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Conference of Employees

The Conference of Karazin University Employees is a supreme collegial body of public self-government of the University. It shall represent all categories of the educational process participants of the University, including elected representatives from among students. The total number of the Conference delegates is not less than 400 people.

The term of office of the Conference delegates of the University employees is three years; one year for the Conference delegates who are elected representatives from among students; one year for the Conference delegates of postgraduate and doctoral students. The norms of representation of the Conference delegates of employees, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students of the University are determined by the University Academic Board. The University full-time research and teaching staff must comprise not less than 75% of the total number of the Conference delegates.

The Conference is held if necessary, but at least once a year, at the initiative of the University President, the University Board of Overseers, the University Academic Board, the Primary Trade Union Organization of Employees, the Primary Trade Union Organization of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Students, the supreme student self-government body of the University or the initiative group, which must collect at least 1/4 of signatures of the University full-time employees.

The Conference of Karazin University Employees:

  • approves the University Charter or amendments (additions) to it upon recommendation of the University Academic Board;
  • approves the University Internal Regulations;
  • approves the Collective Agreement between the administration and employees of the University;
  • approves the Agreement between the administration and the Primary Trade Union Organization of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Students, makes amendments and additions to it;
  • hears the University President's annual report and evaluates his activity;
    approves programs of economic and social development of the University;
  • considers issues of social protection of the University employees;
    upon reasonable request of the University Board of Overseers or the University Academic Board, considers issues regarding premature termination of office of the University President;
  • elects representatives to the University Academic Board from among the University employees;
  • hears the University President’s and Trade Union Committees’ reports on the implementation of the Collective Agreement between the administration and employees of the University, and the Agreement between the administration and the Primary Trade Union Organization of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Students;
  • considers other issues of the University’s activity.

The decision of the Conference is considered valid if at least 2/3 of its members were present.The

Conference of Employees elects the following permanent commissions:

  • on supervision of compliance with the law and the University Charter;
  • on ethics of working relations;
  • on control of financial activity;
  • on labor disputes (in accordance with the labor legislation).
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