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Új téma nyitása
A Wikiszótárból, a nyitott szótárból
  • 1000 adhere (sticky tape)
    • 951 person
    • 45 glue (measurement, glued to)
      • ⼂ * drop (a drop of, drop of, eye-dropper)
      • 10 ten (needle, cross)

Usage in other kanji

  • 1000 adhere (sticky tape)
    • 1001 token
    • 1002 borough (municipality)
    • 1303 affixed


  • 4955 U4ed8 B9 G4 S5 F322 N363 V124 H31 DK19 L1000 K251 O126 DO259 MN373 MP1.0601 E574 IN192 DS502 DH602 DT454 DJ365 DB2.15 DG62 P1-2-3 I2a3.6 Q2420.0 DR2148 Yfu4 Wbu フ つ.ける -つ.ける -づ.ける つ.け つ.け- -つ.け -づ.け -づけ つ.く -づ.く つ.き -つ.き -つき -づ.き -づき T1 つけ {adhere} {attach} {refer to} {append}

EDICT Entries


くっく [くっつく] / (v5k) (uk) to adhere to / to keep close to / (P) / くっける [くっつける] / (v1) to attach / (P) / やっける [やっつける] / (v1) to beat / to attack (an enemy) / to do away with / to finish off / (P) /

  • け [いちつけ] / (n) placement / fixed position / (P) /
  • ける [いちづける] / (v1) to place (in relation to the whole) / to rank / to position / to locate / (P) /
  • ける [いんしょうづける] / (v1) to impress (someone) / (P) /
  • ける [ひきつける] / (v1) (1) to fascinate / to attract / to pull up (at a gate) / (2) to have a convulsion / (P) /
  • く [ひっつく] / (v5k) to stick to / to flirt with / (P) /
  • ける [ひきつける] / (v1) (1) to fascinate / to attract / to pull up (at a gate) / (2) to have a convulsion / (P) /
  • ける [おしつける] / (v1) to press / to push / to force / (P) /
  • [ひつけやく] / (n) instigator / troublemaker / (P) /
  • け [かくずけ] / (ik) (n,vs) rating / classification / allocation / grading / (P) /
  • く [かみつく] / (v5k) to bite (at) / to snap at / to snarl at / (P) /
  • けた [ほしくさをつけたうま] / (exp) horse loaded with hay / (P) /
  • [かんぷ] / (n,vs) return / restoration / refund / (P) /
  • き [かおつき] / (n) (outward) looks / features / face / countenance / expression / (P) /
  • [きふ] / (n,vs) contribution / donation / (P) /
  • ける [きをつける] / (exp) to be careful / to pay attention / to take care / (P) /
  • く [きづく] / (v5k) to notice / to recognize / to recognise / to become aware of / to perceive / to realize / to realise / (P) /
  • け [ぎむづけ] / (n) obligation / (P) /
  • [きゅうふ] / (n,vs) (1) payment / provision / benefit / present / delivery / (2) performance / (P) /
  • く [ちかづく] / (v5k) to approach / to get near / to get acquainted with / to get closer / (P) /
  • ける [ちかづける] / (v1) to bring near / to put close / to let come near / to associate with / (P) /
  • ける [きめつける] / (v1) to scold / to take (a person) to task / (P) /
  • き [むすびつき] / (n) connection / relation / (P) /
  • かる [みつかる] / (v5r) (uk) to be found / to be discovered / (P) /
  • ける [みつける] / (v1) to be familiar / to discover / to find fault / to detect / to find out / to locate / (P) /
  • ける [いいつける] / (v1) to tell / to tell on (someone) / to order / to charge / to direct / (P) /
  • ける [ことづける] / (v1) to send word / to send a message / (P) /
  • け [あとかたづけ] / (n) tidying up / cleaning / clearing away / putting in order / (P) /
  • [こうふ] / (n,vs) delivering / furnishing (with copies) / (P) /
  • け [さくつけ] / (n) planting / (P) /
  • [さくづけめんせき] / (n) planted area / (P) /
  • き [おもいつき] / (n) plan / idea / suggestion / (P) /
  • く [おもいつく] / (v5k) to think of / to hit upon / to come into one's mind / to be struck with an idea / (P) /
  • け [うけつけ] / (n) receipt / acceptance / reception (desk) / information desk / (P) /
  • ける [うけつける] / (v1) to be accepted / to receive (an application) / (P) /
  • [うけつけ] / (n) receipt / acceptance / reception (desk) / information desk / (P) /
  • く [きずつく] / (v5k) to be hurt / to be wounded / to get injured / (P) /
  • ける [きずつける] / (v1) to wound / to hurt someone's feelings / (P) /
  • き [じょうけんつき] / (exp) conditionally / with conditions attached / (P) /
  • け [かざりつけ] / (n) decoration / arrangement / (P) /
  • き [ねつき] / (n) quality (ease, difficulty) of one's sleep / (P) /
