Logistics Capacity Assessment
We use it to assess the capacity for vehicles to pass over roads.
The preset
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <presets version="1.5_2018-03-24" xmlns="http://josm.openstreetmap.de/tagging-preset-1.0" author="Les Libres Geographes" shortdescription="LCA from HDDM" description="Logistics Capacity Assessment from UNSDI-T"> <group name="LCA v1.01" fr.name="LCA v1.01" en.name="LCA v1.01"> <!-- --> <item name="Roads" fr.name="Routes" en.name="Roads" icon="presets/transport/way/way_secondary.svg" type="way"> <label text="** Edit/modify a road **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour une route **" en.text="** Edit/modify a road **" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="ROAD" fr.text="ROUTE" en.text="ROAD"/> <text key="name" text="Name" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="loc_name" text="Name in local language" fr.text="Nom en langue locale" en.text="Name in local language"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="alt_name" text="Alternative name" fr.text="Nom populaire alternatif" en.text="Alternative name"/> <text key="short_name" text="Abbreviation name" fr.text="Abbreviation du nom" en.text="Abbreviation name"/> <text key="old_name" text="Old name" fr.text="Ancien nom" en.text="Old name"/> <label text=" " /> <combo key="highway" text="Road type" fr.text="Type de route" en.text="Road type" values="primary,secondary,tertiary,unclassified,residential,service,track,path" display_values="primary,secondary,tertiary,unclassified,residential,service,track,path" fr.display_values="primaire,secondaire,tertiaire,non classe,residentiel,service,piste,chemin" en.display_values="primary,secondary,tertiary,unclassified,residential,service,track,path" delete_if_empty="true"/> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:highway" fr.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:highway" pt_br.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Key:highway"/> <label text=" " /> <!--<combo key="layer" text="Layer" values="5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5" default="0" delete_if_empty="true" />--> <label text=" " /> <combo key="surface" text="Surface" fr.text="Revetement de surface" en.text="Surface" values="asphalt,paved,gravel,dirt,unspecified" display_values="asphalt,paved,gravel,dirt or sand,unspecified" fr.display_values="goudron,pavage,graviers,terre ou sable,non precise" en.display_values="asphalt,paved,gravel,dirt or sand,unspecified" required="true"/> <combo key="surface_condition" text="Surface condition" fr.text="Condition du revetement de surface" en.text="Surface condition" values="rough_less_than_40kph,smooth_greater_than_40kph,snow-ice,mud,unspecified" display_values="rough less than 40kph,smooth greater than 40kph,snow-ice,mud,unspecified" fr.display_values="mauvaise (moins de 40km/h),bonne (plus de 40km/h),neige-glace,boue,non precise" en.display_values="rough less than 40kph,smooth greater than 40kph,snow-ice,mud,unspecified" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <optional> <combo key="lanes" text="Lanes" values="1,2,3,4,5" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="oneway" text="Oneway" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <!--<check key="bridge" text="Bridge" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="tunnel" text="Tunnel" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> --> <check key="lit" text="Lit" fr.text="Eclaire" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </optional> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <group name="Obstacles" fr.name="Obstacles" en.name="Obstacles" con="presets/barrier/block.svg"> <item name="Roadblock" fr.name="Barrage routier" en.name="Roadblock" type="node,relation"> <key key="barrier" value="block" /> <key key="barrier:obstacle_type" value="roadblock" /> <label text="** Edit/modify roadblock **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour un barrage routier **" en.text="** Edit/modify roadblock **" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Debris" fr.name="Debris" en.name="Debris" type="node,way,closedway,relation"> <key key="barrier" value="block" /> <key key="barrier:obstacle_type" value="debris" /> <label text="** Edit/modify debris **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour un debris **" en.text="** Edit/modify debris **" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Fallen powerline" fr.name="Ligne electrique a terre" en.name="Fallen powerline" type="node,way,closedway,relation"> <key key="barrier" value="block" /> <key key="barrier:obstacle_type" value="fallen_powerline" /> <label text="** Edit/modify fallen powerline **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour une ligne electrique a terre **" en.text="** Edit/modify fallen powerline **" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Landslide" fr.name="Glissement de terrain" en.name="Landslide" type="node,way,closedway,relation"> <key key="barrier" value="block" /> <key key="barrier:obstacle_type" value="landslide" /> <label text="** Edit/modify landslide **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour un glissement de terrain **" en.text="** Edit/modify landslide **" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Flood" fr.name="Inondation" en.name="Flood" type="node,way,closedway,relation"> <key key="barrier" value="block" /> <key key="barrier:obstacle_type" value="flood" /> <label text="** Edit/modify flood **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour une inondation **" en.text="** Edit/modify flood **" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Ford" fr.name="Gue" en.name="ford" type="node,way,relation"> <key key="ford" value="yes" /> <label text="** Edit/modify ford **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour un gue **" en.text="** Edit/modify ford **" /> <label text=" " /> <check key="barrier" text="Check if the ford blocks the road" fr.text="Cocher si le gue bloque la route" en.text="Check if the ford blocks the road" value_on="block" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Damaged road" fr.name="Route endommagee" en.name="Damaged road" type="node,way,relation"> <key key="barrier" value="block" /> <key key="barrier:obstacle_type" value="road_damage" /> <label text="** Edit/modify damaged road **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour une route endommagee **" en.text="** Edit/modify damaged road **" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Bridge" fr.name="Pont" en.name="Bridge" type="way,relation"> <key key="bridge" value="yes" /> <label text="** Edit/modify bridge **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour un pont **" en.text="** Edit/modify bridge **" /> <label text=" " /> <check key="barrier:obstacle_type" text="Check if the bridge is damaged" fr.text="Cocher si le pont est endommage" en.text="Check if the bridge is damaged" value_on="bridge_damage" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text=" " /> <check key="barrier" text="Check if the bridge damages block the road" fr.text="Cocher si les dommages du pont bloquent la route" en.text="Check if bridge damages block the road" value_on="block" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="bridge" text="Bridge type" fr.text="Type de pont" en.text="Bridge type" values="yes,arch,beam,truss,pontoon,suspension,viaduct,swing,aqueduct" display.values="yes,arch,beam,truss,pontoon,suspension,viaduct,swing,aqueduct" fr.display.values="oui,en arc,a poutres,treillis,ponton,suspension,viaduc,tournant,aqueduc" default="yes" required="true"/> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" fr.text="Calque" en.text="Layer" values="3,2,1" default="1" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Culvert" fr.name="Buse" en.name="Culvert" type="way,relation"> <key key="tunnel" value="culvert" /> <label text="** Edit/modify culvert **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour une buse **" en.text="** Edit/modify culvert **" /> <label text=" " /> <check key="barrier:obstacle_type" text="Check if the culvert is damaged" fr.text="Cocher si la buse est endommagee" en.text="Check if the culvert is damaged" value_on="culvert_damage" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text=" " /> <check key="barrier" text="Check if the culvert damages block the road" fr.text="Cocher si les dommages de la buse bloquent la route" en.text="Check if culvert damages block the road" value_on="block" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="layer" text="Layer" fr.text="Calque" en.text="Layer" values="-3,-2,-1" default="-1" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text=" " /> <combo key="practicability" text="Practicability" fr.text="Praticabilite" en.text="Practicability" values="non_motorized,motorbike,4wd_less_than_3.5mt,light_truck_less_than_10mt,heavy_truck_less_than_20mt,truck_+_trailer_greater_than_20mt,unspecified" display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" fr.display_values="non-motorise,moto,4x4 de moins de 3.5t,camion de moins de 10t,camion de moins de 20t,camion de plus de 20t,non precise" en.display_values="non motorized,motorbike,4wd less than 3.5mt,light truck less than 10mt,heavy truck less than 20mt,truck + trailer greater than 20mt,unspecified" required="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <item name="Traffic Calming" icon="presets/vehicle/chicane.svg" type="node"> <label text="** Edit/modify a traffic calming **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour un ralentisseur **" en.text="** Edit/modify a traffic calming **" /> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:traffic_calming" fi.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fi:Key:traffic_calming" fr.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Key:traffic_calming" it.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Key:traffic_calming" pt_BR.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Key:traffic_calming" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Key:traffic_calming"/> <!--<label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="TRAFFIC CALMING" fr.text="RALENTISSEUR" en.text="TRAFFIC CALMING"/> <combo key="traffic_calming" text="Type" values="yes,bump,chicane,choker,cushion,hump,table" default="yes" delete_if_empty="true" />--> <key key="traffic_calming" value="yes" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> </group> <!