Autumn 1983, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 301-314 A Study of Cartel Stability: The Joint Executive Committee, 1880-1886
by Robert H. Porter - 315-325 Judo Economics: Capacity Limitation and Coupon Competition
by Judith R. Gelman & Steven C. Salop - 326-337 Quantity Precommitment and Bertrand Competition Yield Cournot Outcomes
by David M. Kreps & Jose A. Scheinkman - 338-350 Contracting in an Idiosyncratic Market
by Michael H. Riordan - 351-365 The Determinants of Network Television Program Prices: Implicit Contracts, Regulation, and Bargaining Power
by John R. Woodbury & Stanley M. Besen & Gary M. Fournier - 366-382 The Market Mechanism as an Incentive Scheme
by Oliver D. Hart - 383-394 Collusion and the Incentives for Information Sharing
by Richard N. Clarke - 395-404 Joint Bidding, Information Pooling, and the Performance of Petroleum Lease Auctions
by Larry M. DeBrock & James L. Smith - 405-414 The Rate-of-Return Regulated Firm: Cost and Production Duality
by Rolf Fare & James Logan - 415-426 Optimal Insurance Policy Indemnity Schedules
by Gur Huberman & David Mayers & Clifford W. Smith Jr. - 427-440 Industrial Electricity Demand and the Hopkinson Rate: An Application of the Extreme Value Distribution
by Michael R. Veall - 441-452 Long-Term Contracts and Moral Hazard
by Richard A. Lambert - 453-463 Optimal Regulation of a Multiproduct Monopoly with Unknown Technological Capabilities
by David Sappington - 464-473 Advertising and Oligopolistic Equilibrium
by James W. Friedman - 474-486 The Internal Organization of the Firm and the Shape of Average Costs
by Michael Keren & David Levhari - 489-496 Provider Insurance
by Michael Manove - 497-507 Optimal Pricing of Experience Goods
by Carl Shapiro - 508-516 Reputation and Product Quality
by William P. Rogerson - 517-521 Risk Attitudes in the Telecommunications Industry
by Dan J. Laughhunn & Roy L. Crum & John W. Payne - 522-530 Learning-by-Doing and Market Performance
by Drew Fudenberg & Jean Tirole - 531-538 The Economic Role of the Nonprofit Firm
by David Easley & Maureen O'Hara - 539-550 Strategic Behavior in Suit, Settlement, and Trial
by I.P.L. P'ng - 551-561 Effects of Government R&D on Private R&D Investment and Productivity: A Macroeconomic Analysis
by David M. Levy & Nestor E. Terleckyj - 562-572 Equilibrium Fluctuations When Price and Delivery Lag Clear the Market
by Dennis W. Carlton - 573-580 Wages and Employment With Firm-Specific Seniority
by Yannis M. Ioannides & Christopher A. Pissarides - 581-589 Products Liability, Consumer Misperceptions, and Market Power
by A. Mitchell Polinsky & William P. Rogerson - 590-600 Quality and Quantity Competition
by Esther Gal-Or - 601-604 Two-Part Tariffs and Monopoly Profits When Visits Are Variable
by Owen R. Phillips & Raymond C. Battalio - 607-610 Viscusi's Risk by Choice: Regulating Health and Safety in the Workplace
by Lester B. Lave
Spring 1983, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-20 Costs, Technology, and Productivity in the U.S. Automobile Industry
by Ann F. Friedlaender & Clifford Winston & Kung Wang - 21-43 Prices and Incentives: Towards a General Theory of Compensation and Competition
by Barry J. Nalebuff & Joseph E. Stiglitz - 44-56 Does Government-Restricted Entry Produce Market Power?: New Evidence from the Market for Television Advertising
by Gary M. Fournier & Donald L. Martin - 57-69 Technology Adoption Under Imperfect Information
by Jennifer F. Reinganum - 70-80 Entrepreneurial Abilities and Liabilities in a Model of Self-Selection