  • く [ねつく] / (v5k) (1) to go to bed / to go to sleep / to fall asleep / (2) to be laid up (with a cold) / to be ill in bed / (P) /
  • け [ふりつけ] / (n) (1) choreography / dance coaching / (2) Japanese dance competition / (P) /
  • ける [すえつける] / (v1) to install / to equip / to mount / (P) /
  • [そうふ] / (n) sending / forwarding / remitting / (P) /
  • ける [ぶつける] / (v1) to knock / to run into / to nail on / to strike hard / to hit and attack / to try (an idea) on someone / (P) /
  • き [からだつき] / (n) body build / figure / (P) /
  • [かしつけ] / (n) loan / (P) /
  • く [おいつく] / (v5k) to overtake / to catch up (with) / (P) /
  • け [しめつけ] / (n) pressure / clamping / tightening / fastening / (P) /
  • [てんぷ] / (n,vs) appended / attached / attachment / (P) /
  • [ひづけ] / (n) date / dating / (P) /
  • け [ひづけ] / (n) date / dating / (P) /
  • [のうふ] / (n,vs) payment / supply / (P) /
  • け [かいつけ] / (n) buying / purchasing / (P) /
  • [ばんづけ] / (n) ranking of entertainers, sumo wrestlers, etc. / (P) /
  • ける [そなえつける] / (v1) to provide / to furnish / to equip / to install / (P) /
  • き [つき] / (n,n-suf) attached to / impression / sociality / appearance / furnished with / under / to / (P) /
  • い [つきあい] / (n) association / socializing / socialising / fellowship / (P) /
  • う [つきあう] / (v5u) to associate with / to keep company with / to get on with / (P) /
  • い [つきそい] / (n) attendance on / attendant / escort / chaperon / retinue / (P) /
  • け [つけ] / (n) fixed / bill / bill of sale / (P) /
  • ける [つける] / (v1,vt) (1) to attach / to join / to add / to append / to affix / to stick / to glue / to fasten / to sew on / to apply (ointment) / (2) to furnish (a house with) / (3) to wear / to put on / (4) to keep a diary / to make an entry / (5) to appraise / to set (a price) / (6) to bring alongside / (7) to place (under guard or doctor) / (8) to follow / to shadow / (9) to load / to give (courage to) / (10) to keep (an eye on) / (11) to establish (relations or understanding) / (P) /
  • える [つけくわえる] / (v1) to add one thing to another / (P) /
  • む [つけこむ] / (v5m) to take advantage of / to impose on / to make an entry / (P) /
  • [つけね] / (n) root / joint / base / crotch / (P) /
  • す [つけたす] / (v5s) to add to / (P) /
  • [ふか] / (n,vs) addition / annexation / appendage / (P) /
  • [ふきん] / (n,n-suf) neighbourhood / neighborhood / vicinity / environs / (P) /
  • [ふぞく] / (n,vs) attached / belonging / affiliated / annexed / associated / subordinate / incidental / dependent / auxiliary / (P) /
  • [ふたい] / (n) incidental / accessory / secondary / collateral / (P) /
  • [ふちゃく] / (n,vs) sticking to / clinging to / adhesion / cohesion / agglutination / (P) /
  • い [つきそい] / (n) attendance on / attendant / escort / chaperon / retinue / (P) /
  • [ふよ] / (n,vs) grant / allowance / endowment / assignment / (P) /
  • [ふろく] / (n) appendix / supplement / (P) /
  • く [かたづく] / (v5k,vi) (1) to be put in order / to be put to rights / (2) to be disposed of / to be solved / (3) to be finished / (4) to be married (off) / (P) /
  • ける [かたづける] / (v1,vt) (1) to tidy up / to put in order / to straighten up / to put away / (2) to settle (problem) / to clear (dispute) / (3) to finish / to bring something to an end / (4) to marry off (e.g., a daughter) / (5) to do away with someone / to bump someone off / (P) /
  • き [すみつき] / (n) handwriting / autograph / black seal / (P) /
  • け [あじつけ] / (n,vs) (food) seasoning / flavour / flavor / (P) /
  • ける [なづける] / (v1) to name (someone) / (P) /
  • き [めつき] / (n) look / expression of the eyes / eyes / (P) /
  • け [うらづけ] / (n) backing / support / endorsement / collateral / security / guarantee / proof / substantiation / foundation / lining (something) / something lined / (P) /

  1. Frequency: 820 out of 9933.



Pinyin & Meaning

  1. Fu4 - surname Fu
  2. fu4 - to pay/to hand over to

Pronunciation Clues

  1. There are no phonetic clues for this character.

Example Words

High Frequency
Medium Frequency

Appears In
