The author of this image from Switzerland is unknown, and the image was published at least 70 years ago. It is therefore in the public domain in Switzerland by virtue of Art. 31 of the Swiss Copyright Act.
Note that this applies only if a reliable source is cited to indicate that the author is not publicly known; just not knowing who the author is is not enough to qualify the image as public domain. This image may not be in the public domain in countries other than Switzerland.
The Pallas Athene monument in front of the building, constructed 1898 to 1902, has not yet been erected on this photo. The parliament building itself as well as the new (Hof-)Burgtheater building, of which part of the roof decoration can be seen in the lower left corner of the picture, have been finished in 1888. (Rathauspark, City Hall Park, to be seen in the lower right part of the picture, had already been finished in 1873.) Photo taken between 1888 and 1898.
Das Pallas-Athene-Denkmal vor dem Parlamentsgebäude wurde 1898 bis 1902 errichtet; auf diesem Foto fehlt es noch. Das Parlamentsgebäude selbst wurde ebenso wie das Burgtheater, dessen Dachschmuck links unten ins Bild geriet, 1888 fertiggestellt. (Der Rathauspark, von dem ein Teil rechts im Bild aufscheint, wurde schon 1873 eröffnet.) Das Foto ist daher zwischen 1888 und 1898 entstanden.
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Das k.k. Reichsratsgebäude (heute Parlament) an der Wiener Ringstraße um 1900
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