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Metodologi ekonomi

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Metodologi ekonomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari metode, umumnya metode ilmiah, yang berhubungan dengan ekonomi, termasuk prinsip tentang pertimbangan ekonomi.[1] Istilah 'metodologi' juga umum meskipun salah dan digunakan sebagai sinonim dari 'metode'.

Masalah-masalah metodologi yang dibahas, termasuk kesamaan dan kemiripan dengan ilmu alam dan ilmu sosial lain, yaitu:

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  1. ^ :Press + button to enlarge small-text links below.
       • Roger E. Backhouse, 2008. "methodology of economics," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • Lawrence A. Boland, 1987. "methodology," The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 3, pp. 455-56.
       • Daniel M. Hausman, 1989. "Economic Methodology in a Nutshell," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 3(2), pp. 115-127.
       • Kevin D. Hoover, 1995. "Review Article: Why Does Methodology Matter for Economics?" Economic Journal, 105(430), pp. 715-734.
  2. ^ John Stuart Mill, 1844. "On the Definition of Political Economy; and on the Method of Investigation Proper to It", Essay V, in Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy.
       • Roger E. Backhouse and Steven Medema, 2008. "economics, definition of," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • _____. 2009. "Retrospectives: On the Definition of Economics," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(1), pp. 221–33 (close Bookmarks tab) Abstract.
  3. ^ John Neville Keynes, 1891. The Scope and Method of Political Economy. Arrow searchable.
  4. ^ John R. Hicks, 1939. Value and Capital: An Inquiry into Some Fundamental Principles of Economic Theory.
       • Terence W. Hutchison, 1938. The Significance and Basic Postulates of Economic Theory.
       • Paul A. Samuelson, 1947. Foundations of Economic Analysis.
       • Richard G. Lipsey, 2008. "positive economics." The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • Lawrence A. Boland, 2008. "instrumentalism and operationalism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • _____, 2003. The Foundations of Economic Method, 2nd Edition. Description and scroll to chapter-preview links.
  5. ^ Kaushik Basu, 2008. "methodological individualism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • Harold Kincaid, 2008. "individualism versus holism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • F.A. Hayek, 1948. Individualism and Economic Order. Scroll down to chapter-preview links.
       • George J. Stigler and Paul A. Samuelson, 1963. "A Dialogue on the Proper Economic Role of the State." Selected Papers, No. 7. Diarsipkan 2010-05-27 di Wayback Machine. University of Chicago Graduate School of Business.
       • James M. Buchanan, 1990. "The Domain of Constitutional Economics," Constitutional Political Economy, 1(1), pp. 1[pranala nonaktif permanen]-18, adapted as "Constitutional Political Economy" in C. K. Rowley and F. Schneider, ed., 2004, The Encyclopedia of Public Choice, v. 2, pp. 60-67.
       • Kenneth J. Arrow, 1994. "Methodological Individualism and Social Knowledge," American Economic Review, 84(2), pp. 1-9.
       • Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein, 2008. Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness. Yale. Description and preview.
  6. ^ • Lawrence A. Boland, 2008. "assumptions controversy," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • Shaun Hargreaves Heap, 2008. "economic man," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • Milton Friedman, 1953. "The Methodology of Positive Economics" in Essays in Positive Economics.
       • Paul A. Samuelson, 1963. "Problems of Methodology: Discussion," American Economic Review, 53(2) American Economic Review, pp. 231-236. Reprinted in J.C. Wood & R.N. Woods, ed., 1990, Milton Friedman: Critical Assessments, v. I, pp. 107-13. Preview. Routledge.
       • Stanley Wong, 1973. "The 'F-Twist' and the Methodology of Paul Samuelson," American Economic Review, 63(3) p p. 312-325. Reprinted in J.C. Wood & R.N. Woods, ed., Milton Friedman: Critical Assessments, v. II, pp. 224-43. Preview.
       • Kenneth J. Arrow, [1987] 1989. “Economic theory and the hypothesis of rationality," in The New Palgrave: Utility and Probability, pp. 25-39.
  7. ^ Lionel Robbins, 1932. An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science.
       • Richard G. Lipsey, 2009. "Some Legacies of Robbins’ An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science," Economica, 76(302), pp. 845-56 (press + button).
       • Alexander Rosenberg (1983). "If Economics Isn't Science, What Is It?" Philosophical Forum, 14, pp. 296-314. Reprinted in M. Martin and L. C. McIntyre (1996), Readings in the Philosophy of Social Science, pp. 661-674.
       • Douglas W. Hands, 1984. "What Economics Is Not: An Economist's Response to Rosenberg," Philosophy of Science, 51(3), p p. 495-503.
       • Daniel M. Hausman, 1992. The Inexact and Separate Science of Economics. Description, to ch. 1 link, preview, and reviews, 1st pages: [1][2]
       • George J. Stigler, 1984. "Economics—The Imperial Science?" Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 86(3), p p. 301-313.
       • Edward P. Lazear, 2000. "Economic Imperialism," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115(1), pp. 99-146. Diarsipkan 2017-07-30 di Wayback Machine.
