle = config.default_liststyle
    local params = {}
    params.class = "reflist"    
    params.style = z.wikitext.liststyle(liststyle)
    if ( nil ~= count ) then        
        params.class = params.class .. " references-column-count references-column-count-" .. count
        params.style = params.style .. " " .. z.wikitext.columncountstyle(count)
    if ( nil ~= width ) then
        params.class = params.class .. " references-column-width"
        params.style = params.style .. " " .. z.wikitext.columnwidthstyle(width)
    local references = createTag({name="references",contents=contents,params={group=group}}, frame)
    return createTag({name="div",contents=references,params=params})

function refbegin0(frame, config, args)
    local liststyle = args.liststyle
    local indent = args.indent
    local indentsize = args.indentsize
    local count = args[1]
    local width = args.colwidth
    if ( nil == tonumber(count) and nil == width ) then 
        width = count
        count = nil
    if ( nil == liststyle ) then
        if ( "upper-alpha" == group or "lower-alpha" == group or "upper-roman" == group or "lower-roman" == group or "upper-greek" == group or "lower-greek" == group ) then
            liststyle = group
            liststyle = config.default_liststyle
    local params = {}
    params.class = "refbegin"
    params.style = z.wikitext.liststyle(liststyle)
    if ( nil ~= count ) then        
        params.class = params.class .. " references-column-count references-column-count-" .. count
        params.style = params.style .. " " .. z.wikitext.columncountstyle(count)
    if ( nil ~= width ) then
        params.class = params.class .. " references-column-width"
        params.style = params.style .. " " .. z.wikitext.columnwidthstyle(width)
    local dlopen
    if ( nil ~= indent ) then
        dlopen = z.wikitext.OpenHTMLTag({name="dl",params={style="text-indent: -" .. (indentsize or "3.2") .. "em;"}})
        dlopen = ""
    return z.wikitext.OpenHTMLTag({name="div",params=params}) .. dlopen

function refend0(frame, config, args)
    local indent = args.indent
    local dlclose
    if ( nil ~= indent ) then
        dlclose = "</dl>"
        dlclose = ""
    return dlclose .. "</div>"

-- This is used by {{doi}} to create DOI links in the style used in citations.
function z.doi(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local id = pframe.args.id or pframe.args[1] or ""
    return doi(id)

-- This is used by {{ISSN}} to create ISSN links in the style used in citations.
function z.ISSN(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local Name = pframe.args[1] or ""
    return hideinprint("[[International Standard Serial Number|ISSN]]&nbsp;[http://www.worldcat.org/search?fq=x0:jrnl&q=n2:" .. Name .. " " .. Name .. "]")

-- This is used by templates such as {{SfnRef}} to create the (encoded) anchor name for a Harvard cross-reference hyperlink.
function z.SFNID(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    return anchorid('FOOTNOTE', pframe.args)

-- This is used by templates such as {{Harvard citation}} to create the Harvard cross-reference text.
function z.Harvard(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    return crossref(frame, pframe.args)

-- This is used by templates such as {{sfn}} to create the entire cross-reference.
function z.sfn(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    pframe.args.Postscript = pframe.args.postscript or pframe.args.ps or ".";
    local content = crossref(frame, 'CITEREF', pframe.args)
    local args = { name = refid( 'FOOTNOTE', pframe.args) }
    return createTag({name = "ref", contents = content, params = args}, frame)

-- This is used by template {{r}}.
function z.r(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    args.page1 = args.page1 or args.page
    local text = ""
    -- This would be shorter using ipairs(), but that doesn't work on an arguments table supplied to a template.
    local index = 1
    while args[index] ~= nil do
        local arg = args[index]
        local t = r0(frame, arg, args.group, args["page" .. index])
        text = text .. t
        index = index + 1
    return text

