November/December 2010, Volume 25, Issue 7
- 1073-1099 Capital accumulation and growth: a new look at the empirical evidence
by Steve Bond & Asli Leblebicioglu & Fabio Schiantarelli - 1100-1127 No one true path: uncovering the interplay between geography, institutions, and fractionalization in economic development
by Chih Ming Tan - 1128-1154 Non‐gaussian dynamic bayesian modelling for panel data
by Miguel A. Juárez & Mark F. J. Steel - 1155-1178 How does changing age distribution impact stock prices? A nonparametric approach
by Cheolbeom Park - 1179-1204 Identifying the age profile of patent citations: new estimates of knowledge diffusion
by Aditi Mehta & Marc Rysman & Tim Simcoe - 1205-1210 Review of ‘Robustbase’ software for R
by Robert Finger - 1211-1214 Firm size distributions through the lens of functional principal components analysis
by Kim P. Huynh & David T. Jacho‐Chávez - 1215-1222 Book Review: An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data
by Isabelle Perrigne
2010, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 903-928 Why are gasoline prices sticky? A test of alternative models of price adjustment
by Christopher Douglas & Ana María Herrera - 929-962 The rate of learning-by-doing: estimates from a search-matching model
by Julien Prat - 963-986 Models of stochastic choice and decision theories: why both are important for analyzing decisions
by Pavlo R. Blavatskyy & Ganna Pogrebna - 987-1027 Decision making under risk in Deal or No Deal
by Nicolas de Roos & Yianis Sarafidis - 1028-1062 Forecast encompassing tests and probability forecasts
by Michael P. Clements & David I. Harvey - 1063-1066 Jackknife instrumental variables estimation: replication and extension of angrist, imbens and krueger (1999)
by Anton Nakov - 1067-1068 The Richard Stone Prize in Applied Econometrics
by M Hashem Pesaran
2010, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 755-773 The effects of technology shocks on hours and output: a robustness analysis
by Fabio Canova & David Lopez-Salido & Claudio Michelacci - 774-804 What you match does matter: the effects of data on DSGE estimation
by Pablo A. Guerron-Quintana - 805-832 Long-run relations in european electricity prices
by Bruno Bosco & Lucia Parisio & Matteo Pelagatti & Fabio Baldi - 833-868 Responses to monetary policy shocks in the east and the west of Europe: a comparison
by Marek Jarocinski - 869-893 Estimating time variation in measurement error from data revisions: an application to backcasting and forecasting in dynamic models
by George Kapetanios & Tony Yates - 894-901 On nonparametric estimation of a hedonic price function
by Harry Haupt & Joachim Schnurbus & Rolf Tschernig
2010, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 509-513 Forecast uncertainty: sources, measurement and evaluation
by Matteo Ciccarelli & Kirstin Hubrich - 514-538 Measuring forecast uncertainty by disagreement: The missing link
by Kajal Lahiri & Xuguang Sheng - 539-573 What do we learn from the price of crude oil futures?
by Ron Alquist & Lutz Kilian - 574-594 Forecast evaluation of small nested model sets
by Kirstin Hubrich & Kenneth D. West - 595-620 Forecast comparisons in unstable environments
by Raffaella Giacomini & Barbara Rossi - 621-634 Combining forecast densities from VARs with uncertain instabilities
by Anne Sofie Jore & James Mitchell & Shaun P. Vahey - 635-662 Path forecast evaluation
by Òscar Jordà & Massimiliano Marcellino - 663-694 Introducing the euro-sting: Short-term indicator of euro area growth
by Maximo Camacho & Gabriel Perez-Quiros - 695-719 Extracting a robust US business cycle using a time-varying multivariate model-based bandpass filter
by Drew Creal & Siem Jan Koopman & Eric Zivot - 720-754 A comparison of forecast performance between Federal Reserve staff forecasts, simple reduced-form models, and a DSGE model
by Rochelle M. Edge & Michael T. Kiley & Jean-Philippe Laforte
2010, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 355-391 Participation and study decisions in a public system of higher education
by Stijn Kelchtermans & Frank Verboven - 392-419 Dynamic treatment effect analysis of TV effects on child cognitive development
by Fali Huang & Myoung-Jae Lee - 420-457 Semiparametric estimation of consumer demand systems in real expenditure