by Christophe Chamley - 81-96 A Model of Taxi Service under Fare Structure and Fleet Size Regulation
by John R. Schroeter - 97-117 Warranties, Performance, and the Resolution of Buyer-Seller Disputes
by Thomas Palfrey & Thomas Romer - 118-138 Efficiency and Competition in the Airline Industry
by David R. Graham & Daniel P. Kaplan & David S. Sibley - 139-151 An Axiomatic Approach to the Allocation of a Fixed Cost Through Prices
by Leonard J. Mirman & Dov Samet & Yair Tauman - 152-165 Rivalry and the Excessive Allocation of Resources to Research
by Pankaj Tandon - 166-178 Monopoly Power and Expense-Preference Behavior: Theory and Evidence to the Contrary
by Michael Smirlock & William Marshall - 179-190 Peak Load Pricing and Capacity Planning with Demand and Supply Uncertainty
by Hung-po Chao - 191-201 Polymorphic Equilibrium in Advertising
by William Hallagan & Wayne Joerding - 202-212 Lumber Transport and the Jones Act: A Multicommodity Spatial Equilibrium Analysis
by Roy Boyd - 213-224 Contingent Fees for Personal Injury Litigation
by Patricia Munch Danzon - 225-235 Strategic Commitment with R&D: The Symmetric Case
by James A. Brander & Barbara J. Spencer - 236-250 Vertical Integration and the Strategic use of Private Information
by Keith J. Crocker - 251-258 Firm-Specific Human Capital and Promotion Ladders
by Lorne Carmichael - 259-270 The Illyrian Firm Revisited
by Hajime Miyazaki & Hugh M. Neary - 271-274 "Will That Be Pickup or Delivery?": An Alternative Spatial Pricing Strategy
by William J. Furlong & George A. Slotsve - 275-282 Retail Trade Concentration Due to Consumers' Imperfect Information
by Asher Wolinsky - 283-293 The Economics of Sharing: A Transactions Costs Analysis of Contractual Choice in Farming
by Peter Murrell - 294-297 Mercantilist Origins of the Corporation: Comment
by Paul J. McNulty & Giulio Pontecorvo - 298-300 Tradeable Shares and the Supply-Side of Corporate Development: Reply
by Robert B. Ekelund Jr. & Robert D. Tollison
Autumn 1982, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 297-310 Learning Effects and the Commercialization of New Energy Technologies: The Case of Nuclear Power
by Martin B. Zimmerman - 311-323 Authority, Control, and the Distribution of Earnings
by Sherwin Rosen - 324-340 Moral Hazard in Teams
by Bengt Holmstrom - 341-353 The Roles of Public and Private Storage in Managing Oil Import Disruptions
by Brian D. Wright & Jeffrey C. Williams - 354-368 Optimal Regulation of Research and Development under Imperfect Information
by David Sappington - 369-378 Risk Sharing and the Theory of the Firm
by Alan J. Marcus - 379-390 The Effect of Liquor Taxes on Heavy Drinking
by Philip J. Cook & George Tauchen - 391-401 The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation: A Game-Theoretic Analysis
by William P. Rogerson - 402-417 A Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Airport Time Slot Allocation
by S.J. Rassenti & V.L. Smith & R.L. Bulfin - 418-438 Uncertain Imitability: An Analysis of Interfirm Differences in Efficiency under Competition
by S.A. Lippman & R.P. Rumelt - 439-454 The Long-Run Structure of Transportation and Gasoline Demand
by William C. Wheaton - 455-471 Linear Tariffs with Quality Discrimination
by Shmuel S. Oren & Stephen A. Smith & Robert B. Wilson - 472-482 Competition, Profit Incentives, and Technical Efficiency in the Provision of Nuclear Medicine Services
by George W. Wilson & Joseph M. Jadlow - 483-492 Optimal Product Quality under Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard
by John Kambhu - 493-505 Does the Geographical Distribution of Physicians Reflect Market Failure?