-- This is used by template {{ref label}}.
function z.reflabel(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    local P1 = args[1] or ""
    local P2 = args[2] or ""
    local P3 = args[3] or ""
    local id = nil
    local contents = "[[#endnote_" .. P1 .. P3 .. "|&#91;" .. P2 .. "&#93;]]"
    local params = {}
    if ( args.noid == nil or args.noid == "" ) then params.id = "ref_" .. P1 .. P3 end
    return createTag({name="sup",contents=contents,params=params})

-- This is used by template {{note label}}.
function z.notelabel(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    local id = args[1] or ""
    local arrow = args[3] or ""
    local postscript = args[4] or ""
    local contents 
    if arrow ~= "" then
        local sup_arrow = createTag({name="sup",contents=arrow,params={}})
        contents = "[[#ref_" .. id .. arrow .. "|<b>" .. sup_arrow .. "</b>]]" .. postscript
        if "none" == arrow then arrow = "^" end -- Change this AFTER using it in the ID parameter and the contents.
        contents = (args[2] or "") .. postscript
    local params = { class="citation wikicite" }
    if id ~= "" and ( args.noid == nil or args.noid == "" ) then 
        params.id = mw.uri.anchorEncode("endnote_" .. id .. arrow)
    return createTag({name="span",contents=contents,params=params})

-- This is used by templates {{reflist}} and {{notelist}}.
function z.reflist(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    return reflist0(frame, config, args)

-- This is used by template {{refbegin}}.
function z.refbegin(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    return refbegin0(frame, config, args)

-- This is used by template {{refend}}.
function z.refend(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    return refend0(frame, config, args)

-- This is used by template {{efn}}.
function z.efn(frame)
    local pframe = frame:getParent()
    local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
    local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that instantiates the template
    return createTag({name="ref",contents=(args[1] or ""),params={name=args.name,group=config.default_group}}, frame)