by Krishna Pendakur & Stefan Sperlich - 458-480 A test for multimodality of regression derivatives with application to nonparametric growth regressions
by Daniel J. Henderson - 481-504 Mean-variance econometric analysis of household portfolios
by Raffaele Miniaci & Sergio Pastorello - 505-506 Narrow Replication of Serlenga and Shin (2007) gravity models of intra-EU trade: application of the CCEP-HT estimation in heterogeneous panels with unobserved common time-specific factors
by Badi H Baltagi
2010, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 197-231 Realising the future: forecasting with high-frequency-based volatility (HEAVY) models
by Neil Shephard & Kevin Sheppard - 233-261 Continuous-time models, realized volatilities, and testable distributional implications for daily stock returns
by Torben G. Andersen & Tim Bollerslev & Per Frederiksen & Morten Ørregaard Nielsen - 263-285 Multivariate residual-based finite-sample tests for serial dependence and ARCH effects with applications to asset pricing models
by Jean-Marie Dufour & Lynda Khalaf & Marie-Claude Beaulieu - 287-307 Bayesian quantile regression methods
by Tony Lancaster & Sung Jae Jun - 309-344 Dating and forecasting turning points by Bayesian clustering with dynamic structure: a suggestion with an application to Austrian data
by Sylvia Kaufmann - 345-353 General-interest versus specialty journals: Using intellectual influence of econometrics research to rank economics journals and articles
by Yong Bao & Melody Lo & Franklin G. Mixon
2010, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-3 Introduction: 'Model uncertainty and macroeconomics'
by Steven N. Durlauf & Shaun P. Vahey - 5-29 Averaging forecasts from VARs with uncertain instabilities
by Todd E. Clark & Michael W. McCracken - 31-54 International evidence on the efficacy of new-Keynesian models of inflation persistence
by Oleg Korenok & Stanislav Radchenko & Norman R. Swanson - 55-70 Limited information estimation and evaluation of DSGE models
by Martin Fukac & Adrian Pagan - 71-92 Large Bayesian vector auto regressions
by Marta Banbura & Domenico Giannone & Lucrezia Reichlin - 93-128 Monetary policy and uncertainty in an empirical small open-economy model
by Alejandro Justiniano & Bruce Preston - 129-143 Welfare-maximizing monetary policy under parameter uncertainty
by Rochelle M. Edge & Thomas Laubach & John C. Williams - 145-176 Empirical and policy performance of a forward-looking monetary model
by Alexei Onatski & Noah Williams - 177-194 The Lucas critique and the stability of empirical models
by Thomas A. Lubik & Paolo Surico - 195-195 Journal of applied econometrics distinguished authors
by M. Hashem Pesaran
2009, Volume 24, Issue 7
- 1057-1093 Land of addicts? an empirical investigation of habit-based asset pricing models
by Xiaohong Chen & Sydney C. Ludvigson - 1095-1116 Measuring state dependence in individual poverty histories when there is feedback to employment status and household composition
by Martin Biewen - 1117-1135 Estimating class-specific parametric models under class uncertainty: local polynomial regression clustering in an hedonic analysis of wine markets
by Marco Costanigro & Ron C. Mittelhammer & Jill J. McCluskey - 1137-1152 Dichotomous-choice contingent valuation with 'dont know' responses and misreporting
by Kelvin Balcombe & Iain Fraser - 1153-1185 Economic transition and growth
by Peter C. B. Phillips & Donggyu Sul - 1187-1206 Forecasting US output growth using leading indicators: an appraisal using MIDAS models
by Michael P. Clements & Ana Beatriz Galvao - 1207-1213 The political economy of financial reform: are Abiad and Mody right?
by Yongfu Huang
2009, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 871-873 In memory of Clive Granger: an advisory board member of the journal
by David F. Hendry & M. Hashem Pesaran - 875-894 Aggregation is not the solution: the PPP puzzle strikes back
by M. Dolores Gadea & Laura Mayoral - 895-913 Time-varying yield curve dynamics and monetary policy
by Haroon Mumtaz & Paolo Surico - 914-932 The relationship between wage growth and wage levels
by Tricia Gladden & Christopher Taber - 933-959 Comovements and heterogeneity in the euro area analyzed in a non-stationary dynamic factor model
by Sandra Eickmeier - 960-992 What are the effects of fiscal policy shocks?