by Joseph P. Newhouse & Albert P. Williams & Bruce W. Bennett & William B. Schwartz - 506-521 Consistent Regulatory Policy under Uncertainty
by Michael J. Brennan & Eduardo S. Schwartz - 525-533 Welfare Implications of Fully Distributed Cost Pricing Applied to Partially Regulated Firms
by George Sweeney - 534-540 Cake Slicing and Revealed Government Preference
by John Beggs & Samuel Strong - 541-547 On Share Contracts and Screening
by Franklin Allen - 548-554 Productivity Growth, Environmental Regulations and the Composition of R&D
by Albert N. Link - 555-560 Risk-Spreading Properties of Common Tax and Contract Instruments
by J.K. Sebenius & P.J.E. Stan - 561-568 Resource Information Policy and Federal Resource Leasing
by Tom K. Lee - 569-574 Contingent Pricing and Economic Regulation
by John Bennett - 575-582 Location and Spatial Pricing Theory with Nonconvex Transportation Cost Schedules
by Konrad Stahl - 583-584 Testing for Market Preemption using Sequential Location Data: Note
by G. . Wyatt - 585-586 Testing for Market Preemption Using Sequential Location Data: Reply
by Douglas S. West - 589-591 Breyer's Regulation and Its Reform
by Alfred E. Kahn
Spring 1982, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-19 Rate Filing Policies for Inland Water Transportation: An Experimental Approach
by James T. Hong & Charles R. Plott - 20-35 Consumer Information, Product Quality, and Seller Reputation
by Carl Shapiro - 36-44 Truthful Disclosure of Information
by Boyan Jovanovic - 45-56 The Diffusion of Innovation among Steel Firms: The Basic Oxygen Furnace
by Sharon Oster - 57-68 Suggestions for a Game-Theoretic Approach to Public Utility Pricing and Cost Allocation
by W.W. Sharkey - 69-92 A Theory of Innovation and Its Effects
by Lester G. Telser - 93-106 Nursing Home Admissions Policies under Reimbursement
by John S. Greenlees & John M. Marshall & Donald E. Yett - 107-119 A Dynamic Model of Research Contracting
by Joel Balbien & Louis L. Wilde - 120-132 On Liability and Insurance
by Steven Shavell - 133-142 Product Quality and Market Structure
by Takeo Nakao - 143-157 Monopoly and Long-Run Capital Accumulation
by John Laitner - 158-169 Fuel Cost Adjustment Mechanisms and the Regulated Utility Facing Uncertain Fuel Prices
by R. Mark Isaac - 170-180 Diagnoses and Medical Malpractice: A Comparison of Negligence and Strict Liability Systems
by Marilyn J. Simon - 181-193 Competitive Equilibria in Markets for Heterogeneous Goods under Imperfect Information: A Theoretical Analysis with Policy Implications
by Alan Schwartz & Louis L. Wilde - 197-205 Oligopoly and Consistent Conjectural Variations
by Martin K. Perry - 206-213 Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical Integration in the Automobile Industry
by Kirk Monteverde & David J. Teece - 214-218 Fulfilled Expectations Cournot Duopoly with Information Acquisition and Release
by William Novshek & Hugo Sonnenschein - 219-224 Risk Advantages and Information Acquisition
by Thomas R. Palfrey - 225-233 Specific Investments and Nonlabor Income
by Glenn M. MacDonald - 234-241 The Sustainability Concept under Alternative Behavioral Assumptions
by Gunter Knieps & Ingo Vogelsang - 242-248 Product Diversification, Entry Prevention and Limit Pricing
by Takashi Omori & George Yarrow - 249-253 A Simple Method for Evaluating the Marginal Cost of Unsupplied Electricity
by Benjamin Bental & S. Abraham Ravid - 254-262 Nonprice Rationing and Monopoly Price Structures when Demand is Stochastic
by Roger Sherman & Michael Visscher - 263-271 Cartel Deception in Nonrenewable Resource Markets
by Tracy R. Lewis & Richard Schmalensee - 272-279 Rivalry and the Timing of Innovation
by Gary C. Fethke & John J. Birch - 280-285 On the Welfare Effects of Resale in the Context of a Nonlinear Pricing Schedule
by Lawrence J. White - 289-295 Kalt's The Economics and Politics of Oil Price Regulation: Federal Policy in the Post-Embargo Era
by Charles E. Phelps
Autumn 1981, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 341-361 Nonprofit Enterprise in the Performing Arts
by Henry Hansmann - 362-379 On Competition and Product Differentiation in Urban Transportation: The San Francisco Bay Area
by Philip A. Viton - 380-391 Good News and Bad News: Representation Theorems and Applications
by Paul R. Milgrom - 392-412 A Critical Comparison of Utility-Type Ratemaking Methodologies in Oil Pipeline Regulation
by Peter Navarro & Bruce C. Petersen & Thomas R. Stauffer - 413-425 Strike Two: Labor-Management Negotiations in Major League Baseball