       • Deirdre N. McCloskey and Stephen T. Ziliak, 1996. "The Standard Error of Regressions," Journal of Economic Literature, 34(1), pp. 97–114.
       • Kevin D. Hoover and Mark V. Siegler, 2008. "Sound and Fury: McCloskey and Significance Testing in Economics," Journal of Economic Methodology, 15(1), pp. 1–37; McCloskey and Ziliak, "Signifying Nothing: Reply to ..." [preprint] and Hoover and Siegler, [pranala nonaktif permanen]
    "... Rejoinder to ..., pp. 39–68.
  8. ^ • Mark Blaug, 2007. "The Social Sciences: Economics", Postwar developments, Methodological considerations in contemporary economics, The New Encyclopædia Britannica, v. 27, pp. 346-47.
       • Frank H. Knight, 1924. "The Limitations of Scientific Method in Economics," in The Trend of Economics, R.G. Tugwell, ed., pp. 229-67. Reprinted in Frank H. Knight, 1935 [1997], The Ethics of Competition, pp. 97- 139.
       • Daniel M. Hausman, 1983. "The Limits of Economic Science," in The Limits of Lawfulness: Studies on the Scope and Nature of Scientific Knowledge, N. Rescher, ed.. Reprinted in D.M. Hausman, 1992, Essays on Philosophy and Economic Methodology, pp. 99-108.
       • Ludwig von Mises, 1949. Human Action.
       • H. Wold 1954. "Causality and Econometrics," Econometrica, 22(2), p p. 162-177.
       • Kevin D. Hoover, 2008. "causality in economics and econometrics," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract and galley proof.
       • Bruce Caldwell, [1987] 2008. "positivism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
  9. ^ • C.F. Bastable, [1925] 1987. "experimental methods in economics," i, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 2, p. 241.
       • Vernon L. Smith, [1987] 2008. "experimental methods in economics," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
       • Herman O. Wold (1969). "Econometrics as Pioneering in Nonexperimental Model Building," Econometrica, 37(3), p p. 369-381.
  10. ^ W. Stanley Jevons, 1879. The Theory of Political Economy, 2nd ed., ch. I, "Introduction," pp. 1-29.
       • Paul A. Samuelson, 1952. "Economic Theory and Mathematics — An Appraisal," American Economic Review, 42(2), pp. 56-66.
       • D.W. Bushaw and R.W. Clower, 1957. Introduction to Mathematical Economics, pp. vii-viii and ch. 1, pp. 3-8.
       • Gerard Debreu, 1991. "The Mathematization of Economic Theory," American Economic Review, 81(1), pp. 1-7. Diarsipkan 2008-12-31 di Wayback Machine.
       • Robert W. Clower, 1994. "Economics as an Inductive Science," Southern Economic Journal, 60(4), pp. 805-814.
       • _____, 1995. "Axiomatics in Economics," Southern Economic Journal, 62(2), pp. 307-319.
       • Mark Blaug, 1998. "Disturbing Currents in Modern Economics," Challenge, 41(3), pp. 11-34. Reprint.
       • Kenneth J. Arrow, 1951. Social Choice and Individual Values.
       • Amartya K. Sen, 1970 [1984]. Collective Choice and Social Welfare ISBN 0-444-85127-5.
       • _____, 2008. "social choice," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
  11. ^ • William Thomson, 1999. "The Young Person's Guide to Writing Economic Theory," Journal of Economic Literature, 37(1), pp. 157-183. Diarsipkan 2011-06-15 di Wayback Machine.
       • _____, 2001. A Guide for the Young Economist: Writing and Speaking Effectively about Economics. Scroll to chapter-preview links.
       • Eric Rasmusen, 2001. "Aphorisms on Writing, Speaking, and Listening," in E. Rasmusen, ed., Readings in Games and Information, pp. 389-420. PDF. Diarsipkan 2015-08-09 di Wayback Machine.
       • Donald McCloskey, 1985. "Economical Writing," Economic Inquiry, 23(2), pp. 187-222. Diarsipkan 2011-05-12 di Wayback Machine.
       • David N. Laband and Christopher N. Taylor, 1992. "The Impact of Bad Writing in Economics," Economic Inquiry, 30(4), pp. 673-688. Abstract.[pranala nonaktif permanen]
  12. ^ • D.N. McCloskey, 1983. "The Rhetoric of Economics," Journal of Economic Literature, 21(2), pp. 481-517.
       • _____, [1985] 1998, 2nd ed. The Rhetoric of Economics. Scroll to chapter-preview links.
       • Roger Backhouse, T. Dudley-Evans, and Willie Henderson, 1993. "Exploring the Language and Rhetoric of Economics," in Willie Henderson et al., Economics and Language, pp. 1-20 (preview).
  13. ^ Wassily Leontief, 1971. "Theoretical Assumptions and Nonobserved Facts," American Economic Review, 61(1), pp. 1-7. Reprinted in W. Leontief, 1977, Essays in Economics, v. 1, ch. III, pp. 24-34.
       • Mark Blaug, 1992. The Methodology of Economics: Or How Economists Explain, 2nd ed. Preview.
       • Roger Backhouse and Mark Blaug, 1994. New Directions in Economic Methodology, Routledge. Scroll to chapter-preview links.
       • P.A.G. van Bergeijk et al., 1997. Economic Science and Practice: The Roles of Academic Economists and Policy-Makers. Description Diarsipkan 2014-04-16 di Wayback Machine. & preview links.
       • D. Wade Hands, 2001. Without Rules: Economic Methodology and Contemporary Science Theory, Oxford. Desription and scroll to page previews.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1996. "Macroeconomics and Methodology," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10(1), pp. 105-120. Diarsipkan 2011-05-10 di Wayback Machine.
       • Kevin D. Hoover, 2001. The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics, Oxford. Description and scroll to chapter-preview links.

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