by Andrew Mountford & Harald Uhlig - 993-1023 Compensatory inter vivos gifts
by Stefan Hochguertel & Henry Ohlsson - 1024-1046 Health and work of the elderly: subjective health measures, reporting errors and endogeneity in the relationship between health and work
by Maarten Lindeboom & Marcel Kerkhofs - 1047-1053 A re-examination of the stationarity of inflation
by Steven Cook
2009, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 709-733 Forecasting realized volatility: a Bayesian model-averaging approach
by Chun Liu & John M. Maheu - 735-762 A semiparametric model for binary response and continuous outcomes under index heteroscedasticity
by Roger Klein & Francis Vella - 763-795 The pervasive absence of compensating differentials
by StÈphane Bonhomme & GrÈgory Jolivet - 797-823 Evaluating the dynamic employment effects of training programs in East Germany using conditional difference-in-differences
by Annette Bergemann & Bernd Fitzenberger & Stefan Speckesser - 825-831 Testing for cointegration using the Johansen approach: are we using the correct critical values?
by Paul Turner - 833-847 On reproducible econometric research
by Roger Koenker & Achim Zeileis - 849-856 PDL: an object-oriented programming environment for econometrics
by Giovanni Baiocchi - 857-862 Charles F. Manski, Identification for Prediction and Decision (Harvard University Press 2007)
by J. Stoye - 863-863 The Richard Stone Prize in Applied Econometrics
by M. Hashem Pesaran - 865-865 Announcement
by M. Hashem Pesaran
2009, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 537-559 Risk of catastrophic terrorism: an extreme value approach
by Hamid Mohtadi & Antu Panini Murshid - 560-582 On portfolio optimization: How and when do we benefit from high-frequency data?
by Qianqiu Liu - 583-606 Assessing the prudence of economic forecasts in the EU
by G. A. Christodoulakis & E. C. Mamatzakis - 607-629 Boosting diffusion indices
by Jushan Bai & Serena Ng - 630-650 Steady-state priors for vector autoregressions
by Mattias Villani - 651-674 On the effect of prior assumptions in Bayesian model averaging with applications to growth regression This article was published online on 30 March 2009. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected [6 April 2009]
by Eduardo Ley & Mark F.J. Steel - 675-697 Feasible estimation of firm-specific allocative inefficiency through Bayesian numerical methods
by Scott E. Atkinson & Jeffrey H. Dorfman - 698-704 Econometrics with Python
by Christine Choirat & Raffello Seri
April 2009, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 375-376 Introduction to the special issue on new econometric models in marketing
by Pradeep Chintagunta & Philip Hans Franses & Richard Paap - 377-392 Do randomized‐response designs eliminate response biases? An empirical study of non‐compliance behavior
by Ulf Böckenholt & Sema Barlas & Peter G. M. van der Heijden - 393-420 The price consideration model of brand choice
by Andrew Ching & Tülin Erdem & Michael Keane - 421-445 Measuring marketing‐mix effects in the 32/64 bit video‐game console market
by Pradeep K. Chintagunta & Harikesh S. Nair & R. Sukumar - 446-468 Frugal IV alternatives to identify the parameter for an endogenous regressor
by Peter Ebbes & Michel Wedel & Ulf Böckenholt - 469-489 Modeling category‐level purchase timing with brand‐level marketing variables
by Dennis Fok & Richard Paap - 490-516 Bayesian estimation of random‐coefficients choice models using aggregate data
by Andrés Musalem & Eric T. Bradlow & Jagmohan S. Raju - 517-535 Consumer price evaluations through choice experiments
by Zsolt Sándor & Philip Hans Franses
March 2009, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 209-244 Jointness of growth determinants
by Gernot Doppelhofer & Melvyn Weeks - 245-247 Comment on ‘Jointness of growth determinants’ by Gernot Doppelhofer and Melvyn Weeks
by Rodney W. Strachan - 248-251 Comments on ‘Jointness of growth determinants’
by Eduardo Ley & Mark F. J. Steel - 252-256 Jointness of growth determinants: Reply to comments by Rodney Strachan, Eduardo Ley and Mark F.J. Steel
by Gernot Doppelhofer & Melvyn Weeks - 257-281 Binary choice under social interactions: an empirical study with and without subjective data on expectations
by Ji Li & Lung‐fei Lee - 282-308 Public insurance and private savings: who is affected and by how much?