-- Obstacles --> <item name="Road Restrictions" icon="presets/vehicle/restriction/restrictions.svg" type="node,way"> <label text="** Edit/modify road restrictions **" fr.text="** Creer/mettre a jour des restrictions de voirie **" en.text="** Edit/modify road restrictions **" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="ROAD RESTRICTIONS" fr.text="RESTRICTIONS DE VOIRIE" en.text="ROAD RESTRICTIONS"/> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access" 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text="Foot" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,private,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="horse" text="Horse" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,private,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="Vehicles per type" /> <combo key="vehicle" text="All vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" values="yes,official,designated,permissive,destination,delivery,private,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="motor_vehicle" text="Motor vehicles" values="yes,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="goods" text="Light Commercial Vehicles (goods)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="hgv" text="Heavy Goods Vehicles (hgv)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,delivery,permissive,private,agricultural,forestry,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="Vehicles per use" /> <combo key="agricultural" text="Agricultural" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,private,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="emergency" text="Emergency vehicles" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,private,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="hov" text="High-occupancy vehicles (hov)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,private,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <combo key="psv" text="Public Service Vehicles (psv)" values="yes,official,designated,destination,permissive,private,no" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="maxspeed" text="Max. speed (km/h)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="minspeed" text="Min. speed (km/h)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="maxweight" text="Max. weight (tonnes)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="maxaxleload" text="Max. axleload (tonnes)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="maxheight" text="Max. height (meters)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="maxwidth" text="Max. width (meters)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="maxlength" text="Max. length (meters)" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <group name="Barriers" icon="presets/barrier/wall.svg"> <item name="Toll Booth" icon="presets/barrier/toll_station.svg" type="node"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=toll_booth" de.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:barrier=toll_booth" it.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Tag:barrier=toll_booth" pt_BR.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Tag:barrier=toll_booth" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:barrier=toll_booth" zh-hans.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Zh-hans:Tag:barrier=toll_booth" /> <label text="Edit Toll Booth" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="toll_booth" /> <optional> <text key="name" text="Name" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> <text key="loc_name" text="Name in local language" fr.text="Nom en langue locale" en.text="Name in local language"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="alt_name" text="Alternative name" fr.text="Nom populaire alternatif" en.text="Alternative name"/> <text key="short_name" text="Abbreviation name" fr.text="Abbreviation du nom" en.text="Abbreviation name"/> <text key="old_name" text="Old name" fr.text="Ancien nom" en.text="Old name"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="operator" text="Operator" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> </optional> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- toll_booth --> <item name="Border Control" icon="presets/barrier/douane.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Border Control" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="border_control" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- border_control --> <separator/> <item name="Bollard" icon="presets/barrier/bollard.svg" type="node,way"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=bollard" de.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:barrier=bollard" fr.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:barrier=bollard" ja.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:barrier=bollard" nl.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/NL:Tag:barrier=bollard" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:barrier=bollard" /> <label text="Edit Bollard" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="bollard" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- bollard --> <item name="Spikes" icon="presets/barrier/spikes.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Spikes" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="spikes" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- spikes --> <item name="Hedge" icon="presets/barrier/hedge.svg" type="way,closedway,relation"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=hedge" de.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:barrier=hedge" fr.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:barrier=hedge" ja.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:barrier=hedge" nl.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/NL:Tag:barrier=hedge" pt_BR.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Tag:barrier=hedge" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:barrier=hedge" /> <key key="barrier" value="hedge" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- hedge --> <item name="Fence" icon="presets/barrier/fence.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=fence" de.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:barrier=fence" it.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Tag:barrier=fence" ja.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:barrier=fence" nl.