by Lawrence M. DeBrock & Alvin E. Roth - 426-444 The Distributional Impact of Alternative Gasoline Conservation Policies
by Robert Archibald & Robert Gillingham - 445-466 Monopolistic Two-Part Pricing Arrangements
by Richard Schmalensee - 467-487 Critical Mass and Tariff Structure in Electronic Communications Markets
by Shmuel S. Oren & Stephen A. Smith - 488-506 The Pricing of Primary Care Physicians' Services: A Test of the Role of Consumer Information
by Mark V. Pauly & Mark A. Satterthwaite - 507-525 Prices Versus Quantities and Vertical Financial Integration
by M. Therese Flaherty - 526-546 A Dynamic Programming Model of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve
by Thomas J. Teisberg - 547-561 An Investigation of Sex Discrimination in Commercial Banks' Direct Consumer Lending
by Richard L. Peterson - 562-573 Consumer Protection in Markets with Informationally Weak Buyers
by Charles Stuart - 574-590 Sequential R&D Strategy for Synfuels
by Martin L. Weitzman & Whitney Newey & Michael Rabin - 593-604 Capital, Commitment, and Entry Equilibrium
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 605-617 Risk Reduction as a Managerial Motive for Conglomerate Mergers
by Yakov Amihud & Baruch Lev - 618-624 Market Structure and the Diffusion of New Technology
by Jennifer F. Reinganum - 625-636 Uncertain Product Quality: The Market for Lemons with an Imperfect Testing Technology
by Robert Heinkel - 637-648 The Competitive Effect in Bonus Bidding: New Evidence
by Otis W. Gilley & Gordon V. Karels - 649-660 Entry With Private Information
by Boyan Jovanovic - 661-674 Communication in Agencies
by John Christensen - 677-682 Ackerman and Hassler's Clean Coal/Dirty Air
by Robert W. Crandall
Spring 1981, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-26 Railroad Rates, Profitability, and Welfare Under Deregulation
by Richard C. Levin - 27-48 Auto Safety Regulation: An Analysis of Market Failure
by Richard J. Arnould & Henry Grabowski - 49-70 The Learning Curve and Competition
by A. M. Spence - 71-92 Seasonal Electricity Demand and Pricing Analysis with a Variable Response Model
by Lee A. Lillard & Jan Paul Acton - 93-111 Assessing Private Enterprise: An Exegesis of Tangled Doctrine
by Richard R. Nelson - 112-128 Rational Expectations and Durable Goods Pricing
by Nancy L. Stokey - 129-143 Testing for Market Preemption Using Sequential Location Data
by Douglas S. West - 144-154 Existence of Sustainable Prices for Natural Monopoly Outputs
by William W. Sharkey - 155-170 Compensation Arrangements Between Hospitals and Physicians
by Roger Feldman & Frank Sloan & Lynn Paringer - 171-184 Imperfect Information, Costly Litigation, and Product Quality
by Marilyn J. Simon - 185-200 Pricing Schemes for Regulated Enterprises and Their Welfare Implications in the Case of Electricity
by Dionissis Dimopoulos - 201-213 Strategies for Pairwise Competition in Markets and Organizations
by Bradford Cornell & Richard Roll - 217-231 Product Differentiation, Monopolistic Competition, and Public Policy
by Roger W. Koenker & Martin K. Perry - 232-244 The Welfare Effects of ICC Rate Regulation Revisited
by Clifford Winston - 245-248 The Price System vs. Rationing: An Extension
by Francisco Rivera-Batiz - 249-262 The FASB, the SEC, and R&D
by Bertrand Horwitz & Richard Kolodny - 263-271 The Theory of Internal Wage and Employment Structure
by Andrew J. Oswald - 272-284 Factor Demand and Substitution in Mineral-Intensive Industries
by J. R. Moroney & John M. Trapani - 285-295 Captive Finance Subsidiaries and the M-Form Hypothesis
by Gordon S. Roberts & Jerry A. Viscione - 296-299 Cash and Share Renting: An Empirical Test of the Link Between Entrepreneurial Ability and Contractual Choice
by D.J. Brown & J.H. Atkinson - 300-309 Principles and Policy in Forestry Economics
by Paul M. Comolli - 310-320 A Model of Careers in a Simple Hierarchy: Generalizing the Junior Professional's Decision Rule
by Donald G. Morrison & David C. Schmittlein - 321-328 The Effects of Imminent Bankruptcy on Stockholder Risk Preferences and Behavior
by Devra L. Golbe - 335-337 Majority Choice and the Objective Function of the Firm Under Certainty: Note
by Ralph A. Winter - 338-339 Majority Choice and the Objectvie Function of the Firm under Uncertainty: Reply
by Simon Benninga & Eitan Muller
Autumn 1980, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 399-420 A Welfare Analysis of Barriers to Entry
by C.C. von Weizsaker - 421-447 The Effects of Competition and Regulation on Hospital Bed Supply and the Reservation Quality of the Hospital