by Alex Maynard & Jiaping Qiu - 309-324 Estimating Euler equations with noisy data: two exact GMM estimators
by Sule Alan & Orazio Attanasio & Martin Browning - 325-337 Assessing the credibility of instrumental variables inference with imperfect instruments via sensitivity analysis
by Richard Ashley - 338-365 Is labour market training a curse for the unemployed? Evidence from a social experiment
by Michael Rosholm & Lars Skipper - 366-374 Towards reproducible econometric research: the Sweave framework
by Evan Meredith & Jeffrey S. Racine
2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-33 Annual miles drive used car prices
by Maxim Engers & Monica Hartmann & Steven Stern - 35-75 Market fundamentals versus rational bubbles in stock prices: a Bayesian perspective
by Nathan S. Balke & Mark E. Wohar - 77-104 Does the option market produce superior forecasts of noise-corrected volatility measures?
by Gael M. Martin & Andrew Reidy & Jill Wright - 105-138 Efficiency and productivity of the US banking industry, 1998-2005: evidence from the Fourier cost function satisfying global regularity conditions
by Guohua Feng & Apostolos Serletis - 139-162 International output convergence: evidence from an autocorrelation function approach
by Giovanni Caggiano & Leone Leonida - 163-185 Random Recursive Partitioning: a matching method for the estimation of the average treatment effect
by Giuseppe Porro & Stefano Maria Iacus - 187-206 Hours per capita and productivity: evidence from correlated unobserved components models
by Arabinda Basistha - 207-207 Journal of Applied Econometrics Dissertation Prize
by M. Hashem Pesaran
2008, Volume 23, Issue 7
- 867-869 Introduction to the special issue on the Econometrics of Auctions
by Pierre Dubois & Marc Ivaldi & Thierry Magnac - 871-896 Estimating risk aversion from ascending and sealed-bid auctions: the case of timber auction data
by Jingfeng Lu & Isabelle Perrigne - 897-923 Multi-round procurement auctions with secret reserve prices: theory and evidence
by Lu Ji & Tong Li - 925-948 Econometrics of auctions by least squares
by Leonardo Rezende - 949-964 Nonparametric identification and estimation of a class of common value auction models
by Philippe Février - 965-981 Approximation of Nash equilibria in Bayesian games
by Olivier Armantier & Jean-Pierre Florens & Jean-Francois Richard
2008, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 699-728 Semiparametric Bayesian inference for dynamic Tobit panel data models with unobserved heterogeneity
by Tong Li & Xiaoyong Zheng - 729-747 R&D and subsidies at the firm level: an application of parametric and semiparametric two-step selection models
by Katrin Hussinger - 749-766 Efficiency externalities of trade and alternative forms of foreign investment in OECD countries
by Krishna G. Iyer & Alicia N. Rambaldi & Kam Ki Tang - 767-793 The wages of BMI: Bayesian analysis of a skewed treatment-response model with nonparametric endogeneity
by Brendan Kline & Justin L. Tobias - 795-824 Rotterdam model versus almost ideal demand system: will the best specification please stand up?
by William A. Barnett & Ousmane Seck - 825-842 Semiparametric hedonic price models: assessing the effects of agricultural nonpoint source pollution
by Christophe Bontemps & Michel Simioni & Yves Surry - 843-860 Are risk-averse agents more optimistic? A Bayesian estimation approach
by Selima Ben Mansour & Elyès Jouini & Jean-Michel Marin & Clotilde Napp & Christian Robert - 861-865 Review of np software for R
by Teresa D. Harrison
2008, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 525-551 Identifying the new Keynesian Phillips curve
by James M. Nason & Gregor W. Smith - 553-583 Learning, forecasting and structural breaks
by John M. Maheu & Stephen Gordon - 585-606 Jumps in cross-sectional rank and expected returns: a mixture model
by Gloria González-Rivera & Tae-Hwy Lee & Santosh Mishra - 607-638 Modes, weighted modes, and calibrated modes: evidence of clustering using modality tests
by Daniel J. Henderson & Christopher F. Parmeter & R. Robert Russell - 639-669 Are output growth-rate distributions fat-tailed? some evidence from OECD countries
by Giorgio Fagiolo & Mauro Napoletano & Andrea Roventini - 671-682 Rough and lonely road to prosperity: a reexamination of the sources of growth in Africa using Bayesian model averaging
by Winford H. Masanjala & Chris Papageorgiou - 683-696 Bayes estimates of distance-to-market: transactions costs, cooperatives and milk-market development in the Ethiopian highlands
by Garth Holloway & Simeon Ehui & Amare Teklu
2008, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 395-422 The estimation of utility-consistent labor supply models by means of simulated scores
by Hans G. Bloemen & Arie Kapteyn - 423-434 An alternative approach to estimate the wage returns to private-sector training
by Edwin Leuven & Hessel Oosterbeek - 435-462 Comparing smooth transition and Markov switching autoregressive models of US unemployment
by Philippe J. Deschamps - 463-485 A nonparametric decomposition of the Mexican American average wage gap
by Ricardo Mora - 487-514 Testing for country heterogeneity in growth models using a finite mixture approach
by Marco Alfo & Giovanni Trovato & Robert J. Waldmann - 515-523 Maxima: An open source computer algebra system
by Jinhu Li & Jeffrey S. Racine
2008, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 287-304 A bounds analysis of school completion rates in Australia
by Tue Gørgens & Chris Ryan - 305-327 From temporary help jobs to permanent employment: what can we learn from matching estimators and their sensitivity?