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/NL:Tag:barrier=fence" pt_BR.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Tag:barrier=fence" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:barrier=fence" /> <key key="barrier" value="fence" /> <optional> <combo key="fence_type" text="Type" values="barbed_wire,chain,electric,hedge,pole,split_rail,wood" default="" delete_if_empty="true" /> </optional> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- fence --> <item name="Wall" icon="presets/barrier/wall.svg" type="way,closedway"> <key key="barrier" value="wall" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- wall --> <item name="City Wall" icon="presets/barrier/city_wall.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=city_wall" pt_BR.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Tag:barrier=city_wall" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:barrier=city_wall" /> <key key="barrier" value="city_wall" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- city_wall --> <item name="Retaining Wall" icon="presets/barrier/retaining_wall.svg" type="way,closedway"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=retaining_wall" de.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:barrier=retaining_wall" ja.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:barrier=retaining_wall" pt_BR.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Tag:barrier=retaining_wall" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:barrier=retaining_wall" /> <key key="barrier" value="retaining_wall" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- retaining_wall --> <separator/> <!-- *** access *** --> <item name="Entrance" icon="presets/barrier/entrance.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Entrance" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="entrance" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- entrance --> <item name="Gate" icon="presets/barrier/gate.svg" type="node"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier=gate" fr.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:barrier=gate" ja.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/JA:Tag:barrier=gate" pt_BR.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Pt-br:Tag:barrier=gate" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:barrier=gate" /> <label text="Edit Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)" fr.text="SOURCE (geometrique et/ou attributaire)" en.text="SOURCE (geometry and/or attributes)"/> <label text=" " /> <label text="If one is already existing, add new after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey" fr.text="Si une source existe deja, ajouter la nouvelle apres une virgule. Ex: Bing;survey" en.text="If one is already existing, add new one after a comma. Ex: Bing;survey"/> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca" text="LCA source" fr.text="Source du LCA" en.text="LCA source" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="source:lca:date" text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)" fr.text="Date de la source (AAAA-MM-DD)" en.text="Source date (YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <label text="________________________________________" /> <label text=" " /> <text key="note" text="NOTE" fr.text="NOTES" en.text="NOTE" /> <label text=" " /> </item> <!-- gate --> <!--<item name="Lift Gate" icon="presets/barrier/lift_gate.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Lift Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="lift_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </item> <item name="Hampshire Gate" type="node"> <label text="Edit Hampshire Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="hampshire_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </item> <item name="Bump Gate" type="node"> <label text="Edit Bump Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="bump_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </item> <item name="Kissing Gate" type="node"> <label text="Edit Kissing Gate" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="kissing_gate" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </item> <item name="Stile" icon="presets/barrier/stile.svg" type="node"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway=stile" /> <label text="Edit Stile" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="stile" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </item> <item name="Turnstile" icon="presets/barrier/turnstile.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Turnstile" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="turnstile" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </item> <item name="Sally Port" icon="presets/barrier/sally_port.svg" type="node"> <label text="Edit Sally Port" /> <space /> <key key="barrier" value="sally_port" /> <label text="Allowed traffic:" /> <space /> <check key="foot" text="Foot" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="bicycle" text="Bicycle" default="on" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="horse" text="Horse" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcycle" text="Motorcycle" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> <check key="motorcar" text="Motorcar" default="off" delete_if_empty="true" /> </item> --> </group> <!-- Barriers --> </group> <!-- General group --> </presets>
Presets_LogisticsCapacity-preset.xml, Presets_LogisticsCapacity.zip
Last modified
7 years ago
Last modified on 2018-03-24T15:04:27+01:00
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