English: Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) test parachute at the NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California which has the world's largest wind tunnel. The MSL parachute is the largest parachute ever made for an extraterrestrial mission with a diameter of nearly 16 meters (51 feet). The parachute uses 80 suspension lines and is made mostly of nylon except for a small disk of polyester. Both the MSL parachute and the MSL test parachute were made by Pioneer Aerospace.
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Mars Science Laboratory test parachute at the NASA Ames Research Center which is the world's largest wind tunnel. The MSL parachute is the largest ever made for an extraterrestrial mission wi
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Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) parachute test MD-12 (Mortar Deployment-12) at Ames/NFAC 80x120 wind tunnel.
Requesters: Doug Adams, Tom Rivellini, Nicho Onufer.
Photographer: T. Wynne
Date: 31 March/2009
Informazioni sul copyright
NASA/JPL/Caltech photo by Thomas Wynne
Commento del file JPEG
Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) parachute test MD-12 (Mortar Deployment-12) at Ames/NFAC 80x120 wind tunnel.
Requesters: Doug Adams, Tom Rivellini, Nicho Onufer.
Photographer: T. Wynne