by Andrea Ichino & Fabrizia Mealli & Tommaso Nannicini - 329-349 Inferring disability status from corrupt data
by Brent Kreider & John Pepper - 351-371 Learning and fatigue during choice experiments: a comparison of online and mail survey modes
by Scott J. Savage & Donald M. Waldman - 373-389 Sequential numerical integration in nonlinear state space models for microeconometric panel data
by Florian Heiss - 391-393 March 2008 Announcement : Journal of Applied Econometrics Distinguished Authors
by M. Hashem Pesaran
2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 137-172 Is gravity linear?
by Daniel J. Henderson & Daniel L. Millimet - 173-191 Bayesian counterfactual analysis of the sources of the great moderation
by Chang-Jin Kim & James Morley & Jeremy Piger - 193-233 Panel cointegration tests of the Fisher effect
by Joakim Westerlund - 235-256 Using the variance structure of the conditional autoregressive spatial specification to model knowledge spillovers
by Olivier Parent & James P. LeSage - 257-278 The effect of seasonal adjustment on the properties of business cycle regimes
by Antonio Matas-Mir & Denise R. Osborn & Marco J. Lombardi - 279-286 The GNU|Linux platform and freedom respecting software for economists
by A. Talha Yalta & Riccardo Lucchetti
2008, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-16 International dynamic risk sharing
by Giuseppe Cavaliere & Luca Fanelli & Attilio Gardini - 17-42 Extreme US stock market fluctuations in the wake of 9|11
by S. T. M. Straetmans & W. F. C. Verschoor & C. C. P. Wolff - 43-64 Multivariate partial adjustment of financial ratios: a Bayesian hierarchical approach
by Jose Luis Gallizo & Pilar Gargallo & Manuel Salvador - 65-90 Structural breaks and GARCH models of exchange rate volatility
by David E. Rapach & Jack K. Strauss - 91-109 The performance of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation robust tests: a Monte Carlo study with an application to the three-factor Fama-French asset-pricing model
by Surajit Ray & N. E. Savin - 111-133 A unified approach to standardized-residuals-based correlation tests for GARCH-type models
by Yi-Ting Chen
2007, Volume 22, Issue 7
- 1153-1156 The Econometrics of Industrial Organization
by Luc Bauwens & Alvaro Escribano & Michel Lubrano - 1157-1177 Consumer benefits from increased competition in shopping outlets: Measuring the effect of Wal-Mart
by Jerry Hausman & Ephraim Leibtag - 1179-1209 Quantifying the supply-side benefits from forward contracting in wholesale electricity markets
by Frank A. Wolak - 1211-1226 Finite sample inference methods for dynamic energy demand models
by Jean-Thomas Bernard & Nadhem Idoudi & Lynda Khalaf & Clément Yélou - 1227-1246 Semi-structural models of advertising competition
by Joris Pinkse & Margaret Slade - 1247-1266 Estimating market power in a two-sided market: The case of newspapers
by Elena Argentesi & Lapo Filistrucchi - 1267-1294 Concessions of infrastructure in Latin America: Government-led renegotiation
by J. Luis Guasch & Jean-Jacques Laffont & Stéphane Straub - 1295-1313 Bargaining powers and market segmentation in freight transport
by Michel Mouchart & Marie Vandresse - 1315-1345 Complementarities in automobile production
by Johannes Van Biesebroeck - 1347-1366 The relationship between R&D collaboration, subsidies and R&D performance: Empirical evidence from Finland and Germany
by Dirk Czarnitzki & Bernd Ebersberger & Andreas Fier - 1367-1394 Statistical inference for aggregates of Farrell-type efficiencies
by Léopold Simar & Valentin Zelenyuk - 1395-1395 Journal of Applied Econometrics Dissertation Prize
by M. Hashem Pesaran
2007, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 995-1011 An extortionary guerrilla movement
