English: Depiction of a Macedonian phalanx: this graphic was first published in May, Elmer; Stadler, Gerald; Votaw, John; Griess, Thomas (series ed) (1984) Ancient and Medieval Warfare: The History of the Strategies, Tactics, and Leadership of Classical Warfare, New Jersey, United States: Avery Publishing Group ISBN: 0-89529-262-9.
Français : une phalange:une troupe de soldats à pied, munis de lances, et qui marchent en formation serrée.
Makedonische Phalanx Quelle: http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/gabrmetz/gabr0066.htm (Air War College, USA) Lizenz: Public Domain de:Makedonische phalanx.gif
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