by Paul L. Joskow - 448-465 Federal Management of Energy and Mineral Resources on the Public Lands
by Thomas J. Teisberg - 466-490 Damage Measures for Breach of Contract
by Steven Shavell - 491-504 Adaptation to Uncertainty and Small Numbers Exchange: The New England Fresh Fish Market
by James A. Wilson - 505-518 Economic Welfare and the Production of Information by a Monopolist: The Case of Drug Testing
by Evan R. Kwerel - 519-535 Multiplant Monopoly in a Spatial Market
by Michael L. Katz - 536-549 Specific Capital, Employmemt Contracts, and Wage Rigidity
by Masanori Hashimoto & Ben T. Yu - 550-564 Public Policy Toward Bankruptcy: Me-First and Other Priority Rules
by Michelle J. White - 565-583 Spatial Structure in the Retail Trade: A Study in Product Differentiation with Increasing Returns
by Geoffrey Heal - 584-602 Tomatoes, Technology, and Oligopsony
by Richard E. Just & Wen S. Chern - 603-616 Fisheries and the Processing Sector: Some Implications for Management Policy
by Colin W. Clark & Gordon R. Munro - 617-630 Helium: Investments in the Future
by Dennis Epple & Lester Lave - 631-655 Measuring Factor Substitution with Neoclassical Models: An Experimental Evaluation
by Raymond J. Kopp & V. Kerry Smith - 659-670 Optimal Nonlinear Prices for Multiproduct Monopolies
by Leonard J. Mirman & David Sibley - 671-682 Expense Preference and Managerial Control: the Case of the Banking Firm
by Timothy H. Hannan & Ferdinand Mavinga - 683-693 A Partial Theory of the Optimal Organization of a Bureaucracy
by Jacques Cremer - 694-708 The Audience-Revenue Relationship for Local Television Stations
by Franklin M. Fisher & John J. McGowan & David S. Evans - 709-714 Note on Oligopoly: Rival Behavior and Efficiency
by Michael Jones - 715-720 Mercantilist Origins of the Corporation
by Robert B. Ekelund Jr. & Robert D. Tollison - 721-729 Exit Barriers are Entry Barriers: The Durability of Capital as a Barrier to Entry
by B. Curtis Eaton & Richard G. Lipsey - 730-744 Decentralized Dynamics in Duopoly with Pareto Optimal Outcomes
by Leonard Shapiro - 745-748 Current Profits and Investment Behavior
by Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg - 749-752 Advertising and Welfare: Comment
by Carl Shapiro - 753-754 Advertising and Welfare: Another Reply
by Avinash Dixit & Victor Norman
Spring 1980, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-28 Uncertainty, Industrial Structure, and the Speed of R&D
by Partha Dasgupta & Joseph Stiglitz - 29-41 The Securities Industry under Negotiated Brokerage Commissions: Changes in the Structure and Performance of New York Stock Exchange Member Firms
by Seha M. Tinic & Richard R. West - 42-64 Takeover Bids, the Free-Rider Problem, and the Theory of the Corporation
by Sanford J. Grossman & Oliver D. Hart - 65-83 Benefits and Costs of Airline Mergers: A Case Study
by Dennis W. Carlton & William M. Landes & Richard A. Posner - 84-107 The Cost of Tax-Induced Energy Conservation
by Brian D. Wright - 108-130 The Nature of Equilibrium in Markets with Adverse Selection
by Charles Wilson - 131-142 Correcting for Truncation Bias in the Analysis of Experiments in Time-of-Day Pricing of Electricity
by Dennis J. Aigner & Jerry A. Hausman - 143-165 Intertemporal Pricing and Investment for Electric Power Supply
by John Rowse - 166-181 Productivity in U.S. Railroads, 1951-1974
by Douglas W. Caves & Laurits R. Christensen & Joseph A. Swanson - 182-196 An Analysis of Fully Distributed Cost Pricing in Regulated Industries
by Ronald R. Braeutigam - 197-211 Disequilibrium Estimation of the Demand for Copper
by James G. MacKinnon & Nancy D. Olewiler - 212-236 A Dynamic Optimization Model of Depletable Resources
by Eduardo M. Modiano & Jeremy F. Shapiro - 237-260 Product Differentiation in a Market with Endogenous Sequential Entry
by W.J. Lane - 261-279 Solvency Regulation in the Property-Liability Insurance Industry: Empirical Evidence
by Patricia Munch & Dennis E. Smallwood - 283-291 The Adoption of Nuclear Power Generation
by Paul Sommers - 292-301 Bonus and Penalties in Incentive Contracting
by Tracy R. Lewis - 302-308 The "Ratchet Principle" and Performance Incentives
by Martin L. Weitzman - 309-321 The Total and Appliance-Specific Conditional Demand for Electricity in the Household Sector
by Michael Parti & Cynthia Parti - 322-334 The Great Fish War: An Example Using a Dynamic Cournot-Nash Solution
by David Levhari & Leonard J. Mirman - 335-342 Increasing Extraction Costs and Resource Prices: Some Further Results
by Donald A. Hanson