by Norman Offstein - 1013-1031 Meta-analysis in model implementation: choice sets and the valuation of air quality improvements
by H. Spencer Banzhaf & V. Kerry Smith - 1033-1062 Growth, technological interdependence and spatial externalities: theory and evidence
by Cem Ertur & Wilfried Koch - 1063-1093 Permanent and transitory wages of British men, 1975-2001: year, age and cohort effects
by Adriaan S. Kalwij & Rob Alessie - 1095-1125 Identification of parameters in normal error component logit-mixture (NECLM) models
by Joan L. Walker & Moshe Ben-Akiva & Denis Bolduc - 1127-1144 Efficiency of the California electricity reserves market
by Konstantinos Metaxoglou & Aaron Smith - 1145-1152 EViews 5.1
by C. R. McKenzie & Sumiko Takaoka
2007, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 855-889 Model-free evaluation of directional predictability in foreign exchange markets
by Jaehun Chung & Yongmiao Hong - 891-921 Asymmetric power distribution: Theory and applications to risk measurement
by Ivana Komunjer - 923-950 An evaluation of the life cycle effects of minimum pensions on retirement behavior
by Sergi Jiménez-Martín & Alfonso R. Sánchez Martín - 951-969 International welfare comparisons and nonparametric testing of multivariate stochastic dominance
by Brian McCaig & Adonis Yatchew - 971-993 Semi-nonparametric competing risks analysis of recidivism
by Herman J. Bierens & Jose R. Carvalho
2007, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 703-728 The policy environment and relative price efficiency of Egyptian private sector manufacturing: 1987|88-1995|96
by Lullit Getachew & Robin C. Sickles - 729-745 Identifying technically efficient fishing vessels: a non-empty, minimal subset approach
by Alfonso Flores-Lagunes & William C. Horrace & Kurt E. Schnier - 747-765 Efficient tests of long-run causation in trivariate VAR processes with a rolling window study of the money-income relationship
by Jonathan B. Hill - 767-793 Money demand function estimation by nonlinear cointegration
by Youngsoo Bae & Robert M. de Jong - 795-816 Nonparametric estimation of concave production technologies by entropic methods
by Gad Allon & Michael Beenstock & Steven Hackman & Ury Passy & Alexander Shapiro - 817-838 Bayesian inference for the gravity model
by Priya Ranjan & Justin L. Tobias - 839-848 Small-sample bias in synthetic cohort models of labor supply
by Paul J. Devereux - 849-854 GRETL 1.6.0 and its numerical accuracy
by A. Talha Yalta & A. Yasemin Yalta
2007, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 479-510 Unemployment and liquidity constraints
by Yannis M. Ioannides & Vassilis A. Hajivassiliou - 511-531 The interrelated dynamics of unemployment and low-wage employment
by Mark B. Stewart - 533-557 Assessing the performance of matching algorithms when selection into treatment is strong
by Jochen Kluve & Boris Augurzky - 559-580 Sectoral adjustment of employment to shifts in outsourcing and trade: evidence from a dynamic fixed effects multinomial logit model
by Michael Pfaffermayr & Peter Egger & Andrea Weber - 581-598 The welfare cost of means-testing: pensioner participation in income support
by Stephen Pudney & Monica Hernandez & Ruth Hancock - 599-624 A discrete-choice model with social interactions: with an application to high school teen behavior
by Peter Kooreman & Adriaan R. Soetevent - 625-640 Habits and heterogeneity in demands: a panel data analysis
by M. Dolores Collado & Martin Browning - 641-656 Discounting the distant future: How much does model selection affect the certainty equivalent rate?
by Phoebe Koundouri & Theologos Pantelidis & Ben Groom & Ekaterini Panopoulou - 657-675 Correcting for bias in retrospective data
by Zvi Eckstein & Ron Shachar