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Na nkà mmụta ihe ndị dị ndụ, setae /ˈsiːtiː/ (SG: seta /ˈsi:tə/; site na okwu Latin maka "bristle") bụ nke ọ bụla n'ime ọtụtụ ụdị bristle- ma ọ bụ ntutu dị iche iche na ihe ndị dị adị.

Mkpụrụ osisi na-acha odo odo

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Setae n'ihu ụkwụ nke mayfly

Annelid setae bụ bristles siri ike dị n'ahụ. Ha na-enyere, dịka ọmụmaatụ, earthworms aka ịrapara n'elu ma gbochie ịdọrọ azụ n'oge mmegharị peristaltic. Ntutu ndị a na-eme ka o sie ike ịdọrọ ikpuru n'ala. Setae na oligochaetes (otu ìgwè gụnyere earthworms) nwere chitin n'ụzọ dị ukwuu.[1] A na-ekewa ha dabere na aka ha jikọtara; dịka ọmụmaatụ, notosetae jikọtara na notopodia; neurosetae na neuropodia.[2]

Diptera setae bụ bristles dị n'ahụ dum ma na-arụ ọrụ dị ka mechanoreceptors.

Crustaceans nwere mechano- na chemosensory setae.[3] Setae na-adịkarị n'ọnụ nke crustaceans ma nwee ike ịchọta ya na aka na-asacha.[3][4] N'ọnọdụ ụfọdụ, a na-agbanwe setae ka ọ bụrụ ihe dị ka ihe owuwu.[4] Setae na ụkwụ nke krill na obere anụ ndị ọzọ na-enyere ha aka ịchịkọta phytoplankton. Ọ na-ejide ha ma na-ekwe ka e rie ha.

Setae na akpụkpọ anụ nke ụmụ ahụhụ bụ unicellular, nke pụtara na nke ọ bụla sitere na otu mkpụrụ ndụ epidermal nke ụdị a na-akpọ trichogen, nke pụtara n'ụzọ nkịtị "onye na-emepụta bristle". Ha na-enwe oghere na mbụ ma n'ọtụtụ ụdị na-anọgide na-enwe ọgba mgbe ha siri ike. Ha na-etolite ma na-arụ ọrụ site na mkpụrụ ndụ nke abụọ ma ọ bụ nke na-akwado ụdị a na-akpọ tormogen, nke na-emepụta membrane pụrụ iche na-agbanwe agbanwe nke na-ejikọta ala nke seta na akpụkpọ ahụ gbara ya gburugburu. Dabere n'otu akụkụ na ọdịdị na ọrụ ha, a pụrụ ịkpọ setae ntutu, macrotrichia, chaetae, ma ọ bụ ibe. Akpụkpọ ahụ setal abụghị cuticularized na mmegharị ga-ekwe omume. Ụfọdụ ụmụ ahụhụ, dị ka Eriogaster lanestris larvae, na-eji setae dị ka usoro nchebe, ebe ha nwere ike ịkpata dermatitis mgbe ha na akpụkpọ ahụ metụrụ aka.[5]


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Anụ ndị nwere azụ

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Nchịkọta nke ala ụkwụ agụ owuru ka ọ na-agagharị na ugegbe kwụ ọtọ
Agụ owuru na-ahụkarị na-alụ n'elu windo enyo kwụ ọtọ ma na-egosi lamellae n'okpuru ụkwụ

Ihe ndị dị n'ụkwụ agụ owuru bụ obere usoro yiri ntutu nke na-arụ ọrụ na ikike anụmanụ nwere ịrapara n'elu ihe ndị kwụ ọtọ. Akụkụ setae nke micrometer n'ime ihe ngosi nanometer a na-akpọ spatulae.[6]

  • Gekko's seta: Dị ka Kellar Autumn si kwuo, "Ụkwụ abụọ dị n'ihu nke tokay gecko (Gekko gecko) nwere ike iguzogide 20.1 N nke ike dị n'akụkụ n'elu na 227 mm2 nke ebe pad (Irschick et al. 1996). Ụkwụ nke tokay nwere ihe dịka 3600 tetrads nke setae kwa mm2, ma ọ bụ 14,400 setae kwamm2 (Schleich na Kastle 1986; pers. obs.Ọpụpụ ọzọ N'ihi ya, otu seta kwesịrị ịmepụta ike nkezi nke 6.2 pN, na nrụgide nke 0.090 N⋅mm−1 (0.9 atm). Otú ọ dị, otu setae gosipụtara ma ọ dị obere ma na-arapara n'ahụ karịa ka e buru n'amụma site na nha anụmanụ dum, n'okpuru ọnọdụ nnwale dịgasị iche iche, na-egosi na njikọ na mwepụ na gecko setae na-achịkwa (Autumn et al. 2000). "[7]

Nkewa a na-ejighị n'aka

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N'afọ 2017, e bipụtara nkọwa nke ụdị ọhụrụ nke basal deuterostome a na-akpọ Saccorhytus. Anụmanụ a yiri ka ọ nwere seta n'akụkụ ahụ ya.[8] Otú ọ dị, na 2022, a na-ewere Saccorhytus dị ka ecdysozoan mbụ, a kọwakwara ya dị ka onye "enweghị setae".[9]

Akpụkpọ ahụ

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Na mycology, "setae" na-ezo aka na nchara nchara, mgbidi siri ike, cystidia yiri ogwu nke a na-ahụ na corticioid na poroid fungi na ezinụlọ Hymenochaetaceae.[10] Ọ bụ ezie na ọ na-abụkarị microscopic, setae nke ụdị ụfọdụ nwere ike ịbụ ihe a ma ama iji hụ ya na oghere aka.