return z
-- NOTE A1: This Lua module was originally designed to handle a mix
--      of citation styles, crossing Vancouver style with Wikipedia's
--      local Citation Style 1 (CS1) from {Template:Citation/core}.
--      However, the conflicting positions of parameters, scattered
--      in twisted locations across this module, led to a separate
--      variation just to untangle the CS1 format of citations.
-- NOTE D2: The placement of dots and other separators between the
--      displayed parameters has been a continual headache, to keep
--      coordinated with the data in parentheses "(data)". There
--      has been a need to pre-check for the existence of related
--      options, to keep from putting double-dots ".." in some cases.
--      In particular, the omission of the "title=" parameter has led
--      to several cases of a spurious dot ". ." because the original
--      design had treated the title as a mandatory parameter.
--18Oct2012 Fixed lead-space in Chapter by omitting " ".
--18Oct2012 Fixed lead-space in Chapter/Title as end " " of Authors/Date/...
--19Oct2012 Put HISTORY comments to log major changes (not typos).
--19Oct2012 Fixed extra dot ".." in Title by omitting at end of "tcommon=...".
--19Oct2012 For pages, put &nbsp in "p.&nbsp;" etc.
--19Oct2012 Enhanced "pages=" to detect lone page as "p." else "pp." prefix.
--19Oct2012 Fixed to show "." after Periodical name (work, newspaper...).
--19Oct2012 Fixed web-link to have spaces "[...  Archived] from the original".
--19Oct2012 Fixed to show ";" between authors & coauthors.
--19Oct2012 Fixed to omit extra "." after coauthors.
--20Oct2012 Fixed COinS data to not urlencode all, as "ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004"
--20Oct2012 Fixed COinS to not end as "&" but use lead "&rft...=" form.
--20Oct2012 Fixed COinS to not url.encode page's "rfr_id=..." pagename.
--20Oct2012 Fixed COinS data when "web" to default to rft.genre "book".
--05Nov2012 Add a span wrapper even when there is no Ref parameter
--15Feb2013 Added Agency for "agency=xx".
--19Feb2013 Put NOTES comments to explain module operation.
--19Feb2013 Copied as Module:Citation/CS1 to alter to match wp:CS1 form.
--19Feb2013 Changed OrigYear to use [__] for CS1 style.
--19Feb2013 Fixed to not show duplicate Publisher/Agency.
--19Feb2013 Moved page-number parameters to after final date.
--19Feb2013 Fixed to not put double-dots after title again.
--20Feb2013 Changed to omit dot "." if already ends with dot.
--20Feb2013 If class "journal" shows Publisher after Periodical/Series.
--20Feb2013 Shifted Format to after Language, and Others after Volume.
--20Feb2013 Set AccessDate + <span class="reference-accessdate">
--20Feb2013 Fixed url when deadurl=no.
--20Feb2013 Added sepc for separator character between parameters.
--20Feb2013 Put "OCLC" for "Online Computer Library Center".
--20Feb2013 Fix empty "authorlink=" as person.link ~= "".
--20Feb2013 Added space after AuthorSep & AuthorNameSep.
--21Feb2013 Added args.contributor (was missing parameter).
--21Feb2013 Fixed EditorSep (was misspelled "EdithorSep").
--21Feb2013 Set OCinSdata.rft_val_fmt = "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:book"
--21Feb2013 Checked to omit blank codes (asin= | doi= etc.).
--21Feb2013 Set enddot to end line if not config.CitationClass "citation".
--21Feb2013 Fixed to show "issn=x" as the ISSN code.
--21Feb2013 Fixed to show "id=x" after Zbl code.
--21Feb2013 Changed to omit double-dot before date when already dot.
--21Feb2013 Order config.CitationClass "citation": Volume, Issue, Publisher.
--21Feb2013 Put warning "Bad DOI (expected "10."..)" in DOI result.
--21Feb2013 Automatically unbolded volume+comma when > 4 long.
--21Feb2013 Changed to allow lowercase "asin-tld".
--22Feb2013 Fixed ref=harv to extract Year from Date.
--22Feb2013 Set Harvard refer. span id if config.CitationClass "citation".
--22Feb2013 Fixed config.CitationClass "citation" as span class="citation".
--22Feb2013 Capitalized "Archived/Retrieved" only when sepc is dot ".".
--23Feb2013 Fixed author editor for "in" or "In" and put space after sepc.
--23Feb2013 Changed to omit dot in "et al." when sepc is "." separator.
--23Feb2013 Fixed "author1-first" to also get args.given or args.given1.
--23Feb2013 Fixed args.article to set Title, after Periodical is Title.
--23Feb2013 Fixed to allow blank Title (such as "contribution=mytitle").
--23Feb2013 Fixed double-dot ".." at end of Editors list
--26Feb2013 Moved "issue=" data to show before "page=".
--26Feb2013 Moved "type=" data to show after "format=".
--26Feb2013 For "pmc=" link, omitted suffix "/?tool=pmcentrez".
--27Feb2013 For coauthors, omitted extra separator after authors.
--27Feb2013 For date, allowed empty date to use month/day/year.
--27Feb2013 Fixed double-dot ".." at end of authors/coauthors list.
--27Feb2013 Reset editor suffix as ", ed." when date exists.
--27Feb2013 Removed duplicate display of "others=" data.
--27Feb2013 Removed parentheses "( )" around "department" TitleNote.
--05Mar2013 Moved Language to follow Periodical or Series.
--05Mar2013 Fixed Edition to follow Series or Volume.
--05Mar2013 Fixed class encyclopaedia to show article as quoted Chapter.
--05Mar2013 Fixed class encyclopaedia to show page as "pp." or "p.".
--07Mar2013 Changed class encyclopaedia to omit "( )" around publisher.
--07Mar2013 Fixed end double-dot by string.sub(idcommon,-1,-1) was "-1,1".
--13Mar2013 Removed enddot "." after "quote=" parameter.
--13Mar2013 Changed config.CitationClass "news" to use "p." page format.
--13Mar2013 Fixed missing "location=" when "web" or "encyclopaedia".
--14Mar2013 Fixed end double-dot after book/work title.
--14Mar2013 Fixed double-dot before "p." or "pp." page number.
--14Mar2013 Fixed config.CitationClass "book" to use p./pp. page.