Mkpụrụ osisi na-acha uhie uhie

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Na botany, "seta" na-ezo aka na ahịhịa na-akwado capsule nke moss ma ọ bụ liverwort (ha abụọ nwere njikọ chiri anya na clade a na-akpọ "Setaphyta"), ma na-enye ya ihe oriri. Seta bụ akụkụ nke sporophyte ma nwee ụkwụ dị mkpirikpi n'ime gametophyte nke ọ bụ parasitic. Setae adịghị na mosses niile, mana n'ụdị ụfọdụ ha nwere ike iru sentimita 15 ruo 20 n'ịdị elu.

Chaetoceros setae

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N'ime ezinụlọ diatom Chaetocerotaceae, "seta" na-ezo aka na ntutu dị ka mkpụrụ nke valve, ya bụ, ihu nke mkpụrụ ndụ.[11] Akpụkpọ ahụ ndị a nwere ọdịdị dị iche karịa valve. Ụdị setae nwere ike igbochi mmiri ịbanye ngwa ngwa ma chebe mkpụrụ ndụ ka ha ghara ịta nri.

Akpụkpọ anụ e ji aka mee

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Akpụkpọ anụ na-emepụta ihe bụ ụdị ihe na-arapara n'ahụ nke na-apụ apụ na uche, mgbe ụfọdụ a na-akpọ ihe na-apụta apụl, ma na-egosipụta nkwụsi ike dị ukwuu. Mmepe nke ihe ndị a bụ ihe nyocha ugbu a.[6][12]

  • Chaeta
  • Akpụkpọ ahụ dị nkọ na-apụta n'ime tubes elu nke fungus bracket Phellinus gilvus. Pịa na foto
    Akpụkpọ anụ e ji aka mee
  • Ike Van der Waals

Ihe odide

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  1. Hyman (1966). "Further Notes on the Occurrence of Chitin in Invertebrates". Biological Bulletin 130 (1): 1–149. DOI:10.2307/1539955. 
  2. Butterfield (1990). "A reassessment of the enigmatic Burgess Shale fossil Wiwaxia corrugata (Matthew) and its relationship to the polychaete Canadia spinosa Walcott". Paleobiology 16 (3): 287–303. DOI:10.1017/s0094837300010009. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 Garm (2004). "Revising the definition of the crustacean seta and setal classification systems based on examinations of the mouthpart setae of seven species of decapods". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 142 (2): 233–252. DOI:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2004.00132.x. 
  4. 4.0 4.1 Keiler (2011). "Morphological diversity of setae on the grooming legs in Anomala (Decapoda: Reptantia) revealed by scanning electron microscopy". Zoologischer Anzeiger 250 (4): 343–366. DOI:10.1016/j.jcz.2011.04.004. 
  5. Hellier (1967). "Caterpillar Dermatitis". Br Med J 2 (5548): 346–8. DOI:10.1136/bmj.2.5548.346. PMID 6023131. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 Santos (2007). "Directional adhesion for climbing: theoretical and practical considerations". Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 21 (12–13): 1317–1341. DOI:10.1163/156856107782328399. ISSN 0169-4243. Santos, Daniel; Matthew Spenko; Aaron Parness; Kim Sangbae; Mark Cutkosky (2007). "Directional adhesion for climbing: theoretical and practical considerations". Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 21 (12–13): 1317–1341. doi:10.1163/156856107782328399. ISSN 0169-4243. S2CID 53470787. Gecko "feet and toes are a hierarchical system of complex structures consisting of lamellae, setae, and spatulae. The distinguishing characteristics of the gecko adhesion system have been described [as] (1) anisotropic attachment, (2) high pulloff force to preload ratio, (3) low detachment force, (4) material independence, (5) self-cleaning, (6) anti-self sticking and (7) non-sticky default state. ... The gecko's adhesive structures are made from ß-keratin (modulus of elasticity [approx.] 2 GPa). Such a stiff material is not inherently sticky; however, because of the gecko adhesive's hierarchical nature and extremely small distal features (spatulae are [approx.] 200 nm in size), the gecko's foot is able to intimately conform to the surface and generate significant attraction using van der Waals forces. Kpọpụta njehie: Invalid <ref> tag; name "Santos2007" defined multiple times with different content
  7. Properties, Principles, and Parameters of the Gecko Adhesive System
  8. Han (2017). "Meiofaunal deuterostomes from the basal Cambrian of Shaanxi (China)". Nature 542 (7640): 228–231. DOI:10.1038/nature21072. ISSN 0028-0836. PMID 28135722. 
  9. Liu (2022-08-17). "Saccorhytus is an early ecdysozoan and not the earliest deuterostome" (in en). Nature 609 (7927): 541–546. DOI:10.1038/s41586-022-05107-z. ISSN 1476-4687. PMID 35978194. 
  10. (2008) Dictionary of the Fungi, 10th, Wallingford: CABI. ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8. 
  11. Tomas, C. R., Hasle G. R., Syvertsen, E. E., Steidinger, K. A., Tangen, K., Throndsen, J., Heimdal, B. R., (1997). Identifying Marine Phytoplankton, Academic Press.
  12. Engineers create new adhesive that mimics gecko toe hairs. physorg.com. Retrieved on 19 November 2018.